I loved this! This miserable, entitled little twat thought she was going to harass and torment the LGBTQ Community, but, she got a great big FAFO lesson!! 🏳️🌈
In Indiana too, where Pence passed a law for homophobic business owners can deny service to anyone based on “religious beliefs”. Well, apparently that bar “belives” they needed to get the hell out. Love to see the leopards eat their face on this one.
I had a contractor come to bid on an HVAC system who I could tell was a Trump supporter. He out and out lied about Trump freezing funds meant for people like me, and lied about how the Biden funds were used up years ago. He followed up and I explained that I wouldn’t use a contractor who lied.
I love how they always miss passage where revilers are listed right along with homosexuals as people who won't enter the kingdom of heaven. Cafeteria Christianity on full display.
‼️ The real evil plans! Research Freedom Cities! All their moves make sense when you understand this! Christians and maga are pawns! It’s a coup. Corporate authoritarian take over. JD is the financed puppet
I don't want to offend, but repeatedly, Trump voters have shown how ignorant they are. They're really stupid people. And, the bartender can remove whomever they want, especially if they have a camera on, harassing patrons.
A side note for sure, but you guys always call them bartenders. On the other side of the pond we've always had barmen and barmaids. You guys have always been so woke.
“Every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect in all areas of their lives. No one should be subjected to ongoing discrimination, harassment and humiliation where they work, go to school, or access healthcare.” - Kelley Robinson, Human Rights Campaign President
If she was an obvious trump voter then she wasn’t there for anything but to mess with people- she needs to go find her herd and moo some where else they were right to send her back to the yard
Why in the world would a Trumper be in a gay bar when all they do is complain how much of an abomination the community is. You can’t have it both ways on this one. There’s no “well, but I like his policies” when he literally wants to take away human rights. Boy, bye!
hahaha, what the hell did she think was going to happen? this is performance art at it's worst, she knew she was going to get tossed - what she's lucky she didn't get was hit with the bat - FAFO in real life is different than online
A little disappointing as there are so many things that could have been said.
"we don't serve nazis"
"you voted for a toxic environment and this is how that plays out"
"don't act so mad. You get to feel some grievance for this and that's all you want, right?"
I have been saying for weeks that we want our Statue of Liberty back to its free country, France. A day or 2 ago, one of our French politicians said the same thing. The WH said no today. I bet you that your Trump will send it back. We learned that he changed his mind in the same sentence.
I am no grifter trump supporter by any means. But I am a long time civil rights advocate. If the tables were turned here and a republican owned bar threw out an LGBTQ person for wearing a tee-shirt supporting LGBTQ issues, would you be saying "Well done humans" or not? Seems kind of intolerant.
No thank you. Intolerance for wearing a hat is equally as intolerant for wearing a pride shirt. Far left = far right. The woman should have been asked to leave for being rude to the staff and nothing more. She would win if she sued the bar owner.
In the article:
"According to the bar’s posts on Instagram, this person intentionally misgendered employees, verbally assaulted patrons, and then played the victim when she got kicked out."
I think the verbal assaults would be enough. If you are a bar owner, you don't want booze and insults to mix
Also, a bar is hardly a necessity to live. I am sure that, since Trump was voted in, there would be plenty of Trump-friendly bars. Or perhaps not. But I wonder how many people are insulted, disrespected, targeted for violence, etc based on being LGBTQ in America in comparison. Where are they safe?
Customer would not win in a lawsuit. Attire does not enter the area of "protected class". The bar owner could just say they were enforcing a dress code. I have been to plenty of bars that don't allow certain types of clothing.
A MAGA hat is nazi symbolism. Plus she and her friends harassed staff and customers. If a gay person went into a nazi bar and started sexually assaulting customers, I'd support the owner kicking them out too.
From the story it sounds like they went in there just to start something? Nobobdy has to put up with their obnoxious MAGA bull💩 insulting staff and customers.
What part of they should have tossed her for reasons other than wearing a MAGAt hat do you not understand. Doing it for wearing a MAGAt hat is what keeps the far-right and far-left viewed as intolerant loons.
Stop worrying about how MAGA views us. They will NEVER give a crap about "lefties" or "the libs". Trying to reason with them or get them to be tolerant of anyone other than their fellow redhats is futile. You can't convince them otherwise. We don't have to tolerate and put up with their intolerance.
I'm sorry, what? What in our illogical world made you take from what I said that I give af about what MAGA views us as? You're attempting to gaslight. Again, the owner of the bar if sued would lose his case based on his own words about MAGA hat wearing versus standing on legal grounds.
Did YOU read it? The owner of the gay bar should have thrown the trumper out because of the HARASSING of staff -- not the goddamn MAGAt hat. Throwing someone out for political affiliation (expressed as MAGA hat wearing) is intolerant. The intolerant left=the intoleant right and a plague on society!
The Chatterbox is a jazz club that’s one of the oldest bars in Indianapolis. While it’s not specifically an LGTBQ+ bar, it is an ally and welcoming to all. I’m so proud that they are keeping their employees and customers safe from bigoted, lying MAGA.
Well yes, yes it is . I find it proper to discern and determine that which is acceptable for harmony and the pursuit of happiness.
Trump voters are repugnant to most LBGTQ… people.
Now, this is old school. We did this to the Nazis trying to infiltrate the Punk and Goth (before it was called Goth) clubs back in the 1980's. We didn't play back then.
The LGBTQ+ community ain't playing either. Good for them!
If your public statement is that you hate gay people, then gay people should be allowed to remove you from their bar.
That is why they are there, to be around like minded people.
Not idiots.
Funny thing, in Catholic elementary school, we were taught classical Greek mythology, the gods. I believe it was to instill in the minds of the children the image of Zeus and what a god may look like. So, all the children draw pictures of a god-like being which looks remarkably like Zeus as “God.”🤣
Glad they gave her the boot!
Kudos to that barkeeper!
No Vacancy.
Says the bigot who walked into a bar to harass the employees and customers for being LGBTQ.
Lol...the nerve. I can't stop laughing at it.
What goes around comes around.
"Don't You People...."
"GTFO Now!"
It's okay to be gay Trumpies. No one is going to fuck you if you keep hating yourselves so much.
Political affiliation is not a protected class, btw, dumb 💩 maga hat owner.
I stopped working almost two years ago.
The only clientele left were AI bros trying to steal everyone’s jobs and create weapons systems for the militaries of the world.
That’s all I was serving drinks for in the end so I just stopped.
"we don't serve nazis"
"you voted for a toxic environment and this is how that plays out"
"don't act so mad. You get to feel some grievance for this and that's all you want, right?"
Thank you. Buh bye now.
"According to the bar’s posts on Instagram, this person intentionally misgendered employees, verbally assaulted patrons, and then played the victim when she got kicked out."
I think the verbal assaults would be enough. If you are a bar owner, you don't want booze and insults to mix
"On March 14, a Trump supporter walked into Chatterbox Jazz, an LGBTQ+ bar in Indianapolis, and immediately started harassing staff."
Trump voters are repugnant to most LBGTQ… people.
Must have been an evangelical pastor
"This is, like, discrimination, right?"
"No, this is, like, you're asshole!"
The LGBTQ+ community ain't playing either. Good for them!
See a Nazi, 👊 a Nazi!
I love how the rest of the bar laughs at her for that comment. Folks need to get fkn real.
That is why they are there, to be around like minded people.
Not idiots.
God, that was satisfying.