Too many peeps believe in "natural progress" out of any political context, and think the U.S. is like an unsinkable aircraft carrier rather than the Titanic that it really is - very sinkable. It's been pretty common for peeps to believe that there are no consequences for voting or not or how.
I'm getting tired of the "it was okay til it happened to me" rhetoric.
If nothing else, a conservative white female is the most deluded person on this earth because they feel as though their conservativeness and whiteness protect them from what these boys keep doing. Sorry, your vag says otherwise
Losing your source of livelihood is devastating, but it's hard to have sympathy for Trump voters when he told everyone multiple times he was going to do this 🤷♂️
“Nobody understood”? Spare me. Over 75 million of us were begging you to read the bullet points of Project 2025, but you were too busy obsessing over who’s peeing in the next stall. Get out with that bs. You got exactly what you voted for.
If they didn’t know it’s because they never watch news other than Fox, read a legit newspaper, or pay attention to anything a Dem says. They silo themselves in MAGALand and only listen to each other’s BS. Wait - who’s in that stall????!
I get that response too. Willful ignorance isn’t about a lack of information. It’s a choice they make to support what they WANT to believe, despite those pesky little facts.
I'm very petty. I saved Instagram posts, just so I could go back to them, to tell the P25 deniers, how much our world is changing to that book 😙 they mask it under Heritage 47, but they're the exact same.
Omg for real!!! “He said he doesnt know what 2025 is, his plan in trump47” NON stop they would chastise us. This needed to happen because until these fucktards or privileged suburban assholes FEEL the connection to their vote, they won’t change. Just hope we get to vote again.
Nobody? Who the hell has she been talking to? Millions of us who knew how much devastation he would bring, for ourselves & others, so we voted for the brilliant woman who would have surrounded herself with other brilliant people. I have sprained my eyeballs from all of my eye rolling.
Trump is making perfectly irredeemable the republican party as a whole is. What needs to be rammed down everyone's throat how irredeemable evil the democratic party is. The biggest con artists of all are the liberals.Their party must go extinct. It's the only way
You chose NOT to talk NOR listen to the correct people, who were everywhere shouting at the top of their lungs that Trump was a lying, moronic, narcissistic, rapist, bankrupt, insurrectionist felon.
Interesting that she appears to not care less that somebody other than her might have had their life devastated. I laugh at her pain. At least for now. We might need these people down the line.
Hot take: I dig schadenfreude as much as god. But the gloating ship has sailed.
Some are bonafide assholes, and are lost causes. But those that aren't were just duped. They're the ones we'll need alongside us if we're to make a difference.
Build bridges where able. Gloating merely alienates.
Well, guess you're way more understanding than most of us. Personally, I'm good w/pointing it out: They're obviously thick-headed, so will need time to fully comprehend the weight of their disastrous voting decision on ALL of us. Maybe they'll even learn what empathy feels like in the process.
She didn't have any problem with voting for someone who was loudly racist, vocally admires Adolf hitler, vocally mocked and ridiculed veterans, vocally mocked and ridiculed people with handicaps, voluntarily admitted and bragged about giving State secrets to Vladimir Putin... so fuck her!
Maybe where they are getting news is the issue? These people were lied to, pure and simple! we need to help them understand why so it doesn’t happen again.
i'm sorry but even us foreigners warned the trump cult followers .. like everyone except them understood... its on them that they didnt listen. I hope they enjoy their new nutcase leader who likes to break everything around him.
Well, the MAGA absolutists wouldn't listen to a single word I said. Maybe-just maybe-refusing to listen to a word Harris voters like me bears at least a little responsibility for your unflinching decision?
Bullshit she didn't know. He told everyone exactly what was going to happen - quite literally shouted it from the campaign podium. You would've had to be trapped in Andrew Tate's basement to miss it.
Next time a lunatic tells you lies, observable with even the tiniest knowledge of his recent history and listening to what he fuckin' SAYS he's going to do, maybe you should pay attention to it.
The pain is just beginning. When she loses her home, health, retirement, and kids education, then we can deem her fully FOUND OUT and eligible for remorse. Maybe.
Be interested to know if these people, now they’ve been affected, are now seeing that everything else he says is bullshit or are they just disappointed that they been somehow overlooked. Basically, ‘are they beginning to question everything he said, or just the bit that hurts them?’
