And just think, the Republican Party has been doing this for decades, thanks to to likes of Rupert and Rush. It's why you'll never fix these people. They're already braindead.
Hidden disguised ubiquitous greedy fascist masterminds 4decades.Global Koch 🐙Mind control monopolized media &kochtopuppets esp on radio first-Shadow Network Democracy in Chains The Family &Dark Money warned us. Kochs learned well what worked/didn’t work from their bosses Hitler/Goebbels/Nazi/Stalin
did you know there's heavy metals in lots of chocolate and the levels are pretty high in Hershey's chocolate? how much lead can one nation eat and still function? i mean talk about a perfect storm of intellectually-retarding influences
The Fox Effect describes the implementation of weaponized information researched in the 60s by the KGB in "conservative" (sic) media. Most notably and classically by Fox News Corp.
This grabbed me because I remember a guest speaker from the USSR in a HS civics class - an older man who had worked in the Govt. before escaping/defecting - he talked of exactly what the article does, but at the time it just sounded like some crazy James Bond science fiction . . . yet here we are.
Such work has also been done and put in to practice by US and most other major Western nations. And the depressing reality, as we can witness today with both Republican and Democrat voters, is that it is marvellously effective.
This is the propaganda arm of Dictatorship 101. Keep repeating messages that put people into a fear mode, feeling helpless and hopeless. This is the easiest way to control people in this day and age, because we are exposed to media everywhere. But we can also turn off negative media. All is choice.
American mythology is hard to break even amongst the so-called "woke". American independence had zero to do with King George. He was merely a figurehead. Puritans didn’t escape religious persecution; they were the persecutors. Learn American history but NOT from Americans. They are ALL brainwashed.
Nazis were doing this shit about 20 years before this dumb take. Don't follow if you gonna do this shit. Please, just do me a favor and unfollow. Thanks.
the cold war only ended in america, russia never quit. Come on guys, yall know that the Isreal/gaza & ukraine/russia wars starting on bidens watch was planned. trump says it wouldnt have happened if he was in office. So, why does he say that? It was planned to dislodge the democrat president guys
Not necessarily. Have you seen "The Brainwashing of My Dad"?
In the end, he did return to normal, after he stopped listening to talk radio and watching FOX. Get somebody away from social media, FOX, and talk radio and they could return to normal.
Never mind Fox News - what about all the youth on the social media platforms Musk and buddy controls. Ever wonder why FB removed fact checking just before January?
My step dad moved back to Idaho after my mom passed away 2 years ago and I had a feeling that recently his political views change. He used to HATE trump.. now he’s sympathetic to the cause and doesn’t want to talk politics.
I’m sorry my message was confusing. unfortunately, him moving to Idaho has now made his m sympathetic to what trump and Elon are doing. He gets all his news from the TV, and doesn’t think what they’re doing is as bad as it is.
After re-reading, I just read it wrong. My bad.
I would suppose it is a matter of degree as to how deeply one has immersed themselves into that world. How much of a critical thinker one is and most importantly, how curious one is to drive that thinking. Or lack thereof.
So, don't be a Mr Bungle !
We must trust our own eyes & ears !
We must be strong when others try to convince to believe things that we know, just are not so !
Special interests underneath Trump's skirt are specialists in fear porn. First, the fear was unfounded (the immigrants, the immigrants, the immigrants). Now that they have power again, the fear is real for all (the broligarchy and Project 2025 - privatization of gov)
I think it depends on the target audience, e.g. the folk who voted for Brexit in the UK referendum. They where deliberately targeted by the Russians via their shrills. They were identified as being gullible and in the least educated band
MAGATs have been bombarded by misinformation and hate for so many decades that they have become so ADDICTED to them that these lies are now too ridiculous to say out-loud! 🤐
I was bombarded non-stop for years with religious bullshit. I never believed because I had critical thinking skills. If there is ANYTHING we need to learn, it's critical thinking skills. If we teach every American critical thinking skills, we WILL transform this nation & in fact the entire world.
Like all other things in this sorry excuse for a nation, it's up to us. WE need to teach our kids things like critical thinking skills, civics, the Constitution, & basic survival skills. The things they don't want Americans to learn because if then we did we could become independent of them.
I've seen quite a few people with kids who turned out to be intelligent critical thinkers. We also have teachers, librarians and others who can fill the void and teach our kids critical thinking skills.
