Love it, often when I give my name "Maebe" they ask, "Maybe? really?" and I love hitting them with, "Could be. Possibly." Always gets a good laugh and breaks the ice.
I have a common first name but unusual last name. Recently gave my name to a call centre worker and she laughed and said "what a strange name! Sorry, you must get that a lot..." I replied yes, I do. She continued, "yes, 'Rob', like steal - oh no are you going to rob me! Haha!".
I had a frightening number of adults ask if i was the son of Satan before i turned ten. Thankfully The Omen didnt have the cultural staying power of Friday the 13th or Elm Street.
Me: Dan
(minutes later…)
Barista: Ben? Caffé Latte for Ben?
I got tired of trying to be clever and now I’m just annoyed.
Such a weird call.
Every year, at least one person will think they are very original.
Yeah, my nickname in the Army was “Kool Aid.”
yeah but with an O