much love for the 'don't know' crew who must be wondering what that tree is doing in their living room
Reposted from
It's 25 November, and 11% of Britons say they have put up their Christmas decorations already - including 23% of 18-24 year olds
I am very much a traditionalist and no decorations go up before Christmas Eve. (Which also means that I can get a really good bargain on buying a Christmas tree).
Some of the don't knows, especially the young ones might be wondering what they should consider 'home' for the purposes of the question, i.e. perhaps one divorced parent with a tree, one without, uni dorm, girlfriend's flatshare?
(For anyone looking up the plot on Wikipedia, yes yes, that does actually happen in the opera. And yes, it’s portrayed as a good thing)
and Dad have put it up because that’s where they will spend Christmas
What if you've put a few up, but not the main ones, and the tree is still at least a couple of weeks away?