What election are you referring to? the one where the magats claimed election interference was investigated and it was verified that no interference existed. In the most current election I have not heard anyone claiming interference - probably because the party of liar, liar, pants on fire won🤷♀️.
Dems have such a huge marketing issue. Always have and this is an extension of that very issue. The concern over optics (we aren't them and don't do what they do) is part of their downfall.
I will never understand why the old guard dems can't get out of the way. They prove time and time again their strategy sucks. And by keeping hold of the party and not getting young blood infused properly into the system is a huge part of why we are in our situation.
Greg Palast has been investigating voter fraud in this country since Bush/Gore but as with everything in this country, the truth is silenced. Palast proved Harris won but not one of the Democrats challenged this.
They all have been doing statistical analysis on irregularities in the 2024 presidential election. They also have recent videos on their Youtube Channels.
and what about the kkk voter challenge rules they brought back from like the 40s where's our investigation or inquiry oh that's right these twats dismantled the watchdogs and regulatory agencies!
I think the Dems are trying to act like the adult in the room and accept the results of the election. They don't want to sound like the Orange Menace and his whining for the last 4 years. And, you may be right that there was election interference.
Check out https://electiontruthalliance.org. They did a detailed analysis of the votes in the 6 swing states. Data strongly suggests there WAS election interference that caused Trump to win.
Thank you!! 👏👏👏
Some say there was no evidence of fault play. Well, that's bec fault play was not really looked into. Some also claimed that it would be too costly. Well, was saving a couple of million dollars worth what we have now?
Professional revolutionaries. Legality never stood in the way of justice equality or equity. Rights are taken by any means necessary. People's revolution is the only way. It took lenin 30 years. Breaking all laws.The ends justify the means. No more empire
“And then he journeyed to Pennsylvania, where he spent like a month and a half campaigning for me in Pennsylvania,” Trump said. “And he’s a popular guy. And he was very effective. And he knows those computers better than anybody.”
All those computers,” Trump continued. “Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide. So it was pretty good. It’s pretty good
They didn't really need to cheat when every red state suppressed votes. I'm sure some red counties in blue states tried as well. Anti voting laws or suppression laws were passed all over the country. Having said that .... Elon
People on here get genuinely upset with me when I say the election was stolen. The lack of creative thinking is surprising. Trump is a cheater down to his bones. Plus they admitted it.
It feels like the tide is starting to change. Maybe that’s just my hope speaking, or the effects of an echo chamber, but I swear I’m seeing more open talk about it than ever before.
Not everyone. Ive been banging the hacked election drum since January. So has https://smartelections.us and https://electiontruthalliance.org in addition to the Greg Palast election suppression info. We may be on the fringe of commonly held belief but it doesn’t make it any less true.
The website is so cool. I love the data bc i am a huge nerd. What i found most compelling was the same anomaly was found in 2020 but the threshold (possible activation point to trigger the data anomaly) was higher.
I have been screaming this since November. Stop the steal wasn’t about 2020. Everything trump says is projection. He was referring to 2024 cause the fix was in. Democrats can’t say recount without looking like unhinged MAGA…so they did nothing. 14.3 says an insurrectionist cannot take the oath!!!
How many times did he say he didn’t need their votes. Bomb threats in Blue districts traced to Russia. He owes Putin & Elon. Thanked Elon in Pennsylvania. How did Elon have election results before the media??? Soooo many red flags!!!! Now he’s siding with the axis of evil. Wake up!!!
Actually, Kamala and a particular group are looking into it. However, they are playing low key, otherwise the red gang will either cover it up or use it to anger their dumbass masses.
You're returning my hope ... I was hanging onto a little shred of it before the inauguration. Then when nothing happened I gave up thinking that anybody would ever officially call him out.
Because they’ll find nothing. The only way to prove it is to do a visual
Inspection of physical ballots. Then you’ll find many physical ballots don’t exist.
Indeed it is fishy. Plus all previous presidents and Kamala are just standing there while he rips this country apart with cruelty and grift. We need to put a spotlight on them.
Hillary is the only one speaking up from past administrations with Tim Walz is active as a governor.
I've been asking since the beginning. Where the f*** are the leaders? Former president's former general's, retired military. They just set silently by after all the years of supposed patriotism, what the f***
It’s like they know something we don’t. Maybe we ought to start asking them. We can start bombarding them on FB since Biden, Obama, Hillary and Kamala all have accounts that are active. SOMEONE is reading them. I hate FB but that’s where we can reach them without going on X.
