I think you’re missing the bigger picture: Trump and his goons simply do not care about polls, about elections, or even having a robust economy. They are hell bent on stripping the government for parts as fast as they can, and pocketing the proceeds before the whole thing crumbles.
What pisses me the fuck off is they kept getting rid of good pensions starting in the 1980s and told us to invest and open IRAs (which we dutifully did) - and now the ultra rich and maladministration is just fucking with our future. fuuuuck.
I'm only 40 and this is now the third or fourth time my retirement accounts have taken a nosedive during my 15 year career. Hubs has a pension but he's a fed, so I don't want to say it too loud bc I'm sure it's low hanging fruit that could just vanish.
We're exactly the same. We moved my husband's 401k to the safe, no risk option before the pandemic and it's still there. And his VA retirement will hopefully exist when he needs it
Hubs moved his TSP into the G-fund during the 08 recession and ended up losing out when the market went up again. Just a novice, and he was so green at the time. So he/we are hesitant to do that now. Financial guy today just said leave it alone unless you plan to retire in 3-5years.
And also to hold off on making ROTH contributions this year until shit really tanks. Buy low. About the only thing we can gain from this disaster is buying more shares for our $ and hoping it doesn't completely disintegrate
I feel like if they can manipulate the markets like they do, it's no longer an investment but a scam. We are making less but it's steady and never loses. My husband is much closer to retirement age so it's not worth risking for us now
Meh, we made money even when others were losing. If it's rigged, it's a scam. Like all that cheap crypto crap. One day everyone will lose and it might not recover. Retirement shouldn't be a gamble
If you’re close to retirement - I agree that you should be rotating out of stocks for safety. Individual stocks are risky - but the market as a whole is not so much. The market recovered from the 1929-32 Great Depression when it fell 90%. The 2008-9 Great Recession market fell “only” 50%.
Well I get it but I have my net worth invested in the stock market. If it tanks and then they do away with Social Security I am fucked.
I don’t think I’m alone here
The bestest word in the dictionary. I've never read the dictionary. But I've heard it's filled with words. Lots and lots of words. The most words ever. Big, beautiful words.
🥾We must stop massaging or judging the economy by how well 1%’ers & the wealthy are doing…the average working person (read the taxed) in 🇺🇸 does not have a stock portfolio…paycheck to paycheck, drowning in Felon47’s inflationary grocery, gas, & housing costs…many now with no job, worse since 2009🎯
He’s following Hitler’s example, but he is not intelligent in the least. None of them are. This isn’t 1933, and the majority of us aren’t uninformed, unarmed pacifists. They are underestimating the strength of We The People. That will be their demise.
No, he's also an idiot. Just because he's doing what he's told to do doesn't mean he knows what he's doing. Not to mention anyone with a brain wouldn't do this. He's a scoundrel tool puppet idiot.
And then to go radio silent while the stock market is tanking just like he did the last time he made it tank so bad… Remember the lowest it ever was in history and we didn’t hear one word from him…
They are profiting off a manufactured crisis they themselves created, while hurting more Americans in the process. It’s all about money because, to them, people are not only expendable but a barrier to profit. "Make America Great Again" was the perfect scam for a bunch of so-called patriots.
The stoopuds are happy with it. Of course, they understand none of it and are proud of themselves, not knowing anything! Knowledge is wokeness and that is scary!
To Preserve Our Democracy
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
Is there some kind of inherently evil system, which is central to western society, which prioritizes profits over people?
🤔 It sure feels like it.
If only we could name this enemy...
