He’s not wrong. As long as Citizens United stands it won’t change. We need to get busy working towards overturning it with laws or a constitutional amendment. It won’t be easy. It won’t happen quickly. But if we all work together, we CAN make it happen.
But what if we squabble and bicker endlessly instead?
Look, I know cooperation has been an incredibly powerful tool for good, for thousands of years, but maybe this time it's different. Maybe everyone should just focus on one pet issue, and fail to see the whole.
Right now I think the best move would be to find all of the rich people in the world who care about democracy and try much harder to convince them how fucked we and all of their children are if they don't fight like hell, now
It's just that diversity has also been around since like, the early universe, and it's pretty helpful. So even if something is a really good idea, it's probably best that we aren't ALL working on it.
Some people should just be doing other important stuff.
The culture wars are being fueled by the Oligarchs to distract us from what's really happening. This is a CLASS war of the morbidly rich against the common folk. Time to fight back!
AFTER the barn door has been broken off of its hinges…
Imagine if every Democratic politician warned US daily about this instead of talking about Israel, abortion, attempted assassinations…
Or even in addition to those important issues?
The Trumpy idea of draining the swamp is to get rid of the middlemen who do the bidding of billionaires, & replace them with the billionaires themselves. We've been an oligarchy for decades.. Citizens United cemented it ..
Exactly - the blueprint is in 1990’s Russia. The mass privatization of government property and resources among the rich and politically connected = the new United States oligarchy
Says the multi-millionaire that in the entire half century he's spend in Washington has accomplished absolutely nothing but renaming a couple of post offices.
Forget about what United States might become. The United States of America, as of December 15 2024, is paying for the genocide of Palestinian people with taxpayers dollars.
Repent or hellfire. That's your choice. No escape
Contrary to worldwide ignorance, what we see "happening" in Palestine at this very moment is an attempted genocide that is funded by the taxpayers of the United States of America.
Republicans and Democrats pay for the genocide of Palestinian people.
Then Gaza took his mantle and f-ed MVP and the world. I get blocked by more fauxbros than maga- which tells me everything. They can’t handle the truth - they wanted Trump both times- they got him.
Yep. I have found Berners to be worse than magats. And wait until they find this thread. They will be all up in it screaming about how he was robbed. UGH
It's important to stay informed about the state of our democracy! Thank you, Sen. Bernie Sanders, for bringing attention to this issue so we can work together towards a more equitable future for all. 🌟 #DemocracyMatters#United
Musk proclaimed that his stock value and that of his shareholders come before that of his employees. Somehow, his shareholders’ need to thrive is more important than that of the people who actually build his toys.
Give me a break; millions of us have been telling HIM along with our representatives for decades & they couldn't be bothered since "Oh, my campaign funding!" (business & special interest lobby, etc).
NOW pretending this is news? Act as if they weren't complicit. Bullshit.
Bernie man … where you been? You late as fuck here bitch. The Supreme Court handed the country over to the Billionaires all nice and legal and official like in the Citizens United case on 1/21/2010. Ensures unlimited campaign contributions. Who paid to get that case thru? The Koch brothers.
I agree with Bernie but even though it is becoming an Oligarchy, Trump’s supporters have no idea what Oligarchy means. The Dems have to stop speaking above the 4th grade. Just say “Billionaires and Millionaires”. They need to seriously dumb down the message
Yeah, Bernie, we noticed that a while back. It's just now going to be formalized as we put billionaires in charge of the government. I believe this is also known as fascism.
Hillary Clinton pledged in 2016 to appoint SCOTUS judges who would do that. And that’s exactly why she could not be allowed to win. The billionaires made sure of that.
This is scaringly the truth ... !!!
But what if we squabble and bicker endlessly instead?
Look, I know cooperation has been an incredibly powerful tool for good, for thousands of years, but maybe this time it's different. Maybe everyone should just focus on one pet issue, and fail to see the whole.
And if it doesn't work, maybe we can spin defeat into some sort of new beginning!
Some people should just be doing other important stuff.
Can you hear it now? Dems learn from Bernie. The guy can communicate!
My point is that he is successful at communicating a vision which the Democrats have not been able to do.
Now post another Noam Chomsky or George Carlin quote about how fucked we are without ever posting an answer!
It has been since Citizen's United declared corporations can buy politicians.
It's not "rapidly" becoming an oligarchy, it's about to become a fascist dictatorship.
Noooooooooo way!!!
Imagine if every Democratic politician warned US daily about this instead of talking about Israel, abortion, attempted assassinations…
Or even in addition to those important issues?
Meanwhile, someone at The Rolling Stone got a clue. Just a little too late.
Repent or hellfire. That's your choice. No escape
Contrary to worldwide ignorance, what we see "happening" in Palestine at this very moment is an attempted genocide that is funded by the taxpayers of the United States of America.
Republicans and Democrats pay for the genocide of Palestinian people.
So don’t buy their products/services
Musk proclaimed that his stock value and that of his shareholders come before that of his employees. Somehow, his shareholders’ need to thrive is more important than that of the people who actually build his toys.
Source: Fresno Bee
NOW pretending this is news? Act as if they weren't complicit. Bullshit.
Shame on you. Do better.
Some argue it always has been George Washington was arguably a billionaire
Would someone please remind this man that if you give them an inch they'll take a mile? Thanks.