Wow! Trump's little commercial didn't make a dent! Let's keep hurting this stock! DUMP THE STOCK MOVEMENT!! BOYCOTT TESLA!! THEY CAN'T FUNCTION WITHOUT A FUELING INFRASTRUCTURE!!
He needs to convince others to come forward and get this out there. If he can prove that musk and trump were behind this then it's an illegal win and he should be walked out in handcuffs. The voters were duped. I was not one of them and left Twitter for good.
Unfortunately there are limited ways to remove a president; Impeachment, Article 25,they resign. He will never resign, republicans will never vote to impeach and none of his cabinet will use Article 25. Musk has the ability to alter votes. Doubtful that we will have fair elections in the future.
When we take back the house and get a 60 vote threshold in the senate we can impeach and convict and force him out including Vance. Hakeem will be speaker and next in line.
The tech Barons did have an impact on the election. They flooded social media with so much misinformation and lies that most American voters just tuned out and didn't vote. They are still dishing out the chaos and BS so fast that most minds are flooded and have reached cognitive overload. WAKE UP!!!
One of the doge muskrats won the 2023 Hackathon. Don't think for a second that there wasn't some shady shit going on. Trump even announced it.
Why did the Dems roll over so quickly and quietly?
Maybe we could be more certain if at least a couple of states had hand counted, double checked, their ballots? This election, the big tech boys definitely had an agenda---and they also had remarkable technical capabilities, far beyond what they possessed only a few years ago. I do wonder?
As opposed to last time, when there was no evidence after wildly exhaustive investigation. I think that an investigation of voting machines/tabulators in this election would have yielded very interesting results. Is it too late for this now? I'm no computer expert.
Unfortunately you are correct. Seems that our Democratic politicians have all developed a rubber spine. We need to keep boycotting all of Musks businesses and his government subsidies he is receiving until we completely put him into poverty. Then go after the rest of the culprits.
POtuS spent 4 years poisoning the well of " election is rigged" people hear that and roll their eyes, we have to let them know there is actual DATA to prove our claim.
Anomalies are just that, if they keep repeating, it isn't an anomaly...is it ?
On top of the steal he’s giving the felon another $100 million! It’s getting expensive to stay in power in order to destroy American jobs and those families impacted by losing theirs.
The Republikkkans have been outright stealing elections since 2000. Al Gore won . This is when the trend started of democrats wimping out & not fighting for the legal win. Remember the hanging chads in Florida? Supreme Court appointed Bush jr.
@rolandsmartin.bsky.social has conducted some great interviews with Nathan Taylor, Executive Director of the Election Truth Alliance. See also @gregpalast.bsky.social
they wouldnt need to rig the election if they had majority of people complying with their shit. people need to recognize they are out numbered a million to one and that they are the one we, the people, are the million
I think they cheated all three times. I think they just didn’t cheat enough on the second time when Biden got in office. That’s why they had to get the tech Bros in.
That’s right! Because Dems were so afraid of looking like hypocrites that they refused the obvious: Every Republican accusation is an admission. DEMAND AN AUDIT OF THE 2024 ELECTION!!
I will never believe that he legally won this election. Why were the Dems SO afraid to investigate?? "Oh dear, we don't want to behave like trump did when HE lost...we'd rather turn our country over to the fascist regime." I give up.
I think it’s partly the “we don’t want to be like he was” and partly the too-polite naïveté that says “we’ll just have to do better in the midterms!”, which also ignores a whole lot of things…
The Democrats never existed to oppose the Republicans, they exist to sabotage a genuine working class party from being built. DNC is a corporation, anyone put up to be elected by them is working to return their investors profits on their investments.
Thank you for this reply! D or R, they all serve the Corporations that enrich them. It's just "good cop" vs. "bad cop". More people need to come to realize this truth.
In retrospect Pelosi's husband almost killed \ McConnell SIL at bottom of resovoir \ Hunter 🍆 everywhere \ Dems flipping to GOP trend seem like mob tactic threats and bribes by the Dollar Gen tech billionaire Bond villain openly running things.👹👹👹
Ok, let's say you're right. It's all due to threats and mob tactics. IF we make it through this, do you really want to trust the people that cowered to threats and allowed it to happen to stop it from happening again?