He’s completely right.. the market isn’t even down two percent this year. The market regularly has swings of 2-3% in a single day. You’ve no idea what you’re talking about lmao
It was down 18% in 2022 and I didn’t panic then because I understand such swings are normal in the stock market, so why the fuck do you think I would panic about a 2% swing? Lmao
"recessions and depressions are when America’s largest fortunes are typically made or expanded because they represent great buying opportunities to those with cash, while at the same time the small companies being squeezed are willing to sell for a song." –
Thom Hartmann
His point in doing that is to make stocks cheap so billionaire buddies can buy more and get richer when it soars again. Our job as the resistance is to keep it down. And keep Trump from declaring a state of emergency. That’s how Hitler gained power.
if you collapse the economy ordinary ppl are forced to sell assets for cheap. the rich can step in and clean up. consider that eg Bezos isn't going to care if gas is $100 per gal - he can afford it. This is what the ultra rich did to Puerto Rico. Crushed it, bought it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sPRFvWOBwo
All of his waffling on tariffs is manipulation of the stock market. Just a way for the rich to get richer while the rest of us suffer in the chaos! #FuckTrump
Tanking the stock market was part of the plan. How else are they going to buy up the majority cheap? Oh right, also bankrupt farms, small businesses by tariffs they can't afford.
The felon is nothing but self serving,so he'll serve himself.I only see the felon's motive as deliberate,as his way of making generational amount of money for his klan & his cronies in government. It's the reason he is flip flopping on tariffs-to take advantage of heavy fluctuations in share prices
How to survive a dictatorship
1 freeze your credit
2 see your doctor/vaccines
3 renew your passport
4 ask doctor for three months supply of meds
5 update your sexual orientation in medical be ambiguous
6 shop local
7 stay informed
8 stay hydrated
9 help others
10 download your SSA statements
You forgot - take out a medium pile of cash - folding money - in small bills.
Or, failing that, buy a lot of good liquor for barter. Don't forget the miniatures so you can make change.
Better to forage edible berries for hard times - make jam AND fruit wine! Learn edible plants & mushrooms locally; learn how to fish and purify water for drinking, chop wood & start fires, etc.
What’s stopping him from purposely causing a depression with Billionaire insiders having the inside info to stay afloat w/ their assets all protected. Guaranteed a lot of them have investments in the Russian stock market! Why is he not being brought up on treason charges? This is all deliberate.
Its on purpose. So he and his buddies can cash in on buying low and also take advantage of a housing market crash when the people lose their incomes. Buy em dirt cheap, sell em for way more.
I can also imagine why they're doing it: if you can cause the market to move in predictable reaction to what you do, you and your gang can time buying and selling to profit from your actions.
These people understand literally nothing except how to give the richest 1% of the 1% tax breaks (and that's only because they've spent decades focused on tax avoidance projects - you know, 10000 hours to become an expert and all that)
Total incompetence and half your country voted for them! Twice!
Dear… Sir?
Imagine tanking the stock market so that you can tell all your friends to ‘buy low’ and then you and your friends can ‘sell high’ but, in all the chaos you’ve created, you and all your friends are the only ones who know your little secret!
Maybe market volatility is good for those causing it? If you announce tariffs & buy on the dip, you can bounce the stocks back up by cancelling the tariffs & sell at a profit.
Look markets go up markets go down, now if you control the narrative, as in short selling prior to an announcement you can make billions overnight or less sell short make an announcement boom you cash in as in Trump and Co.
Was broke and heading to jail he has made more $ in office than ever
That’s trump and musk. A couple of bumbling clowns who have no clue how government works. Mad, lobotomized scientists in our laboratory groping around for the right combination of explosives that will blow up the United States.
The vicious cycle of life with Monsters in charge. Does anyone else think they keep doing this just 2 make $? "We're doing tariffs" market drops some dick buys cheap stock then "We're gonna pause tariffs" same dick made millions
This is their plan, Holy One. Trump tanks the market so that Elon can go and buy up cheap stock then Trump backs off so that Elon can go sell that stock at the original price or higher. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Right now, God, I'm caring about my IRA which has lost 15% of its value. I'm going to cash out tomorrow and invest in Treasury bonds to ride out this roller-coaster...UNLESS you, God, can give me a stock tip😉😉😉 Praise (Little Baby) Jesus, and the NASDAQ.
What exactly are your positions for your IRA to be down 15%..? Considering the S&P 500 is only down 1.7% YTD, either you’re lying or have awful investments.