Get them in rural areas. Urban spaces do not need it the same way. Rural America is why where are where we are, even though they hurt the most from the gd administration
they made it a requirement to graduate college but it's more of a 4th grade thing - that's when to begin teaching about navigating the world (if you aren't getting it from birth at home from enlightened parents)
What did they learn about the resulting cognitive dissonance? What happens once true believers discover en masse they were used then discarded.
I have been wondering since 2016 why our intelligence services and FBI have been so ineffective against Russian interference. I really want a refund of all of those tax dollars I paid for their salaries. Almost seems like the CIA wants a Russian coup…
I don't generally ascribe any credibility to movie plot like conspiracies. However. Robert Hanssen and Bill Barr are known to be affiliated with Opus Dei. Given the failure to prevent corruption and infiltration of our government, gotta wonder whether they're on board.
I’m a Republican who watched trump incite the capital attack. It WOKE me straight up.
I had already voted for him 2X. I have been telling it like it is ever since then. If trump was a well spoken man he would not be president right now. It is his stupidity that got him where he is. Seriously.
I, for one, welcome you to the Resistance. There are too many democrats who are too bitter to accept anyone waking up from the Trump cult mindset. But we need people like you because you are far more likely to reach the brainwashed ones who will not listen to anything we have to say. Do your best!
So tell us, what the hell happened to the intelligent sector of your party? Are they now all so spinelessly intimidated by threats of being primaried that they are incapable of dissent?
My party died a long time ago. This is what being asleep at the wheel gets you.
As far as intelligent sector. It depends on what scale you use to measure intelligence. My father’s said, the fact you have a college diploma doesn’t mean you have a college education. GOP epitomizes this.
This is the crux of the situation. FOX and Putin have been using false news and conspiracy theories for decades. Now you have an electorate who doesn’t understand anything
Sometimes I worry that those of us who are strongly anti Trump may also be victims of brainwashing. I think we all should be on the alert for this. That’s why following the facts and following the money becomes extremely important.
His psy-ops of 'how to overthrow a government'
Continous firehose of disinformation
Repeat frequently
To anger and divide citizens
Once divided
Overthrow government from within or by force
Unfortunately, same pb in France with CNews (for those who don't know : a TV's channel spreading a lot of fake news)
(Cnews is an opinion channel owned by a 'far far far right' french guy , not a news channel)
Elite insiders understand Hitler's rise, Russian propaganda tactics, and online Islamic radicalization. Michael Flynn’s military career notably advanced psychological warfare, information operations, and intelligence strategies. Using a dumb frontman is part of the con.
While the phrase is widely associated with Joseph Goebbels, there's no definitive evidence that he coined it, though it aligns with his propaganda techniques.
The more you repeat a lie, even just to explain it is a lie, the more you help it grow into ‘there must be something to it, if I read it so often’ The more you repeat a word that alters a true view of reality into a fase view of reality, the more you grow this false view.
Yes, that’s correct. This phenomenon is called the illusory truth effect. It means that people tend to perceive information as true simply because they have heard or read it multiple times, even if they initially knew it was false.
This happens because our brains confuse familiarity with reliability. When we repeatedly encounter a statement, it becomes easier to process (cognitive fluency), and our brain interprets that as a sign that it might be true.
This effect is strong enough to influence even those who think critically or were previously aware that the information was false. This
is one of the reasons why misinformation and conspiracy theories spread so effectively: repetition makes them seem more credible, even without evidence.
This explains why so many people use quotes from famous people, as if they were the absolute truth. Even though many of those quotes are NOT true, albeit clever.
Neurolinguistic programming is what it’s called. They know the right message to convey to alter critical thinking brain cells. Fortunately there’s still enough people to not fall for the lies !
The article does make mention that Russian sources are inherently unreliable, as is the individual who is most often associated with the OP’s copypasta.
There is a feeling of truthfulness bc we are seeing the consequences of constant barrages of mis/disinformation…but it’s taken longer than 2mths
Laboratory conditions are impossible to replicate in real life, although we are rapidly approaching with the proliferation of "post-truth media" in lock step with the Muscovy Empire
I wish this level of scrutiny was applied to the made-up concepts of mis- and disinformation, which seem to have the same origin. In fact, the best way to deprive people of access to information is to label said information as harmful and limit its distribution.
