The original language of the Old Testament was Hebrew and Aramaic. It was then translated into Greek. Hebrew and Aramaic are not easily translated. Hebrew has no pronouns.
I don’t think Trump is smart enough to be the Antichrist but an orange demon is possible which makes the rest of the republicans demon spawn. Washington needs a mass exorcism!
Don’t redeem them. But I guess they’d have to actually be remorseful to be forgiven by you and not just in fear of burning for eternity. Oh well couldn’t happen to a better bunch of troglodytes.
Surely that’s only the ones who choose to continue supporting Trump despite all the evidence. They’re the really dangerous ones and they prove that the US has been getting dumber since the ’80’s.
They're Trumpicans, not Republicans. Don't forget, there are some Republicans with morals and principles, and the Trumpicans hate them at least as much as they hate LGBTQIA+ and Immigrants.
Where were the Republicans with morals when confirming Kristi, Tulsi, Hegseth, Patel, RFK Jr, Bonding? Where were they when J6 insurrectionists got pardoned?
Oh, don't get me wrong, I am not saying any of the Trumpicans in the Government are Republicans... If they are, they are as gutless as the Democrats in power which is especially bad because they have a real chance to make a difference... I am saying that the fascists in charge are not Republicans!
I genuinely believed the absurd notion that most members of Congress are religious. Not a single Republican believes in the nonsense about the last judgment.
But there was Rands crew for anwhile He may have changed names. Know you aint sending himIf the demons are in hell we need a magic demon blood barrier. Those two or 4 are still giving me headaches. We need to just take all their shit and destory their houses. Make it unlivable. Burn the fields?
Are you angry about the “Fate of the Union” address tonight? Horrified at us threatening to annex Canada? Shafting Ukraine? Firing millions of Americans? Cancelling aid? Trumpflation? It’s time to show our representatives & the world we’ve had enough. #sotu
Seems a wee bit harsh. I mean, campaigning for the abolition of the monarchy and creation of a more democratic political system doesn't seem that evil. *harrumphs in British*
I live in the reddest, Trumpiest, most MAGA-infested state there is. When I read Your command, I ran to the basement, expecting my entire neighborhood to burst into flames.
"if a body of men be actually assembled for the purpose of effecting by force a treasonable purpose, all those who perform any part, however minute, or however remote from the scene of action, and who are actually leagued in the general conspiracy, are to be considered as traitors.
The rest of the world is baffled.
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦
The Christian Right puts more focus on the Old Testament vs the New Testament.
So these Christo-Fascists are worshipping Satan, which aligns more with their beliefs, conduct and actions. 😉
Trump could make even the people living in hell‘s lives worse….
Turns out only Buddhist, third party voters got the combination right.
of you should go there, but i'm guessing you'll love it as long as your orange queen tyrant is there.
see no distinctions?
are you having an existential crisis or have you always been broken?
That’s where they need to go!
G.O.P. now stands for GUT, OBSTRUCT & PRIVATIZE!
THEY STAND AGAINST most everything
WE THE PEOPLE are standing for!
Now that's AN ACT OF WAR!!
Besides the clean-up, I mean.
I expect their acquiescence has increased the production of Nexium exponentially!
There, fixed it.
Of course, being Hell and all, they won't have to look far.
Not knowing whether tomorrow, I’m gonna have an income Social Security … I’m gonna have healthcare… at 70 years old this is scary.
Pretty much turned most older Americans lives hell
I'm worried about the people in your country who must suffer now and in the near future.
Avoiding the inevitable.
for them all! Send some to the Krakatoa East of Java!
For anyone seeing this comment, please take the 5-10 minutes to read 💗
i’m an anti-theist. i go to hell.
it won’t be that bad, i’ve been in cover bands