Not shocked, was waiting for them to just finally come out of the closet. This way its easier to see them in broad daylight and give them the hate they deserve.
People knew what they voted for. The US was founded on the genocide of the natives, slavery of the black race and continued segregation until living memory. No one walked into this unaware
Indicative of the real welfare queens and terrorists you need to worry about, not someone from another country, they're right in your backyard, running multi-billion dollar corporations, and holding office.
Your oppression is their profession
What's really surprised me isn't that they're Nazis, but the huge collective shrug from the entire country about it. It's like "oh sure they're out and proud Nazis but they won the election so what can you do"
All the Trumpers I have debated with lately completely deny any parallels to the Nazis. This when it is very obvious that Trump is playing the Nazi Nationalist card using the very same techniques.
I can't say I can speak about Taboritsky and Pyotr, my point is how do you get everyday folk who aren't as well read and don't follow political news to understand how this isn't the same but different, this is VERY different and potentially bad on a scale nobody has seen in a long time.
Taboritsky and Pyotr were two russian nazis from the whites during the revolution, they also wrote one of the nazi bibles; The protocols of the zion sages. A book in which you find all the crap the reicht still says to this day, especially the part about a [minority] elite turning kids into
[minority] bolshevism/marxism. The protocols of the zion sages said all that crap about the supposed secret judeo-bolshevik elite (good lord do i hate that term), and up to this day that line of thought is still clearly present in the far reicht, just changing it up sometimes for another minority.
And then after the killing was done and 6M Jews plus another 5M others, like Roma, black, gay etc., when it was all said and done, the Germans merely said, "We didn't know'
Bullshit then, and bullshit now
Rt wing media has melted their brains and whitewashed news.
They think the left is crazy
Everyone gets fooled. It can take a long time for people to open their eyes.
BUT ONCE THEY DO, they need...we all need to in those moments...face WHY we were wrong, and learn to listen better to the many people who tried to tell us.
There were so many dog-whistles that the average person would miss too. Nazi symbolism hidden everywhere, but because it wasn't swastikas people would just think you were paranoid.
And a lot of people don't realize just how big a following nazism was building in the US prior to WW2.
Hell, people are justifying even swastikas...somehow. Utter BS, of course, but they like to pretend...Just like them dressing up under a white sheet doesn't REALLY mean they are racist...
Fox News, it’s a media ecosystem set up to convince you that this is normal, and the *other* folks are actually the Nazis. Full-time gaslighting service.
Yes, I can't believe anyone is sincerely shocked by it, although for one reason or another some may choose to lie about it and profess to be shocked, presumably to duck all personal responsibility for their actions, which is a very conservative, Republican thing to do. Inferior personal character.
NAZI in the White House American MAGA 🇺🇸
You can NOT use anything from Hitlers /Nazi identitet in a democratic free world .
But it is not difficult to see Hitlers
Color ⚫️🔴
Rally with bully and lie talk
Insults, hate , revenge and easy words to remember on repeat
I maybe one voice, but I should have been more vocal about their slow, now much faster, editing of history.
Too many can’t recognize it because they were never taught about it properly.
My problem with trying to reason with them is that they are very insular and dismissive. Many act like brainwashed fanatics and I don’t have the skills or patience to reprogram them in a single meeting
There is minimal reasoning with an actual Republican voter. Their opinions on politics are like religion. You don’t convince a religious man of anything. You wait for him to die.
Yes. There are many videos online about such. There are people of color who have relatives being deported, who are crying over that saying they believed Trump would only deport 'the bad ones' not them, not their families.
I still don't see the relevance of the question in relation to what I said.
I guess what I'm saying is I'm not sure if there's a point you're trying to make, are you suggesting this is a problem that predominately only impacts white people, I'm not sure what you're saying.
Maybe it's surprising to YOU that anyone could be surprised?
The relevance of my question was geared towards the racial demographic data. May be it's not a listening problem but a racial one. The Latinos crying now think of themselves as white coded. Other POC were listening as the voting demographic data proves.
I was one who warned about, and expected authoritarianism and even an end to democracy, but even I am shocked at Nazi salutes at inauguration. I didn't expect it to happen that quick.
