Reagan has been dead for over 30 years, not a single person under 45 has a substantive living memory of him as president, and everyone else knows him as the Republican God. Centering him in a DEMOCRATIC response to a GOP president in 2025 is like if Dems rallied around Herbert Hoover at Woodstock.
She completely is incapable of speaking about anything beyond security.
Wrong person to choose for this moment… of course.
Constitution: Our government creates our legal unit of account, the 💵
They seem to simply not understand that voters do not gravitate towards weakness. If Slotkin had said (for example) 'Obama kicked ass and fuck you if you didn't like it' they'd have 10k new member registrations today.
We need to start embracing FDR and the New Deal again, proudly.
Not Reagan and his disastrous policies.
The government isn’t the solution to our problems. That’s been an American mantra since long before Reagan. Fuck, the founding fathers literally founded the country on “government isn’t the solution”
Try again.
Most of your arguments about Reagan aren’t even true. He had no interest in running the federal government like a business.
His entire pitch was “tax cuts without losing any benefits”
It was known as the 2 Santa Claus Theory.
That level of stupid isn’t worth this response but here it is.
And of course the neoliberal thugs Reagan, Pinochet, Thatcher etc. paved the way for Trump, Musk, Putin, Milei etc.
So if Regan is the democratic beacon then the party is in more trouble than I/we could imagine
You believe propaganda.
Reagan was pro immigration, pro green energy, and pro NATO. MAGA and Reaganism share virtually nothing. Even Reagan’s tax policy is socialist in comparison.
Citation needed
Oh and his administration de-regulated the fossil fuel industry and cut renewal energy research funding by 85%.
Abandoned fuel efficiency standards of Carter &Tax credits for energy efficiency appliances.
The Montreal protocol was huge.
Ok give him credit there.
Cap and trade. Decent step forward.
So 2 positives, 6 negatives..
The solar panels were symbolic both in their installation and their removal.
He also put us in the Montreal Protocol which literally saved life on Earth. But hey, he took solar panels off the roof of the White House so saving life on Earth? Meaningless.
Yeah Regan abandoned that.
He also defunded public transit and forced funding to road construction to support cars.
This dude had to be confusing Regan with Carter.
Reagan was a monster and deserves to rot in hell.
I guess the largest immigration amnesty, he campaigned on this btw, is the work of “evil”
I’ll take that “evil”!
Privatizing jails, flooding them with non-violent criminals (mostly minorities)
military arming police.
Exploding national debt
Anti immigration start.
Defunding mental health (exploding homelessness)
Union busting
Caused saving and loans crisis.
Reagan literally CAMPAIGNED on and then IMPLEMENTED the largest immigration amnesty in American history, you’re just lying at this point.
He started raids of employers who hired illegals
Increased and militarized us mexico border.
Supported dictators in Central America causing displacements who were now illegal
Added restrictions to NEW immigrants making legalization harder
Outside modern online internet crisis (like spikes in social media sucide rates etc)
Ronald Reagan was the President 1981-1989.
Donald Regan was Secretary of the Treasury 1981-1985, then White House Chief of Staff 1985-1987.
Yes, we made jokes about the similarities of their names in the ‘80s.
Consultants skim 10-15 percent of all the cash they raise. This amounts to tens-of-millions each cycle. It's a very lucrative profession being a party hanger-on.
The leftists revisionism of Reagan needs to stop.
He was pro immigration, believed in green energy, and supported NATO. MAGA is antithetical to Reaganism.
I am claiming Reaganism is NOT Trumpism because they aren't remotely similar no matter how mad that makes you. They just aren't.
That’s the problem. Just mentioning factual information about Reagan isn’t “defending” Reagan.
Maybe you’re being irrational? Because all I’ve stated is Reaganism isn’t Trumpism.
That’s not a defense of Reaganism.
Btw, ripping out the solar panels Carter installed is a funny way...
So did Reagan putting the US in its first Climate Treaty, Bush literally ran on America leading the green revolution. I’m not the one revising history.
Reagan also wrote an oped in favor of gun control.
Also, I presume you can't defend him...
Reagan tax rates look like socialist tax rates compared to Trump. Reagan actually raised taxes multiple times. And on things billionaires use (he raised the capital gains tax).
Most of what Reagan actually did was close loopholes.
He wasn't as appalling xenophobic as MAGA, that I will grant you, but he started the movement that ultimately turned into MAGA.
40 yrs later, reality shows it was lots of smoke and mirrors - but not everyone pays attention to those details.
As a young woman growing up in Canada, Reagan's policies were done if the first things I protected against.
Thanks everso
I don’t get it
This Is Not not a strategy, this is capitulation
THAT response to MAGS should scare the hell out of out of folks
And no one else should mind about it.
But everyone can hear or read it and it can affect everyone's opinions - and most, negatively.
*begins digging head out of the sand*