Hey Donold, if everyone is born perfect the way 'God made them' then why do you wear so much orange bronzer?
Answer that you lying prick!
Answer that you lying prick!
I can tell you why, you are the lowest life form on earth.
Answer that you lying prick!
I am not so sure it is your fault.
I have a suspision his maker was someone else.
Someone 'downstairs'.
Wet and Wild “Gentile Jaundice”??
Putin: “Credo in Dio, e Dio è con noi”.
Come per le dittature del '900, si trasforma il leader in una figura che agisce in nome e per conto di Dio.
Quello stesso Dio li condannerà alla geenna
His entire life is smoke and mirrors.
He has to lie about EVERYTHING.
So much so that social media companies banned him and he had to create his own called…wait for it…
”Truth”. GMAMFB
And clown shows
And the leaning like the fucking tower of Piza
It was the other guy
His buddies says. There is no way someone that young would agree to marry an old fart like you. How did you pull it off
Trump says, I lied to her about my age.
So how old did you tell her you were exactly?
Trump smiles and says "85".
You bless you.
🍊💩 looks ready to die & God's going to reject him from Heavens Gate. 😈
Makes ya wonder if that is the pathology of dictators in general. Over compensating for their insecurities?
Either way we need to boot the liar out of office!
He looks ridiculous. Doesn't he ever look in the mirror?
Truth please: Would a normal, rational man want to be seen in public like this?
Me And God Alone
As a Christian statemen🤔
Right, God? 😀 And I'm a nonbinary good that's however I feel whenever I feel, I'm just a natural. I just feel as one me, and go with it.
Isn't that really WOKE?
I can’t believe the democrats, the press or WHOEVER never ask him why he wears make-up. And what’s going on with that “camel toe” neck look?
Just sayin.
ce$$ Ivanka, need. . So much PLASTIC SURGERY
Of all the people who have a stroke today… make sure you REALLY focus your efforts.
Note: One needs balance for skiing. ⛷️
I still want to punch him but though.
And lifts in his shoes.