Can I make your list even bigger and suggest boycotting Uline, Hobby Lobby and Jockey? They fund a group called Ziklag which is taking peoples right to vote away by purging people from voting rolls so Republicans can win.
What might make this even funnier is the fact I boycott all beer anyway - it doesn't agree with my belly, and I barely drink alcohol at all. Maybe a few times a year.
I appreciate your sentiment & don’t drink Coors having known about his Heritage Society connection for 30 years, but saying “American Beer” doesn’t “compare” with yours is benign ignorance. There are 1/2 dozen breweries very near where I live in Colorado that are *at minimum* competitive with yours😊
Then let me educate you. The Brewmaster/Owner of the brew pub in the picture ”Wibby’s” trained in Germany & their “Helles” lager won a gold medal in Frankfurt. Three local breweries export to Europe. The “microbrewing” revolution started in the USA and has spread worldwide since then.😉
I have to say, from a guy that used to own a bar and a liquor store, why anyone would drink these lifeless “beers”. There are tens of thousands out there, with amazing flavors and textures and colors. Put down these watered-down pilsners.
Never did like the hype or mystique back in the days when folk would bring back a case of the watery weak beverage. Never bought when it came into our stores.
If I bought Coors when I was living at home my father would have thrown the cans at me. He was a teamster and Coors was a "Scab" company that didn't hire union workers...we never crossed picket lines and we didn't drink scab beer
Yes! my Dad was a big union guy and I grew up and knew they were on the anti-union list of companies not to buy from. I don't drink beer, but if I ever bought it for a gathering etc., it was never Coors.
In 1981, Joseph Coors' Heritage Foundation gave Ronald Reagan the very first copy of the 'Mandate for Leadership'. Reagan implemented 60% into his policies (Reaganomics).
Project 2025 is the 9th version of the Mandate for Leadership.
Yes...I will...and ummmm I think miller light gave a bunch of money to anti-vaxxers so I'm gonna boycott them too...and ummmm Budweiser...ummmm...they ummm...I dunno it tastes terrible
Back in the 80's, Coors wasn't sold in New York and was rumored to be this incredible almost mystical beer. When I finally stumbled across a deli that sold it and took my first sip, it was then and remains now one of the most anticlimactic events in my life. Miller Highlife was better than that crap
And his son Pete, who is Vice Chair of Molson Coors, is on the AEI board, so carries on that tradition. And is also a minor GOP donor. But all in all I think there are better companies to boycott. We have a new guide here:
This could be a hint.
Adolph Herman Joseph Coors Sr. (February 4, 1847 – June 5, 1929) was a German-American brewer who founded the Adolph Coors Company in Golden, Colorado, in 1873.
arent they listed as a hate group by SPLC? kinda funny yall paying for the revolution we never had in the 80s when these religious zealotous twats first installed Reagan as pres.
Oh...Miller was also owned by INBEV at one point but they divested and sold Miller to Molson in Canada who then acquired Coors. To tell you the truth I'm not sure if there actually are any real American Beers left. Maybe Utica Club from the Matt's Brewery in Utica, N.Y or your local breweries.
Joseph Coors died in 2003. Yes, he was a right wing nut job and a 1973 founding member of the Heritage Foundation but he was not involved in the development of project '25. P25 was established in 2022 by HF director Paul Dans and published in '23. Joseph Coors was not a factor.
"Retired Beer Magnate". After Grandpa died the kids all sold out to cash in. Coors is only Coors in name. The kids all took the money from the sale and ran. Same with all the Budweiser kids. The money obviously didn't change their twisted right wing values.
Originally the Heritage Foundation had good intentions in regards to "REAL" Republican issues back in the early days but it was overtaken in recent years by MAGAts when the Trump Cult came along, much like the NRA began with good intentions before being taken over by Neo-Republican fascists.
Currently, The Molson Coors Beverage Companies Management , from its President/CEO down to its Chief Marketing Officer, does not include anyone named Coors. The Coors Brewing Company is a subsidiary of Molson-Coors. Not drinking Coors or Miller would only really hurt our Canadian friends.
Going after Tesla definitely hurts Musk. Not buying from Amazon would definitely hurt Bozos. Going after Coors or Miller would most likely not hurt anyone but the guys and girls that work at the breweries and a mostly Canadian Company.
It would be better to not drink Budweiser products, but they are not an American Company either. Budweiser is owned by INBEV out of Belgium. Budweiser sold out to foreigners ages ago. The MAGAts got all bent out of shape about their Good Old American beer turned Trans Bud Light having no clue...
...that it actually has not been an American beer for decades. If Bezos, Musk, Trump or Zuckerberg owned breweries I would say yes, don't drink their beer, but in my opinion we are still safe to drink Miller and Coors light. Except...don't drink Coors Light. It sucks.
Actually, Budweiser, German name of Budvar, is a Czech brewery that makes excellent beer. The murrican company leased the trademark. I think the kease expired so now they call it just "bud".
But.....Molson/Coors has joined a growing list of major corporations distancing themselves from DEI and pro-LGBTQ policies. Companies kow towing to trump's hatred of marginalized groups is something nobody should support. Besides, Coors does not make any product remotely resembling "beer".
When thermo-couplers in beer coolers in bars (I used to own one) crap out the coolers just run non stop. The first beer to freeze is Coors Light. Too much water from the Rockies in those tall boys.
Molson Coors Bev. Co. Canadian-American company, Chicago. Formed 2005 in merger of Molson of Canada & Coors of U.S.. Molson Coors acquired Miller Brewing Co. 2016. Agreement made Molson Coors world's 3rd largest brewer. MCBC is publicly traded company on N.Y. Stock Exchange & Toronto Stock Exchange.