He just jerks off to how much he moves the market now. “Oh look at how much power I exude!” The miracle is that he can still find anything down there actually working, but of course that’s why God invented Viagra.
Every time the stock market tanks, Dems get control and pump money into the systems that cause it giving millionaires and billionaires more money and larger gains.
This time the people in control, in 2 yrs, need to let the businesses fail and pass laws that prop up the lower class
Makes you wonder if somehow the “Deep State” isn’t just the radical -woke-Leftist-Democrats-funded-by-George-Soros-and-Crooked Hilary-Clinton-to-make-billionaires-richer-cabal that the Donald wants us to believe it is 😦🙄🥴
Apparently it was the globalists…and Joe Biden that did this 🙄. Not the Donald. Is the GOP ever going to tire of this man’s lame & pathetic gaslighting? 🥱
There were homeless camps under Obama. They've known the numbers for decades, yet did nothing. Kamala finally suggested building housing during her campaign. The whole time, the only efforts and message from the WH had to do with the economy.
Brilliant observation. Without quoting capital, market, or labor theorists, isn’t it simple enough to understand that human beings are at least as important as theoretical capital or cash in hand?
Tanking the stock market opens up stock at bargain pricing….do when he changes his mind (it will happen a lot), pauses the tariffs, stock he scooped up will begin to rise again. We have had effect on Tesla…who else? Amazon this week?
Elon Musk
Speaking to rich whites, the stocks are all.
Speaking to the roughnecks, market dumping and foreign subsidies are unfair.
Simple man really
Trump musk gop
Traitor level 2
Maga + 10 Dems
Enablers level 1
Non voters
Enablers level 2
Wilful ignorant
Resistance level 1
Dem voters
Resistance level 2
The rest of the universe
Then, when the stock markets rally the next day, do they pocket the difference as net profit for themselves or for the government?
1 of 2
That way, ALL THE PEOPLE benefit.
2/ End
I don’t think I’m alone here
Just sort of wait in terror...
Not sure what else to make of it.
PASS IT ON!!!✊🏼🇺🇸✊🏼
Dog help us.
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
🤔 It sure feels like it.
If only we could name this enemy...
Trumps just showing you how it`s done.
Welcome to the world!
Thom Hartmann
… But it’s not a coincidence
They’re so embarrassing, God.
1 freeze your credit
2 see your doctor/vaccines
3 renew your passport
4 ask doctor for three months supply of meds
5 update your sexual orientation in medical be ambiguous
6 shop local
7 stay informed
8 stay hydrated
9 help others
10 download your SSA statements
Or, failing that, buy a lot of good liquor for barter. Don't forget the miniatures so you can make change.
Total incompetence and half your country voted for them! Twice!
Stock market crashes.
Rich people buy stocks.
Renounce the tariffs.
Stock market rebounds.
Rich get richer.
Imagine tanking the stock market so that you can tell all your friends to ‘buy low’ and then you and your friends can ‘sell high’ but, in all the chaos you’ve created, you and all your friends are the only ones who know your little secret!
I can tell it really pisses you off, too.
Shorts before every dip, reinvestment before each peak.
It doesn't matter if they succeed because they come out with more money, which they turn into more power to do what they want.
Was broke and heading to jail he has made more $ in office than ever
Not. A. Jot. Incompetence is running the US.
They’ll be buying up all the farms as well no doubt.
This time the people in control, in 2 yrs, need to let the businesses fail and pass laws that prop up the lower class
people on #BLUESKY please use Opera Browser
Oh wait… have those regulators they been fired ?
Elites buy stock at lower value
Cancels tariffs
Stock market rises
Elites get richer
See the pattern
But the fentanyl???
They’re eating our jobs!
They’re eating the reputation of the people that live here!
Remove tariffs… stock gain…sell!
Tariffs again…. Markets crash… buy
Remove tariffs again… sell again
It will turn out okay
Have faith. 😶
Sure Donald….sure