Tony Blair tells Brits to stop self-diagnosing with depression as 'UK can't afford spiralling benefits bill'.
Multi-millionaire declares war on the less well off.
Mental health problems caused by insecurity, poverty, lack of healthcare, mostly due to govt policies.
Multi-millionaire declares war on the less well off.
Mental health problems caused by insecurity, poverty, lack of healthcare, mostly due to govt policies.
#ScottishIndependence 🏴
"..development of depression may be closely related to viral infections such as SARS-CoV-2, BoDV-1, ZIKV, HIV, and HHV6.."
Iraq’s on fire
This reeks of if they are hungry let them eat cake.
Nasty man.
It speaks volumes for how awful the Tories are that these Labour fools are the next best option
The first big cash chaser
That’s how they approach it even with formal medical diagnosis
You can’t just go into a job centre and say you feel sad and get money
In 2016, I needed dole money to pay the bills after being made redundant. They "couldn't confirm" my address details were genuine. (They were.)
The cruelty is the point.
That's not a compliment
Embarrasses himself on a daily basis with his utter lack of self awareness.
We all know this, and anyone can be affected.
It can become chronic; medical involvement/advice is then required and subsequently the individual needs to be treated appropriately.
But the patient has to first diagnose their condition.
It's insulting and it shows his ignorance. Or he cares more about the wealthy than the poor.
This gov of deceit, lies, and fraud have pulled that ghoul to pave the way for the war on mentally ill and vulnerable.
The gov to do list:
freezing pensioners✔️
Starving children✔️
Suicidal ill people✔️
He clearly doesn't know what he's talking about
Was a full time unpaid carer, got pip.
Fixed the headline.
The man is insane if he believes that.
He cannot comprehend normal life.
And he is an absolute bollock.
It's organised crime.
It really is.
We are living scared for our lives under it.
Even with a formal diagnosis, it's pot luck whether you are awarded PIP without having to go to tribunal for it. Getting disability benefits is a cruel obstacle course in this country.
Perhaps Brits should learn the difference between mental health and mental illness.
Perhaps Employers should have 'wellness' in their Employment contracts.
Perhaps Brits should take on responsibility for their own health.
**See Japan
Mental well-being should be written into all managerial contracts.
For me the final straw was his betrayal of Labour's commitment to ban fox hunting.
All while that same c**t should be in jail.
if NHS MH services were properly funded, people wouldn't wait years for support, while their condition only gets worse.
It's amazing how things will improve if you stop deliberately infecting them.