Historically this ends with everyone getting pissed and starting over.🔥 Why I thought Musk would stay behind scenes \ would start off term more wine and roses. They managed to piss off everyone enough where when the checks stop the people will go J 6 on all of them. Start over with non millionaires.
You know the election was stolen because the night he won... he posted nothing about the victory nothing! no gloating.. that he had a mandate just silence..... He told us.. i dont need your votes... we have a secret... Elon knows the machines and i won!!
Also because in at least one state I'm aware of, Federal investigators were refused admission to vote-count centers. They should have gone in with US Marshalls at that point for due cause to suspect tampering.
Looks like MAGA did. In all swingstates. Graphs of drop-off votes show near identical pattern to graphs seen in rigged russian and georgian 2020-elections. Newly formed Election Truth Alliance describes the discovery here, they and Smartelections are currently pursuing this with law suits.
What we can do is turn up the pressure on these people with protests and grassroot movements. MAGA will commit massive mistakes.
To me it is crystal clear that Trump stole the election.
Greg Palast found that 3 million 565000 votes were purged with a plethora of voter suppression-tactics.
When history about this era is written, two things will emerge. Democrats were cowards for accepting results they knew were lies! Donnie, the imbecile, lost the election but for Musk changing the outcome by switching votes from Harris to Trump!
Do you remember Trump joking late in the campaign, “I have enough votes. Maybe I can give some to Kamala?” Also, trump wasn’t campaigning very hard. He took time off. Even the media mentioned it.
Democrats were so quick to take the high grounds and support the credibility of the election process that they totally forgot to request an investigation.
Dude, I don't understand. He's made so many off-the-cuff comments already. How is someone not asking to do a handcount of all of the votes, at least of the flip states? Had the results gone the other way, every gop would have taken their abacus to the nearest voting site and camped there.
Democrat wins: "FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD!!!! There IS evidence of fraud and we WILL find it even if we have to make it up!"
Republican wins: "Oh, well the people have spoken and everything is working as it's supposed to.... and no you cannot investigate and if you try we will stop you."
Elon Used Starlink...Dipshit Donny owns Elon....there was a inteview were thy had all these ballots with trump for president but the down ballot was all dems??? Trump admitted that they cheated at least in Pa....
You know what? I completely forgot about the fraud allegations of the most recent election and assumed you were talking about the previous one. My bad. Sometimes I forget this isn’t the bad place
The dems DNC would rather show their superiority than practicality. Not so high and mighty now. Let's get our hands dirty and go after the corruption. We have some of the best minds and law enforcement looking for work thanks to trump. Let them go get em!
There’s a theory it’s the algorithm that was used. It capped votes with tabulators. In my research the other suspect thing besides the swing state data shifts similarly is that Starlink uses a similar encryption protocol. But it’s circumstantial nobody know how they’d accomplish that.
That said, I’m not wholly convinced it was fair and in states like Nevada they never canvassed for the presidency because of the way the algorithm worked out. I can’t think of a theory besides they cheated when this only happened in swing states. It’s suspicious af.
I have no personal knowledge, but someone here on Bluesky texted to me that all that was required was a person at the tabulating location with a cell phone with a Starlink connection.
That is what I was saying in my previous reply. A human being with a cell phone with a Starlink connection had to be present at the tabulating location to perform the manipulation. No internet. That is what I understood my source to be saying.
They’d still need some sort of hardware that’s port compatible. I don’t see how a phone could connect without internet or even over a network connection to the tabulator. Not much information available about the tabulators themselves for obvious reasons. But experts say no internet.
Exactly 👍!!! This old DEMOCRATS need to stand aside and let the younger generation take over!! We need new ideas a better game plan than the ones you have been doing!!
Old Democrat here, I agree 100%. AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Maxwell Frost are just a few of the younger ones who should be in charge of the party now. Watching Schumer read from his podium is like watching paint dry.
I’m old school too but I love AOC JASMINE CROCKETT ENERGY IT GETS MY HEART PUMPING!! About Schumer watching him is like listening to nails be scraped down an old-fashioned chalkboard😵💫😵💫
There was definitely voter suppression! I know first hand after talking voters in ballot curing. Lots of contested votes due to signature mismatch. Who are these handwriting experts??? Mmm 🤔
He didn’t win. He took it because he had Putin & Musk helping. He let them buy him so he could stay outta prison & they assured him he would be king. But they’re not alone. There’s others behind his COUP. And the bootlickers.
