For any Republicans out there-- don't you see what's happening? Your elected officials, drunk with power, are quietly and quickly getting filthy rich. And in exchange, they're cutting your Medicaid, cutting your education funding, cutting SNAP benefits, cutting medical research.
Tesla is doomed in EU and Asia... That's why he is stealing from the gov now.
Good lord Republicans would be screaming for blood if even a rumor of this was going on.
Their time is acomin’ though. The 🐆 is on the prowl.
I think this one is on us to fix.
Oh BB BB BB you really are silly
Some of yall need to accept that this is exactly who Americans are and have been. There’s a segment of Americans not foreigners that wanna burn it all down
Changing hearts and minds is a waste of time.
Forgetting that Twitter stock tanked under Musks leadership.
The Trumper party has a problem with hero worship.
Sorry. Her picture is scary kraykaray.
#DontCutMedicaid #DontCutSNAP #ProtectSNAP #ProtectMedicaid
Look at the Shutdown315 Movement and 50501 for protests to join or start.
Download 5calls to call your representatives easily. It even gives you a script for whichever topic you pick.
Kettle meet pot.
Many "influencers" to the left are digging in deep for any disparaging info, but only being viewed as chronic news.
I bet those politicians do a lot of insider trading.
What else can I do....
stock gets so low she screws herself. Unbelievable.
Same regimen as RFK jr.
They do see all that happening. Their idolatry of trump is more important.
Your oppression is their profession
Take that, bitch!
Slow satellite (Starlink) internet will replace fast fiber.
Fire-trap Teslas with easily attacked AI camera nav will get big govt. contracts.
This is one reason why American innovation is being outpaced by China.
Looks like she trusted the wrong advisor *sad trombone*
They watch Fox News.
They only see the brown people coming to get them.
Happier than hell to go along as long as there is no consequences for them.
But still, i know proposed a bill. Probs never gonna happen now with all the corruption with making the most money being the name of the game.
And so far our collective response is mostly to keep mowing our lawns.
I don’t think there are many Republicans who voted for Trump on Bluesky, unless you count trolls.
Keep that boycott going, World!
Marj took her fax# off of her congressional website. However, I still had it from past faxing actions.
Download this 2 page pdf & fax it to 202-225-8272 [Confirmed 2/16/2025] using the online fax app onlyfaxes(dot)com to annoy her staff. 👇😇
They haven't for years...
How the fuck can anybody be surprised about what is happening now?
And why the fuck have Dems been so helplessly unable to make the case?
The tRump admin left that all too simple moniker in the dust.
They've quickly moved on to overtly illegal mob-like conduct, totally lacking any semblance of governing "for the people"