He's Putin stooge, and has been since 2016. No national news has even entertained the thought. You don't need concrete proof when all the circumstantial evidence points to it.
Whereas Zelenskyy stood up to Don the Con, called out the danger of Putin, and refused to sign an extortion contract. Why should he even sign an extortion contract to steal 50% of Ukraine's mineral wealth?
Zelenskyy emerged as more powerful from this meeting while Trump emerged weak and feeble.
Not just weak and feeble, a pathetic tantrum filled manbaby with the intellect of the playground bully who can’t deal with a kid more intelligent than him
Its fucking disgusting! Trump bows down to dictators because Trump admires them. Remember Trump statements about North Korea's dictator..."he rules with an iron fist." Today, Trump did this on America's stage. 🤢😡
Disgraceful! Trump was more interested in the rare earth minerals deal, which he kept calling them RAW EARTH, instead of bringing peace to Ukraine! His is such a POS!
We are not longer in a professional environment, we are definitely on the wrong side of history. JD had no business speaking up on camera that way.
Spineless cowards Trump & JD Vance know they're sitting in a room with a true hero - Zelenskyy - with whom they'll NEVER be able to compete.
Today, the whole world saw in the full light of day that there's absolutely no doubt Putin OWNS Donald J. "Bone Spurs" Trump & JD Vance.
No question!
AR-15 and M16 are your best impeachment instruments. Efficient, reliable and fast. Can impeach several persons in a matter of seconds. Americans know what to do if they don't want to feel ashamed (and fooled) anymore.
They "tried" to belittle him but they didn't succeed. Zelensky stood his ground as best he could without totally losing his cool. He stated facts which made the others look like fools and the Russian puppets they are. Zelensky can stand tall with his head held high while the others slither. HERO!
Astounding. We know DJT sides with Putin, but to see it vehemently displayed, particularly in the presence of Pres. Zelenskyy, and in the Oval, is jarring. This is historic, and not in a good way.
Trump thinks he scored big here, but he didn’t.
The rest of the world now sees what we are all up against.
We are all wives in an abusive relationship. The only thing that stopped him from hauling off and slugging Zelenskyy were the cameras.
I say it’s time for the EU to step up in a big way.
Vance and Trump belittled President Zelensky on international TV to appease Putin. And they demand Ukrainians to pay restitution for Russia's invasion of their country.
They certainly were baiting Zelensky, but the latter could have kept his cool. It was really important he did. Starmer showed how you work with Trump. You have to flatter him and make him feel like he's winning. He should have swallowed his pride. I understand it. Vance has a punchable face.
Starmer made himself look like a starfish licking sycophant. That has not gone down well with progressive voters who do not agree that the red carpet should be rolled out for Krasnov
Shameful behavior by Trump and Vance— no guardrails. Trump is Putin’s puppet and he put it on display for the world to see. I hope Americans wake up — Trump is a disaster.
We need to be proactive. Ex-Potuses, Justices Kagan, Sotomayer and Brown, Former DOD’s and Secs of State, Treasury etc
create a shadow government or openly challenge the regime. They stole SCOTUS and the election.
Disrespect??? This disrespects every American soldier that fought and died for this country. Want to be his next step is to pull out of NATO? Damn every fool that voted for this Russian puppet.
Just as an aside: Trump doesn’t know the difference between „to dictate“ and to be a dictator.
It’s that old Hannibal Lector problem: he can’t tell the difference between asylum seekers an the insane asylum, which is where he belongs.
Jim, we watch you from the UK. Our thoughts: the US press seems not to have investigated the financial links between Trump and Russia. Who refinanced his loans after Deutsche Bank? Ask Catherine Belton, author of Putin’s People, for her view.
As Deep Throat once famously said, Follow the Money.
They didn't belittle Zelenskyy they belittled the United States of America. I've never been ashamed of my country more than the last 30 days in my 72 years on this planet.
That room is in the people’s house. Our house. Every single person in this country should be speaking out on behalf of Zelenskyy today. This was so far beyond the pale—Trump & JD need to be brought to heel. 😡
The two guys wearing makeup were definitely out maneuver by Zelensky, who stayed calm, diplomatic and professional. The two other babies got what they deserved: prime time TV humiliation!!
This was a setup from the getgo. All to prove Trump and Vance were Putin's lapdogs. This may well have been the most disgraceful moment in the history of the once-great USA.
Trump has been bought and paid for by Putin for over 40yrs! People have ignored these facts he’s destroying America from the inside, we have to come together to stop this administration!
Let's be clear; Trump & Vance are ignorant, ill-informed and an utter disgrace to the great country of the United States of America. Their behaviour betrays every hero, American and otherwise, who ever fought for freedom.
They didn’t just belittle Zelensky, they belittled the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilian victims and the millions of Ukrainian refugees. A new MAGA low.
More than a week ago.
Nobody except Newsweek mentioned it.
Always stand with those fighting for freedom from tyranny!!!
4 more years? Doubtful.
"from your lips to God's ears"
Zelensky has nothing to apologize for.
Zelenskyy emerged as more powerful from this meeting while Trump emerged weak and feeble.
Murica! smh
I can't believe the totally insulting way a leader of a country was treated.
No matter how you feel about Zelenskyy, no professional would agree with approach.
Today, the whole world saw in the full light of day that there's absolutely no doubt Putin OWNS Donald J. "Bone Spurs" Trump & JD Vance.
No question!
America is now a member of the Axis of Evil.
US Congress should take a lesson from Zelensky. Zelensky stood up against the Mafia Boss unlike the cowards representing us in Congress.
America is absolutely on the verge of utter social and economic chaos!
Good luck trying to repair the damage this idiotic administration has achieved in 5 weeks.
The rest of the world now sees what we are all up against.
We are all wives in an abusive relationship. The only thing that stopped him from hauling off and slugging Zelenskyy were the cameras.
I say it’s time for the EU to step up in a big way.
Disgusting and shameful.
The consequences of this is that European allies have learned that they can no longer trust the US.
I think the US lost a lot of friends tonight.
Putin's stooge #Trump totally disgraceful himself today
No British Monarch could leave the Invitation for a State Visit open.
Needs withdrawing now. Tonight.
create a shadow government or openly challenge the regime. They stole SCOTUS and the election.
RECOUNT. We know
It’s that old Hannibal Lector problem: he can’t tell the difference between asylum seekers an the insane asylum, which is where he belongs.
Most Americans don't know because the evidence was released in pieces over three years.
(Psst…he is one.)
As Deep Throat once famously said, Follow the Money.
Job pretty well done, I think.