💯 Even when you would point to parallels too numerous to be coincidental, or when you cited rhetoric and conspiracy theories that were explicitly Nazi propaganda. I was saying it in 2015 and getting attacked mainly by people on left.
1st thing I did the first time Trump was elected was Google his background only to learn of his Hitler worship, involvement in trafficking, and pedophilia. The internet makes it easy to uncover someone's background. But people mostly use it to hear what they want to hear. It becomes an echo chamber.
One of the problems there is that the people who are shocked are so profoundly incurious that they don't recognise the need to listen to others, and often really don't like the people who are curious and therefore get this shit right far in advance.
why is the GOP still not described as a “far-right” party? A prominent far-right politician from France didn’t speak at CPAC because of Bannon’s Nazi salute. So MAGA has managed to be even worse.
See what's funny about all this is that people think it was just the Jews and blacks and gays that got killed. The Gestapo hated everyone unless you were Aryan
I was just shocked that America is going along with it, but in happier news, I went to my first protest in a very red area and the large majority of cars supported us while only a rare handful of Trump dip$#!ts gave us the finger.
I think I'm more shocked that we can go to MAGA people, point at proof of what's happening, and they just shrug their shoulders. I used to think "Nazis bad" was a universal understanding. It's not anymore. That's what's shocking.
were beyond.. we are full ass rolling into fascism..see pre ... ww2.. same stuff going ON with the HELP of GOP and MEDIA sadly.. slow roll is going on ... THE RESISTANCE.
You validate his choice by staying. To him it can’t be that bad if you stick around. :( if his mind isn’t already changed it’s because he wants this more than he’s willing to admit.
I’m truly sorry. :/ everyone deserves a healthy happy relationship with mutual respect. Which can’t happen when someone fundamentally believe they are superior simply because of who they were born as(wether that’s being a man or white or rich)
I joke and get snarky but these people literally are trapped in a bubble. Many of his acolytes have it drilled into them from birth that anything progressive is evil and that it makes them garbage to be open minded.
good person. 🙄
Your oppression is their profession
How to explain it's not going to be EXACTLY the same. They're also not Germans, they're not (yet) flying swastikas, they have red hats instead!
They don’t want to get it
Bullshit then, and bullshit now
Rt wing media has melted their brains and whitewashed news.
They think the left is crazy
Everyone gets fooled. It can take a long time for people to open their eyes.
BUT ONCE THEY DO, they need...we all need to in those moments...face WHY we were wrong, and learn to listen better to the many people who tried to tell us.
So we don't die.
And a lot of people don't realize just how big a following nazism was building in the US prior to WW2.
Everything the Republicans are doing.
Every destructive move.
Every Nazi-inspired step.
Every destroyed life and industry.
None of it was a surprise.
They promised every single thing they're doing.
Republican voters, and those that stayed home, just thought it wouldn't touch them.
You can NOT use anything from Hitlers /Nazi identitet in a democratic free world .
But it is not difficult to see Hitlers
Color ⚫️🔴
Rally with bully and lie talk
Insults, hate , revenge and easy words to remember on repeat
Very sad though
Too many can’t recognize it because they were never taught about it properly.
I am fine sanctioning this should be done to anyone joining the Nazi Party now.
I still don't see the relevance of the question in relation to what I said.
Maybe it's surprising to YOU that anyone could be surprised?
The relevance of my question was geared towards the racial demographic data. May be it's not a listening problem but a racial one. The Latinos crying now think of themselves as white coded. Other POC were listening as the voting demographic data proves.
They’ll make up their mind on that day!!
So far there are no surprises...he is doing what he said he would.
The only surprise is the folks that did not LISTEN
It is long past time that we believe them!
I expected them to maintain the mask until the first wave of purges were done.
But I was only surprised by the speed, not the extent.
The tide is turning!
He's close to being my ex-husband.
I've told him, he doesn't believe me.
He avoids facts.
He CHOOSES to ignore facts.
I choose facts over fiction.
You should leave though
I’m sorry 😞
Better for you to have a best friend / husband who feels the same as you
His argument: show me how we are falling apart.
My argument: open your eyes.
They think everything is normal.