The Last Jedi didn't suck because it had an asian woman, it sucked because it said "You know the Jedi? Corrupt, they should stay dead. The Republic? Corrupt, it'll never help you, so fuck it. Both sides buy weapons so everyone's corrupt. You want to give your life to fight evil? You selfish idiot."
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I've grown to reflexively hate movies/tv shows that portray every major institution as evil and in need of tearing down by the righteous and pure protagonist. It's genuinely toxic at this point and trains viewers to apply that lens to everything. It doesn't work. Society needs to exist.
~ Rose Tico
Also: the entire plot of TLJ
No one is pure evil or good. Good people can do bad things. Bad people can do good. We can double down on being wrong & stubbornly refuse to move forward or we can learn from our mistakes & rebuild. Also the plot in TLJ.
And the fleet's plot is quite literally a longform refutation of the idea that all authority is bad and should be circumscribed.
It's just another damn movie about movies.
In this instance, Rey and Ben are just stand ins for different models of Star Wars fandom. One forward looking and one consumed with trying to recreate their nostalgia.
If that were the case then Rocky 2 is a movie about how you should quit your dreams and work in an abbatoir
Lion King is a movie about how running away from the problems is the right move
Temple of Doom is a movie about how treasure over people is right
Shawshank Redemption is a movie about giving up in prison
Tangled is about the merits of agoraphobia.
Frozen is about how actually you don't need the love and support of family. A rugged, individualist story.
Jurassic Park is about how bad actors ruin your sick dinosaur park
Every single issue listed here is resolved if you put your phone down and /watch the movie/
Also every single 'problem' you have with TLJ are issues brought up in the prequels. Do you not like those either?
Also the prequels literally showed the republic being corrupt and inept and the Jedi to incompetent and blinded and that’s why the empire rose in the first place