Hi, I’m God.
Your reality is in a Groundhog Day loop of misery until you all decide to embrace a revolutionary progressive form of politics.
Your reality is in a Groundhog Day loop of misery until you all decide to embrace a revolutionary progressive form of politics.
Organizing community discord!
Time to flush him down life's toilet and pass him along the sewer pipes to hell - thanks
On the version that does not include blood and mayhem.
Of course I agree with everything else in your pronouncement
I don't believe that the Democratic Party quite understands our new reality, yet. I don't know that they ever will, which is why I'd like to go a different way.
Let's go this way.
Because Democracy requires participation!
"Pass the salt, please..."
Both parties take too much corporate money
We, the people, deserve better
Not the God people worship
Bible belt out of USA, NATO.
Keep your hurricanes and most important the ferret transporter.
Boom. Finito. No more problems.
Is this Hell? God, did you send us all to Hell?
Life is you're born, you live, you die.
Then everything goes backwards.
And you get to do it all over again.
Yep, hell, but you never realise it.
I really doubt most talkers want change; they're getting theirs.
How about asking folks what they think for a change?!
If not that, tell us who will listen, b/c I've drawn up plans for a revolution & I'm waiting for doers.
First, we need a mutually understanding of the problem.
Folks are poor bc everyone is picking their pockets. Welfare & various assistance doesn't improve their situation. All that potential help is put into the market.
What to do? What's needed is a system that folks have ownership of and getting a slice of every financial transaction.
Are they getting a slice? Nope.
So, what to do? Well, activism has gotten folks nowhere, lobbying for better legislation is expensive & too many in the legislature simple do not care or will stop it.
All that leaves, is for folks to compete in the market, literally a financial deathtrap for the vast majority going it alone.
But to lift up everyone (at least those who want it, republicans have been clear in not wanting it)...
Can I come watch this soap opera at your house?
A revelation from god... to embrace what?
Are you guaranteeing this new form of politics will be organized & funded in time to defeat every Republican by 2026 elections? Bc THAT is what matters now.
Or is dividing Dems further for the next 2 yrs not going to be a problem?
Please endow us with more of your wisdom, bc as democrats, we seem to be lost in a divided sea.
Reply with some form of indisputable miracle that’s more
believable than turning water into wine (tho that was a good one!!).
I'd really prefer the option you suggest
Any ideas for mind bending to my will?
& I’m talking very specifically to white people.
Get out in them streets, & with the same kick ass energy as your oath keeping cousins.
& don’t look for my black ass to join in. Not my problem to solve
The type of revolution depends on us. We actually have the power, no matter how much they try to convince us it's the other way around.
Please feel free to send a few well aimed lightning bolts to help us out a little with that problem.
The rest of us..
Not @ those who “don the mantle of the oppressor” 😉 not @ the Maggie Thatchers of the world just FYI
maybe we should strive for egalitarian society instead of one or another class on top
We have to win the next election
Progressive politics with a focus on liberal policies is the way.
Conservatism is not sustainable for a national government.
Conservatism is a personal choice.
In the home. In the family.
Be progressive or implode.