It is really dependent on the type of messaging used how reliable it is as well as how prompted the individual is. For example, subtle messaging that kind people are always scared about in movies and people sometimes like to make ads using because of is shown to be relatively ineffective
We can't bring ourselves down to the level of accepting whatever headline or quote that seems to align with our feelings. Ignorance may make people unite but once we are doing the same things it justifies all the stuff they've been told about us. Without critical thinking we are simply tools as well
i totally agree a million percent. that’s why seeing all of those memes on here with ‘BREAKING’ “news” on it makes me weary. is that real news? or rage bait? if it looks like a meme or copypasta, then don’t just outwardly trust it, even if it “sounds abt right”.
echo chambers are dangerous no matter if it's for your side or someone else's. If we can't think about stuff without being emotional and have no clue where any of it's coming from really, it's just going to make people negative, confused, angry, misdirected and extreme- same as we've been seeing!
Trump is evil Trump is evil Trump is evil Trump is evil Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil
Let me add one extra word to that...
Trump is evil incarnate Trump is evil incarnate Trump is evil incarnate Trump is evil incarnate
Trump is evil incarnate Trump is evil incarnate
Trump is evil incarnate Trump is evil incarnate
Trump is evil incarnate Trump is evil incarnate
Trump is evil incarnate
We understand no matter how vile, racist, maniacal, purely evil & misogynistic a humanoid my be, there'll always be human waste material supporting the parasite. What we don't understand & didn't foresee, is the extreme number of these worthless turds supporting the most toxic humanoid in history!
The unintended irony is that the (no alt-text) post is repeating a bullshit claim that was debunked years ago. Yet everyone here liking it without once asking for a source. 😅🤗
This is also what many evangelical churches do. So they here it at church then turn on the Faux news, hear it again. Then fearless leader gets up and repeats both of these talking pionts.
If you subject people to fear, chaos, and confusion for eight years, it’s hard to move them from a “tharn” reaction. (Watership Down). When they are pushed far enough for long enough, they will revolt.
I'm still wondering how so many people are following fear messages, conspiracy theories and advices which are that absurd that you really have to be on the brink of absolute braindeadness to believe them.
I like that 99% think rationally. Wikipedia has a page on 9/11 conspiracies. I’m not one for conspiracies. This was probably an intelligence oversight issue though. Complex and unthwarted attack.
Are you asking about the WTC buildings? He might believe in one of the conspiracies. The buildings came down because of jet fuel, fires, then structural integrity being compromised. The main conspiracy is the controlled demolition theory. Also, some think they let it happen or made it happen.
The empire crumbled bc they could not afford to keep it. Too few taxes, too little income, too much debt from the arms race. Plus Perestroika.
Putin is back at it. Russians believe his propaganda. For whatever reason, humans want to believe the worst and not the best about people and situations.
I am confused. I think your point is: if the Russia had mind control, they would not have lost their empire. But they have no empire. The Soviets did. Russian Federation began in December 1991. While USSR might have had an empire, Russia has a federation of republics, oblasts, and others.
Please use #ALTTEXT to describe images for visually impaired readers. You get 2000 characters and can use speach to text to do it quickly and easily. You can set up Bluesky to remind you to use ALTTEXT.
Your post as it is now, is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
Snopes found no credible sources describing experiments matching the details given in the social media posts investigated here, and the prevalence of identical or near-identical phrasing in such posts suggests the claim is best classified as a groundless rumor spread by internet users.
My fight/flight/freeze response has been tested too many times to count and my reaction has been overwhelming FIGHT so I will never be brainwashed like the MAGAt cult members!
This is what the GOP has been doing for years to their constituents. Fear of others. Blame others for everything. Democrats need to learn. Find a couple of mantras like "They are stealing your money". "The rich have ALL the wealth, they hate you" Say it over and over, rinse and repeat.
The GQP learned that from the Dixiecrats. They've been using this fear mongering for decades. Then they dumbed down the education system, so most people use critical thinking anymore.
This is the correct advise. If followed would help. However, "the whole world is conspiring against us" is quite on brand and exactly what is said/thought when international news is shown to the fully initiated.
Was gonna say this, the people whomst are currently already brainwashed think they are under attack from literally every country including allies. They are lost lost.
But they fear the dems the most. And that fear is dangerous.
We are all brainwashed in some ways. It's important to remember that. "They" are correct about so much. "We" are wrong about a lot. It's hard to reconcile that when they've put their trust in a total POS and we have seen ETTD.
Thats a fallacy created to try and equalize and moderate a debate. not everyone is brainwashed and there are a plethora of ways to make sure of that. One way is for example to completely go off grid for a year and come back and see the world as an outsider, quick way to "wake up."
So no, i do not believe everyone is brainwashed, I do believe most americans are brainwashed as polling for trump shows. And me thinks the people who didn't vote for him have some other type of stuff going on. America as a whole pretty not ok in terms of truths and untruths.
