has any other president hired someone without qualifications, to guess what government agencies aren’t important, based on their personal opinion, allow them to fire employees, close agencies without government approval
I know you decided never to flood the whole earth again… but, hear me out… what about the United States? And then, put a double rainbow over it? Can you make that happen?
If Leon Skum is looking for efficiency he should fire himself and give all those sweet taxpayer contracts back that he's getting from us. He's the richest man in the world, why the fuck am I subsidizing him?
As the Great Creator of All, with perfect knowledge of all worlds seen and unseen, reaching into countless dimensions and realms, tell us please, is Dodgy, I mean, DOGE, the absolutely most goofed up corrupt organization among all organizations formed by sapient beings of any kind anywhere?
It's a scam: Fire people and claim you've saved money, then secretly hire them back, but don't admit you had to spend money to do it, negating the earlier savings. Corporations do this all the time to pump their stock price.
Trump, GOPs And Elon—Confuse Efficiency With Incompetence Daily! Wondering If Trump’s Desk Is Full Of Drugs Like Last Term And Elon’s Ketamine Addiction —Maybe Distorting Their Reality!
Trump bankrupted his casinos, so I'm guessing he's not much of an expert in efficiency.
Fwiw, in my Intro to Public Administration course, literally the 1st thing our professor said was "government is not a business." Efficiency is great, but not the mission statement.
It is without a doubt to most ass backward shit show I have ever witnessed my entire life. How do you run a company where you indiscriminately fire everyone before you even know what they do? How incompetent and clueless are these idiots?
Please help make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast moving coup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
The world is entering a downswing of history. I'm not ashamed to shill my dad's book that covers electricity, ammo, water, food, health, and sustainability. These topics are covered in ways that other books do not. Especially making, storing and using electricity.
That really sounds like what he's doing. Why is he not considered a part of the government but says, "All doings were ok'd by the president." So that's who they need to take it up with!
That's because nincompoops are in charge now! Musk is a nincompoop, Felon 47 has always been a nincompoop. All the Cabinet members are nincompoops! We are doomed unless we can impeach Felon 47 again and throw the rest right out of office!
Firing people is the laziest way of cutting expenses without thought. DOGE doesn’t have the capability to be creative in finding ways to reduce or eliminate waste while making sure everything works like a fine tune machine. Instead, they’re being lazy.
If you believe that your human resources are the most valuable asset of your organization, then firing people is lazy and totally irresponsible. All of the people purges I have gone through has been a disaster. I learned that treating people respectfully and kindly is the biggest payoff of all.
“ we’ll make some mistakes (stops cancer treatment, people die), but we’ll figure it out”- elon. Plus it helps to know the meaning of words so you don’t think we’re making transgender mice for research 🙄
It's literally a joke. There should be several class action lawsuits right now. We all have been compromised in the US because of the unapproved by Congress DOGE.
Thou shalt not claim to be an economic genius when you claim tariffs are good, watch countries retaliate, watch the markets sink, beg a country to negotiate less retaliatory tariffs and have to unilaterally walk your own tariffs back knowing you’re also going to pay 25% more in electricity.
Imagine going through that experience, like a yo-yo. You have a family to support and the fact that it doesn’t even occur to those bozos how cruel their chainsawing is. How funny they think it is. How creepy $Elon looks when he talks about all the $$$ they’re saving.
They’re hurting people. Sick.
Or daycare to schedule, then unschedule and lose your slot…but wait I need that slot again but now it’s no longer available!
Not to mention houses or cars that may have been in mid-purchase.
And apparently the $Conman hasn’t the ability to understand any of those worries. I guess if you’ve never had to worry about $$$ and you’re a cruel narcissist, you don’t mind upending people’s lives.
Can we also quit calling him a genius when all he’s done is confidently spit out numbers that keep getting proven wrong and keep blowing up and crashing various aircraft?
He doesn't even have anything to do with the technological accomplishments of those who work for him. All he does is keep the money coming in. The only thing he seems to have a direct hand in is the hideous Tesla Wankpanzer.
I don't think he invented it. I think he just bought the company. All he did was improve it (🤣). So now it does better stuff. Like spontaneously combust.
No worries, the G(ang) O(f) P(utin), the Gang, the Inner Circle, and the Gang Leader will put a good spin on it, blame everything on the previous administration...
He is improving #efficiency... from the (extremely narrow) #perspective of the like 20 people who are apparantly allowed to decide whether #humanity gets to go #extinct...
Does the FBI, CIA, DEA or any of those alphabet agencies have working internet, computers, yet? Like current?
Just wondering 💭 the tech bros could hook a office up?
20 years ago they didn’t. Now we don’t have IRS agents, so now more $ for stuff.
I’ve followed you for a bit now and you come on my feed daily and I just think that to have the confidence and courage to have your profile be God is one of the best thing I have every seen.As someone that has seen religious trauma it is a comfort to see God say the things I feel. Thank you!! 😊
There's been a running debate for years, at least since 2008, about how to fix our collapsing infrastructure. Dingus came up with a way to vaporize every remaining bit of it in mere weeks. When they find they can't just replace all gov't functions with bots, they have to rebuild it all at full cost.
And since they still think they might be able to get away with not replacing it, it is the simultaneously the greatest act of fraud and waste in the history of our nation.
Yeah. All the billionaires came and kissed the ring, but M*** specifically offered T**** a cheap way to do his dirty work. I think he realized after the fact that he could steal the Treasury, but once he did he was in.
Weeks later his X-whelp was wiping boogers on T****'s desk. How the world turns.
How can somebody who doesn't recognize their own inefficiencies, like firing and re-hiring needed employees or posting inaccurate data, be best suited for this task?
A real genius recognizes their own shortcomings and learns from mistakes.
I mean, you made a dude put his kid on a sacrificial alter to kill him before being like, "Psych! I was just testing your loyalty my dude. It's all good. Don't kill your kid. I mean, who kills his own kid? Kinda weird bro. Actually, I'm going to let other people kill my kid in a bit, so..."
Hey, how about some well-placed thunderbolts now Big Guy?
You could really alleviate a lot of suffering just by "calling home" a relative handful of--pardon my harshness--miscreants.
Please consider it.
Thank you.
It's all about enriching him and hurting others. It was never about efficiency.
very good
(sorry. Rockets get to space. Missiles blow up in the sky)
You're as bad as the local Rabbi when they told me Jewish space lasers aren't real.
Fwiw, in my Intro to Public Administration course, literally the 1st thing our professor said was "government is not a business." Efficiency is great, but not the mission statement.
[email protected]
Pathetic, eh God?!
They’re hurting people. Sick.
Not to mention houses or cars that may have been in mid-purchase.
Read Satan’s spawn Manifesto 2018!
This IS the plan!
God, remind me why we’re all paying for Mars exploration? That benefits us how, exactly?
he happily fired away, no consequences on a TV reality show.
Hellbent on
Eroding Democracy
Swasticar Wankpanzer
We have to stand behind those who are running against billionaire$
Just wondering 💭 the tech bros could hook a office up?
20 years ago they didn’t. Now we don’t have IRS agents, so now more $ for stuff.
RULED by old white men and teenagers.
The Republican Party continues to define itself.
The Lord god calls that fuckery of the highest order.
Weeks later his X-whelp was wiping boogers on T****'s desk. How the world turns.
"Boys" be "boys"
Always expecting others to clean up their messes.
A real genius recognizes their own shortcomings and learns from mistakes.
You could really alleviate a lot of suffering just by "calling home" a relative handful of--pardon my harshness--miscreants.
Please consider it.
Thank you.