House Ethics Committee Republicans have landed on an excuse of not releasing the Gaetz report because it’s “unfinished,” and that would set bad precedent. Yes, THAT’S the precedent we must avoid— but nominating someone accused of child sex trafficking? That precedent is apparently fine with the GOP.
Sure that's so true.
Innocent until proven guilty... absolutely. Major scandal... absolutely not.
and also unfinished then?
Imagine if this was about hunter biden. Maga wouldn't shut up about it not being released.
They wanna abuse them and protect themselves. Party of projection. Maybe we need to investigate the right on injecting childrens adrenochrome.
scared of doing the ethical thing… what resources do we have?!
After MTG's threat to expose ALL of them IF they expose Gaetz --- well, she confessed the GOP House is a safe haven protecting S.A.
#mentalgymnastics #hypocrisy #makeitmakesense
FFS we are in Idiocracy! We have Jackass and a moron president elect, CROCS! O.o
with his adopted son about porno, yet, he's all behind two
known pedophiles. #MakeItMakeSense
They say they don't want me in women's rooms. And they voted for the man who did that.
I know that's a horrible thing to admit, why else would you protect a pedophile?
Wonder why that is.
Something SO MUCH DEEPER AND DARKER is going on
It just makes NO Sense in a world of compassionate humans.
Anybody with evidence of crimes against children who does not bring that evidence public is an evil pedophile protector.
Anybody who actively hides the evidence of a crime is committing Obstruction of Justice.
Someone must have all kinds of dirt on each one.
Let's not forget people in his own party called him out for bragging about having sex with underage girls.