Just fact checked this and it's entirely correct. Coors (Molson Coors), Walmart, and Exxon did donate to the Heritage foundation but the latter two appear to have stopped openly donating specifically when Project 2025 was launched. Coors has continued to openly donate.
I wouldn't touch Currs pisswater anyway even if you paid me, but having said that, we started boycotting Currs back in the 1980's because they were polluting the watershed in Colorado with their mfrg process, they are rabidly anti-worker, and they're Nazi sympathizers. BOYCOTT COORS.
I’m in Colorado and Coors is quite popular here. I know there’s enough of us that would boycott them and protest their factory- we just need the word to get out. Please share with everyone you know!
You are probably right- there is a Coors Factory out here in Colorado (when I first moved out here, I was told this is a big deal but Coors beer is trash) that I was referencing- a protest out here would do some work and make progress.
No, they are part of Molson-Coors. Multinational based in Canada.
Anheuser-Busch is AB InBev SA/NV. Multinational based in the Belgium. They also own SAB Miller.
This Joseph? The grandson of a german imigrant with the name Adolf (Adolph Hermann Josef Kuhrs)? We have now the Prussia-South- Africa-Heritage-Situation.
I haven't bought a Coors since 1973 -- when I first learned the Coors family was a big bankroller of far right causes & politicians. Poor Colorado has had to bear the burden of their malevolence for a long, long time!
Fact is, the usa makes plenty of great micro beers. I just won’t drink them anymore. Fact is, you can find great microbrews around the world now. So no biggy.
Coors is crap beer…if you need cheap beer there are so many better options. Haven’t touch it since I was under age (and you drank whatever you could get, lol)
DONE!! (I don't drink so I guess that's cheating😏). But when I did I was a Corona chick... with a shot of Absolute Citron poured in, & slice of lime of course. Damn, I miss my club days lol.🙌🏽
Probably the best kind of protest is economical. The less money we spend on companies that support Trump and the Trumplicans, the better. Period. Create an economic riot. That gets their attention, they don't care about any other kind of protest.
Damnit for got Coors
The American people know who is behind this.
McMahon(killing UsDe)
There’s more. Just so you know American will not take our families being your servants. We will find you.
The biggest booster of Trumpism over the last eight years has been Disney. It's strategy is diabolically clever. And it's worked pushing millions of people further and further to the right.
Hmmm thanks in discovering that tidbit
Yep my beer consumption has been low
Oh well
The heritage name use to mean something
Now a days it’s associated with cruelty w/ Dt
The fact that Coors is Nazi beer isn't even the biggest reason to drink pretty much anything else. Nor is it the fact that it's the favorite of anti-unionists. No, the biggest issue is that it's TASTELESS SWILL! Why drink Coors when you can drink, oh I don't know... beer?
Please take the time to add ALT text on images you post so ALL of your followers will have full context. Describe it as you would when speaking with a blind person.
To help you remember, in Settings, Accessibility, you can turn on "Require alt text before posting."
I’m big confused on this- I know it’s me being ignorant so I hope you can help- why? The text is right there- why would anyone need to write out what is already written out? Can you help me understand? Pictures, ok, but if it’s text- all that is happening is someone re-typing what is there?
As Matt said, low- or no-vision users who use screen readers are unable to see what this image says and need the text typed out (exactly as the image shows) to know what it says.
It is especially important when further commentary builds on the image's content, else that commentary makes no sense.
At least "Boycott Coors" is its own complete thought, but a screen reader user doesn't know if this image is a Coors logo or a photo of a protest or an explanation of why, so the message loses context as compared to sighted users.
My boycott list grows more every day.
Actually, American beer doesn't really compare with what we do locally.
Solidarity either way, just we'd be boycotting Coors regardless.
In 1981, Joseph Coors' Heritage Foundation gave Ronald Reagan the very first copy of the 'Mandate for Leadership'. Reagan implemented 60% into his policies (Reaganomics).
Project 2025 is the 9th version of the Mandate for Leadership.
Adolph Herman Joseph Coors Sr. (February 4, 1847 – June 5, 1929) was a German-American brewer who founded the Adolph Coors Company in Golden, Colorado, in 1873.
Perhaps that is the link.
But it is never too late to start boycotting. Today is a great day.
Welp, I’m not going to any Rockies games this year *even harder* now.
But yes, boycott!
Coors is now under the Anheuser-Busch umbrella the same company who makes Budweiser and other beers .
Anheuser-Busch is AB InBev SA/NV. Multinational based in the Belgium. They also own SAB Miller.
But as far as their national “beers”, they’re awful.
🇨🇦Elbows Up🇨🇦
Why I drink liquor now
You know what else can do that? Hands! (Provided there isn't significant nerve damage. Not a huge demographic of beer drinkers if you ask me).
Colorado is a strong liberal 💙state. Kick the Coors factory to the red states!👎🏼
Been boycotting that nazi piss* since the 70s.
The American people know who is behind this.
McMahon(killing UsDe)
There’s more. Just so you know American will not take our families being your servants. We will find you.
I don't like blue moon anymore.
… Anyone? Anyone?? 😌
Do I win a free canoe?
Yep my beer consumption has been low
Oh well
The heritage name use to mean something
Now a days it’s associated with cruelty w/ Dt
Cheers. 🍻
To help you remember, in Settings, Accessibility, you can turn on "Require alt text before posting."
Thank you!
It is especially important when further commentary builds on the image's content, else that commentary makes no sense.
When I used to drink, I thought Coors beer tasted like piss water, so I never bought it.
However, I'll be happy to blast your message on social media.
Make sure you're boycotting all their products.
The Coors family has been anti union forever. I boycott Coors for two reasons.