Donald Trump's America is about getting what you want… if you’ve got billions to spend:
Citizenship, for a few million.
A tax cut for your corporation, if you've given a few million.
Even U.S. military protection, if you’ll give up mineral rights worth a few billion.
Anything for a buck.
Citizenship, for a few million.
A tax cut for your corporation, if you've given a few million.
Even U.S. military protection, if you’ll give up mineral rights worth a few billion.
Anything for a buck.
but the “main problem”, 77 million mostly white
and Christian evangelical nationalists
& alt-right types,
“voters” from the rural red hinterland
are “responsible” for Trump’s deconstructing of the American way of life.
Also 77 million
Will own cuts to Medicaid & food stamps
This is what we fucking wanted. This is (apparently) who we are.
The basic criminal conflict of interest statute, 18 U.S.C. § 208, prohibits Government employees from participating personally and substantially in official matters where they have a financial interest.
Do something
CALL / CONTACT YOUR representatives, ask WHAT r U DOING?
Find Your Representative |
If you’ve got enough money you can circumvent the process
Got 5 millies lying around?
You could call NYC your home town
Are you a refugee looking for asylum?
If you come here they might bust your cranium
I hope you guys fix the problems of a rogue president ever returning. Background checks, tax returns, cognitive test, age limit, psychiatric screening. Now that we know what to look for.
Its a cult where sacrificing millions to get the chosen few into utopia is an accepted bump in the road.
Its lunacy.
Are ruining the land
Crooked politicians
Betray the working man
Pocketing the profits
And treating us like sheep
And we're tired of hearing promises
That we know they'll never keep
Where’s the unity around the people’s choice for the Dems.
The republicans have listened to the people and WON.
It’s time you do the same. AND NOT THE REPUBLICAN PEOPLE!
are only interested in personal wealth and/or power.
We the people need to Put pressure on Republicans
Join get a group & storm your representatives office in your state demand THEY do something.
Call your representatives daily.
Stand Up Make your voice heard
Make your voice heard.
So what’s the plan, Adam?
February 25, 2025
On a 3pm EST call this afternoon the ACOSS told the DCs/execs that he wanted a plan to cut 50% of ALL staff, including frontline staff, to him by tomorrow afternoon.
February 25, 2025
On a 3pm EST call this afternoon the ACOSS told the DCs/execs that he wanted a plan to cut 50% of ALL staff, including frontline staff, to him by tomorrow afternoon.
Trump makes side deals like crazy. It's his M.O.
you and your party have failed this nation.
step up.
Is this who America is now?
I like, but whatever happened to amdt 14.3?
CALL / CONTACT YOUR representatives, ask WHAT r U DOING?
Find Your Representative |
Austria, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Hungary etc sell those, 250k common price.
The vast majority of the 'welfare queens' that magats have railed against for decades are white fools that consistently vote against their own interests and vote republican.
Grifter, scammer, bold faced liar, #orangefacedasslicker #FUCKTRUMP #FUCKMUSK
America's enemy.
💙💙🌊🌊 #NeverGiveUp #UnitedBlue #Resisters #BlueCrew #TrumpSucks #NaziElon #DemsDominate #Obama2028 (Any of the 4 will work)🌊🌊💙💙
Jesus: “You can’t serve both God and money / you will be devoted to one and despise the other.”
In other words, Trump despises God.
Christians: it’s kind of obvious now.
Putin wants payback for every country who aided in the collapse of the USSR. Russian military is decimated.
We’re maybe a year away (tops) from Trump sending US military aid and troops to Russia to help Putin invade Poland.
As in ,there are no additional security guarantees. So we're just extorting them for money.
How does this help them again?