The way she emphasizes OUR lives... like, she KNEW this administration was going to be devastating for people, she just didn't give a shit because she thought that meant the people she doesn't like. Bigot get wrekt.
I guess that voter got what they voted for. I hope every Trump voter gets exactly what they voted for happening to them. Sounds like in this case the voter got what they voted for. Glad to hear the voter got that near immediate response they were hoping for with their vote.
"Nobody that I’ve talked to understood the devastation that having this administration in office would do to our lives."
Eh, clearly you only talked to the same type of idiots that you are. We got lucky the first time. But he learned way too much after losing his second bid.
Especially through the lawsuits that “made no sense”. . . they definitely did, just not many saw them for what they were. Research. And once scotus gave cart-blanche for lawlessness being president. . . it was all over. We will be lucky if he is stopped and we have elections again.
Disaffected Trump voters who've been harmed by his reckless, selfish policies can make up for their mistake by voting Democrats into office in 2026 and 2028. Democrats are not perfect but they will stop Trump's authoritarian takeover and restore normal, sane democracy for America.
Her emphasis on ”OUR lives” is telling. Only personal consequences prompt any reflection. The lack of empathy astounding. What a tiny soul... May she push past her petty selfishness and consider how her choices affect others. Her continued navel gazing, disappointing.
Three times!!! A lot of these trump voters deserve to lose their jobs and not be bailed out by the courts. They ignored warnings about Project 2025 and how they'd be coming for the govt workers, ala Yarvin's RAGE. Now they go public for sympathy or a job offer from someone imo
How many times do we all have to say he doesn’t give a shit and good I’m glad you were fired. I’m glad that there’s repercussions for stupidity you were told everybody was told what was gonna happen.
Just like the morons who voted for Trump to repeal Obamacare until they realized it was actually their ACA insurance. Trump voters are consistently stupid.
Even relatives who saw how much Obamacare helped ME wanted it gone. They ALL said the ACA could stay though. I get the deer in the headlights look when I tell them they're the same. Google it, guys.
They didn't. These are same Trumpers who don't believe me when I tell them the United States is a Democratic Republic. They searched to prove me wrong, and when the results proved me correct, they called it fake news.
It's true. We had a governor a few years ago who told the people he'd get rid of Obamacare. Meanwhile, most those people he was appealing to were on Obamacare!
Translate from MAGA into Human, reads:
"Everybody is know is as thick as a brick, and has the empathy of an ice cube."
Can Fox screw up that show like they did for Firefly?
If nothing else, a conservative white female is the most deluded person on this earth because they feel as though their conservativeness and whiteness protect them from what these boys keep doing. Sorry, your vag says otherwise
Or...74,999,166 someones.
This is why echo chambers are bad, #MAGAts.
These are critical replacements for people who recently retired in a cyber/IT environment.
Also, fuck Nazis.
Another FAFO episode of the trump shitshow.
"Thanx for the votes SUCKERS!"
Trump is making perfectly irredeemable the republican party as a whole is. What needs to be rammed down everyone's throat how irredeemable evil the democratic party is. The biggest con artists of all are the liberals.Their party must go extinct. It's the only way
nobody could've guessed.
Some are bonafide assholes, and are lost causes. But those that aren't were just duped. They're the ones we'll need alongside us if we're to make a difference.
Build bridges where able. Gloating merely alienates.
Being right—let alone pointing it out—isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Or we can empathize and show them that we really are better.
And since the Dems absolutely cannot win an election without some Trump voters, I recommend the second one.
Anyone who turns their back on the bigotry, and wants to learn, is welcome.
How many times do we turn the cheek on willful stupidity without hitting back?
Fuck you lady
But you think "bankrupted casinos," and "stiffed contractors" = good businessman
You think "commits treason" and "russian agent" = American patriot.
Too bad, so sad.
Didn't you "do your own research"?
You did this to yourself.
They were TOLD. Repeatedly. And often.
the old saying is true 'you deserve who you voted for'.
Eh, clearly you only talked to the same type of idiots that you are. We got lucky the first time. But he learned way too much after losing his second bid.
"Democrats won't do this. Democrats will stop the madness."
... that might even be too complex to get through.
But I’m sure she was clear about the devastation it would cause others but didn’t give a shit about them…
I hope it hurts.