Many insiders believe Kevin Feige is the best candidate to become the new boss at Lucasfilm
One source says Disney's top choice is Dave Filoni but another disagrees — "He will be killed by all sides"
(via THR | #StarWars)
One source says Disney's top choice is Dave Filoni but another disagrees — "He will be killed by all sides"
(via THR | #StarWars)
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He'll make some of the most AI generated bullshit you could ever think about and disguise it as love for the Star Wars franchise
Worst thing about Filoni is that a large portion of the fanbase would actually support him because he gives them the illusion that they want his shit
They also think JJ Abrams would be a good candidate
Rey what?
Rey Skywalker. 😭😂😂😂
“I don’t see him coming back to that toxic cesspool. It definitely left a mark on him"
The Somehow Palpatine returned guy?
That alone should IMMEDIATELY disqualify their opinion on anything from being reported on as any kind of professional authority.
I definitely see Filoni and Favreu as the top candidates since both have delivered incredibly solid SW shows and can definitely give the creative boost the franchise needs right now
Keep JJ Abrams as far away from SW or any other IP
Filoni’s current Star Wars work is serviceable but he’s clearly spread too thin with it. I think increasing the scope of his work to all of Star Wars would be a big mistake. He needs time to cook.
The Internet would go wild.
Most likely if he was his actual involvement would go down
Make it a punishment.
You need someone who knows the business and gives the crelatives what they need to do what they do best.