I just wish I knew why Biden & the entire DemParty refused to investigate.
Why are there no investigations? This is a truly scary situation when the cheated and abused present for more abuse! Where in AF is the rebellion from the Democratic Party? What are our elected officials doing and what are they afraid of?
I approved of every single one of Trump's demands for recounts because it was funny to watch him lose again and again. Remember cyber ninjas? Remember how they found more votes for Biden? If you really think trump won fair and square, you should want those recounts so you can watch Kamala lose again
Patently incorrect. My argument was very much in line with your half assed insult as well as the topic of the original post. Now answer the question or slink away like the bitch you clearly are.
Well said, UK the same, we the people know there was interference in both the Indy ref and the brexit, can we prove it no because no one investigated it all that can now be said it that there is a high possibility, difference for us was ours was Russian, yours was musk, I’ve no doubt he interfered
👑 We need New leadership.
Durbin & Schumer need replacing.
Mediocrity during Unprecedented national emergency is Incompetence at best and collusion at worst!
McConnell would have never allowed this happen! He would have shutdown Senate!
Democrats need Fighters not sideline sitters!
For the life of me I’ll never understand why a nationwide hand recount wasn’t planned even before the election. The biggest conman alive did not win legitimately.
Exactly thankyou 👏👏👏 trump, musk and their musketeers should not even be in the Whitehouse. Election truth alliance has so much evidence that the election was rigged. I've been posting all the pods, info and no one cares. None of this devastation should be happening!! Get them out now!!
We should never forget or forgive. No way will I ever believe he won all 7 swing states and the popular vote. This administration is destroying us. If you’re not wealthy . They want you to die. It’s clear.
Sheila, we know trump is a liar and a con plus a traitor.. musk is the same plus the richest person on the planet.. musk hacked our dept of treasury, our SS and Medicare.. and ppl don’t believe he hacked the election.. I’m so sick of ppl saying , “it’s our own fault” ppl didn’t vote.
Good morning Michelle, and you are right, this is caused by Republicans inactions, so unfortunately we have to put up with this crap until the people have had enough and walk arm in arm, you have to fight power with power, have a wonderful day my friend.
Thank you! The "it's your fault" stuff is breaking my heart. I don't have the energy to keep explaining again and again that I don't believe Trump legitimately won the election.
most of us don't believe its your fault that those freaks stole the election, but ....if you don't push back, protest, buy Canadian, put up our flag, do whatever you can then we have no choice. We are being attacked. Just like Putin started to attack Ukraine!
The blame doesn’t lie with the people who voted, the fault definitely lies in the people who voted for him and the people who couldn’t be bothered to vote and there was a very high number of non voters
There were so many questionable things but, after being cautioned to wait days before we'd know outcome, the election was called and conceded very quickly!
I feel like I'm a broken record at this point. All five swing States need to do a hand count audit of the election returns. Until then, it is my POV, electronically things were done to change the outcome of the elections in those States.
Incorrect. I know someone who was working on the Harris campaign. There was an investigation but it was kept hush hush because they knew the right would claim this is the democrats trying to steal the election. They found no fraud. Sorry guys.
Additionally— let’s not forget: Trump is a liar. When he says things to insinuate he won by cheating, it’s likely a lie just like everything else he says. He’s baiting the left into riots so he can imprison them. Classic gaslighter behavior.
No they did hand recounts of the actual ballots. Elon can’t cheat, there’s a hard copy of every ballot. It doesn’t matter what starlink said, they had the physical ballots to count. They counted them like a month after the election.
He's trolling you. He's baiting you to look as stupid as his supporters looked when they said the same things. Please be smarter than Trump. It's not very hard.
They are working on that soon I hope, since everyone in America knows it was rigged. And those that defend that orange turd in office, show the rest of us their darker character and what secrets they have hidden without telling them.
We need a receipt that prints out when we vote, showing who, what we voted for before we leave the voting booth. At least we would have a little confidence that the voting machine didn't change the answer. Just a thought.
Agree and WHY was there no investigation?? Biden and Harris just smiled and handed it over with no demands....they fed us to the wolves and walked away....yes, I am super angry at that....they had options !!
The is a guy looking at the data and it does in fact look manipulated.