Also bullies always single out victims and by punishing them make everyone else afraid to act. We need to stand up for everyone. Don't let people be singled out.
That is looking disturbingly current isn't it? But reasoned argument and peaceful protest are futile in the face of the likes of MAGA and REFORM, both being to all intents and purposes nothing other than cults. Ever tried reasoning with such people? Facts just don't matter. I despair......
Yes. I have tried and was told that the a report from Univerity College London (UCL) was a lie and Farage was telling the truth (with no evidence presented)
We wouldn't accept this source-less phone camera pic of a computer screen from them, and we deserve ridicule if we use something like this ourselves. This is fucking serious, we have to do better than this.
“Terrorists, Terrorists, Terrorists…”
We don't need no Emperor Zero.
We don't need no Christian Fascism.
We don't need no thought control.
Hey MAGA Pedos, leave the kids alone!
Just ask any Maga member...
In the end, he did return to normal, after he stopped listening to talk radio and watching FOX. Get somebody away from social media, FOX, and talk radio and they could return to normal.
I would suppose it is a matter of degree as to how deeply one has immersed themselves into that world. How much of a critical thinker one is and most importantly, how curious one is to drive that thinking. Or lack thereof.
We must trust our own eyes & ears !
We must be strong when others try to convince to believe things that we know, just are not so !
Fear and blame 24 7
Human beings are never predictable, and I don't trust Soviet scientists to publish work that their own despots wouldn't like to hear
But it keeps popping up every time people on the right or left get shaky about "government mind control".
Let's calm down & stay focused.
I had already voted for him 2X. I have been telling it like it is ever since then. If trump was a well spoken man he would not be president right now. It is his stupidity that got him where he is. Seriously.
We could play the blame game forever. What matters now is fixing this shit, no matter who caused it.
As far as intelligent sector. It depends on what scale you use to measure intelligence. My father’s said, the fact you have a college diploma doesn’t mean you have a college education. GOP epitomizes this.
Fuck those Nazi bastard cocksucking cunts
His psy-ops of 'how to overthrow a government'
Continous firehose of disinformation
Repeat frequently
To anger and divide citizens
Once divided
Overthrow government from within or by force
But wait, wasn't FOX news doing it first?
(Cnews is an opinion channel owned by a 'far far far right' french guy , not a news channel)
Thankful for Snopes.
While the phrase is widely associated with Joseph Goebbels, there's no definitive evidence that he coined it, though it aligns with his propaganda techniques.
is one of the reasons why misinformation and conspiracy theories spread so effectively: repetition makes them seem more credible, even without evidence.
i recognize some of the quotes by Bereznov *are* similar to what’s posted here.
This brief history of psychological warfare, starting with Pavlov himself, however, is quite fascinating!
The only way to disprove the claimed effect is to do the actual experiment.
We would be foolish to rely on what information can be gleaned from the archives of the KGB.
There is a feeling of truthfulness bc we are seeing the consequences of constant barrages of mis/disinformation…but it’s taken longer than 2mths
goes over various studies on this quite well though check the study themselves
but we can’t be like them, right? prone to online outrage and calls for violence bc that would make us complicated humans too.
we really are in the shit together.
i thought i was the only one
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil Trump is evil
Trump is evil
Trump is evil incarnate Trump is evil incarnate Trump is evil incarnate Trump is evil incarnate
Trump is evil incarnate Trump is evil incarnate
Trump is evil incarnate Trump is evil incarnate
Trump is evil incarnate Trump is evil incarnate
Trump is evil incarnate
Except its not an experiment.
…firing veterans?
…gutting social security?”
This forces them to think and eventually face reality. It’s how, a psychologist told me, they “unwash” minds.
Fear-Based Appeals Effective at Changing Attitudes, Behaviors After All
Putin is back at it. Russians believe his propaganda. For whatever reason, humans want to believe the worst and not the best about people and situations.
Congratulations, America! You’re on track to winning the “Ignore Fascism Until It’s Too Late” speedrun challenge.
Your post as it is now, is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
We are all brainwashed in some ways. It's important to remember that. "They" are correct about so much. "We" are wrong about a lot. It's hard to reconcile that when they've put their trust in a total POS and we have seen ETTD.
If we let them pick us off one by one, we are all doomed.
If we all stand up for anyone they target, it will make like difficult for them.
And I'm 75.5 yrs old --- check my Bluesky page to see what I'm talking about.
Sad AF
Give me a break.