I think he’s working on PA now and offering to do an audit which apparently can still happen.
They literally let an ineligible man run for and win office. They put up absolutely zero resistance to any of it, just like the Dems are refusing to do anything now.
Graphs of election data from ALL swingstates show near identical patterns to graphs seen in rigged russian and georgian 2020-elections. Newly formed Election Truth Alliance describes the discovery here, them and Smartelections are currently pursuing this with law suits in select counties.
Come on. There was no investigation because there was no evidence … all this stolen election nonsense. America the idiotic could have easy just came out and voted and Harris would have won. Grasping at straws that don’t lead to real solutions or change. Same page of lame excuses.
And the greatest part of all is they have people blaming the Democrats instead of them. This is a masterstroke. They can steal an election, admit it and rather than get put pitchforks, people turn against the "losers" of the election.
They all have been doing statistical analysis on irregularities in the 2024 presidential election. They also have recent videos on their Youtube Channels.
Anything goes in future elections unless DEMOCRATS can stop
The current executive order
Dem leadership: "I hope nobody talks about this smoke. I wouldn't want us to be labeled as forest deniers."
Some say there was no evidence of fault play. Well, that's bec fault play was not really looked into. Some also claimed that it would be too costly. Well, was saving a couple of million dollars worth what we have now?
Professional revolutionaries. Legality never stood in the way of justice equality or equity. Rights are taken by any means necessary. People's revolution is the only way. It took lenin 30 years. Breaking all laws.The ends justify the means. No more empire
Were Nevada ballots changed? Data expert details problems with vote data https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G8fu50VRXo&t=273s
4.7 million voters purged.
3.2 million registrations rejected.
2.1 million mail-in ballots tossed.
See Greg Palast's documentary "Vigilantes Inc" which is free on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_XdtAQXnGE&t=102s
He ADMITTED it was rigged in his favor!!
I just can't sit back and watch the most UNAMERICAN President ever!!!
There's no freaking way he took all the swing states, no way in hell
Inspection of physical ballots. Then you’ll find many physical ballots don’t exist.
Hillary is the only one speaking up from past administrations with Tim Walz is active as a governor.
So either bring forward evidence, or admit that the Dems alienated a whole bunch of groups to lose what should have been an easy win.
Why did the Dems roll over so quickly and quietly?
Anomalies are just that, if they keep repeating, it isn't an anomaly...is it ?
Were Nevada ballots changed? Data expert details problems with vote data https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G8fu50VRXo&t=273s
I’m so disgusted with the dems in charge
The fight between D's and R's is as real as WWE.
To me it is crystal clear that Trump stole the election.
Greg Palast found that 3 million 565000 votes were purged with a plethora of voter suppression-tactics.
Republican wins: "Oh, well the people have spoken and everything is working as it's supposed to.... and no you cannot investigate and if you try we will stop you."
Garland should hang high for his part in all this. Biden let Garland do nothing for 4 years, he should have consequences too.
The odds of lying, corrupt Trump, NOT at least trying to cheat, are 0%
election integrity office or whatever it's called... so there can't ever be an investigation
I just wish I knew why Biden & the entire DemParty refused to investigate.
Democrats are so fucked.
Durbin & Schumer need replacing.
Mediocrity during Unprecedented national emergency is Incompetence at best and collusion at worst!
McConnell would have never allowed this happen! He would have shutdown Senate!
Democrats need Fighters not sideline sitters!
How much more evidence is needed to start an investigation?
#Felon47 was NOT chosen by the Majority of Americans.
There is no way in HELL he legitimately won!
Ppl say “don’t you dare blame the Dems”
Really, who should we blame for rolling over and not demanding a forensic audit!
Trump/musk/Putin are burning us to the ground. It’s no secret what their plan was.
Not even a forensic audit? 💔😭
I’ll never understand or forgive this.
It’s not like they are a run of the mill horrible R party in office.. they are Nazis! 🤬😡
I can't think of any other reason they'd be behaving like this. Same reason Epstein is the one conspiracy theory DT doesn't push.
I wish you a peaceful day Popeye. 🙏❤️🥰
Additionally— let’s not forget: Trump is a liar. When he says things to insinuate he won by cheating, it’s likely a lie just like everything else he says. He’s baiting the left into riots so he can imprison them. Classic gaslighter behavior.
I think he’s working on PA now and offering to do an audit which apparently can still happen.