Adam 💩 Schiff tanked Katie Porter telling everyone to vote for 🤮 Kennedy in the primaries because, checks notes, “it was my turn to be speaker”. WTF did Shifty Schiff do last night? Not a damn thing! Katie would have raised the fucking roof! What I do not understand is why the Democrats gave up so easy on the election fraud investigation. There is now compelling evidence of statistical nature that shows that the voring pattern is highly improbable and manupulatednby an algorithm.
Donate to the people like AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Jamie Raskin, Al Green, etc. If you don’t live in their district, tell your reps why you’re donating to those campaigns. Get 5 Calls and call them daily. Tell them what you expect them to do not just complain at them.
Except for the rare few like those, we need to primary them ALL ... IF we actually get to vote again... it was all "SAVE US FROM FASCISM!" during election/donation times but NOW, while we're IN IT, it's "biz as usual" for them... and can we still PLZ replace Jeffries somehow??
One of the senior Democratic “so called” leaders must have noticed the brutal beating they are taking on social media … shaming them for showing up in the first place‼️ And praising for his strong dissent!
They were getting texts from their staff members saying "Your constituents are frothing at the mouth with rage that you're STILL sitting on your asses."
Insufficient response on the part of attending Democrats. Gormless, glued-to-their-seats misrepresentatives for those of us who reject Trump's fascism. Lukewarm and pathetic response by Democrats. No balls, no guts, no glory! Al Green, Jasmine Crockett & associates got it right. The rest??? Meh!
IKR. First people complain that they should attend and the out. Then when they happens, they complain and say they should have never attended. The GOP/MAGA must be having fun on the other site posting all the self-abuse & insults folks are hurling at Dems. Leopards eating faces…
I mean the only reason the progressives are with the democrats, is that they know that it’s tribalism in the U.S., and nobody votes third party. Bernie was independent before he ran under the Dem ticket.
In a Federal Republic, they are OUR voices. Their actions disrespecting the decorum of the House lays proof they are not there to represent us but to obtain political career media attention in any fashion. They may not agree with what the president is saying, but this is pure disrespectful to us.
They are expecting the average citizen to be out there protesting but they won't do it themselves. They work for US. We pay their salaries and cushy bennies pkgs. Primary them ALL (IF we actually get to vote again)...
(except the handful actually out there BEING LOUD-- like Crockett, Warren, AOC, Maxwell, too few others though Bernie more than deserves to retire!) Is it too late to replace Jeffries as "leader"? He's behind the lame-azz non-response, I read.... seriously. STEP THE F UP, DEMS!!!!!
EXACTLY. They expect US to be in the streets taking risks and making the noise they themselves won't make. They work for US. We pay their salaries and their cushy bennies packages. DO MORE, Dems!! SUCH a missed opportunity!!
Let it go, olds. You had your time. Let younger people make the important decisions about our own futures. If you are over age 65 and have the financial means to retire, do it. Volunteer in your community if you need something to do every day.
I would retire today if I could. Nobody needs to be working at that age, I don’t care who you are, you deserve time to reflect, rest and enjoy the twilight of your life.
There were others, such as Jasmine Crockett, Maxwell Frost, Ilhan Omar just to name a few. The cameras didn’t show it, which was upsetting. I totally agree most dems need to wake the F**K up!!! Especially, he didn’t want to cause any waves, WTF is that?!!!
Doing that would have messed with the few brain cells he has left. He would have gone more off script and admitted more in his outbursts. Definitely a missed opportunity.
The world is entering a downswing of history. I'm not ashamed to shill my dad's book that covers electricity, ammo, water, food, health, and sustainability. These topics are covered in ways that other books do not. Especially making, storing and using electricity.
Democrats resisted, protested and yelled about his fascism and criminality and the constitution and the coup for 8 years and impeached the mf twice. The voters were like, “meh. At least he’s not a black woman.” So you think more action is going to do it? More protest?
It’s our job to get out there and be heard. The democrats in congress didn’t cause this problem, we did. The voters. So quit bitching about their not being aggressive enough and do something. That was Slotkin’s message: do something. This is a participatory democracy. Don’t just doom scroll.
So Jeffries leadership or lack thereof by failing at a united response should get a pass? He is only the leader because he is the money collector not because he can lead this is one of many failings this party has experienced lately. I agree with much of what you say but blame is shared.
I really think the right thing to do is for the democrats in Congress to cool their jets and for the people to voice this views. There is little for them to do except performative opposition. Half of the voting population voted for this character. Voters need to see the consequences.
The Democrats as a party did everything they could to alienate their voters by shifting to the Reich. They brought out their own rapey fuck Billy G and Harris toured with a goddamn Cheney. Don't give them a pass on that.
Its not the fault of Democrat politicians, I wholeheartedly agree that we’re the ones who are responsible, I just want to know why people like Elon Musk are commanding and acting like we should support them because they should serving us, not the oligarchs, stop treating like its normal. #Demvoice1
They refused to prosecute Trump, repeatedly did nothing to prepare for the possibility of another Trump presidency, empowered our fascist police force to brutalize protesters with increased funding, and so on and so forth. We got what Democrats spent the last four years fighting for.
They were elected as leaders for a reason. As I've said before, if I post on this site that I'm going to head to Washington DC and everyone should follow me to march, no one is coming. We need leaders. And again, that's why we elected them.
Elisa Slotkin literally issued a call to action for everyone to get involved in a way that is meaningful to them. We will hit a critical mass for purposes of protest. Now is watch and wait.
They should have been honest and had a primary. Their only progressive policy is about gender and climate(a bit). Not wage, work, healthcare, education, election finance, gerrymandering, immigration, taxes, war, same donors and same policies.
They did have a primary and Joe Biden won. When health issues (Covid) caused him to have a bad look during the debate, all of the Democrat billionaires and millionaires pissed their pants, he passed it off to Kamala, a great choice. I was proud to for for Kamala and wish more people showed up.
The minority can't force the majority to make any changes that their numbers aren't enough for. That's the nature of democracy. Surely you've heard that they are challenging stuff in court. What else could they do? Name one thing apart from be louder, which is futile while Republicans don't listen.
Stop shitting on Dems when the issue is the cowardly trumplicans and too many who voted for this shit show. Dems are not in power. We are all frustrated but the reality is our anger needs to uniformly point in the right direction. The party in power owns every disgusting action.
I’ve seen more posts and fact checking on this app from democrats, including my own representatives, than actual protesting and disturbance. How have Democrats still not put the pieces together? They need to stop being quiet, stop being cowards and fight back! They’re being complicit to cowards!
A fuckin 2010s flash mob at the mall has more coordination than the Democrats in congress!!! Do something. Do an "I am Spartacus" type demonstration while Al Green is being led out!! Action! Do something other than waving a fuckin bingo paddle and wearing pink and being decorous!!
If democrats have town halls, I want people to ask them why the fuck they say there in pink or held up little signs while that orange pile of shit jibbered incoherently and the GOP stood and clapped every 2 minutes.
Am I wrong for expecting more? Expecting better? Expecting to have been right there next to @algreen and walking out with him in solidarity?
I believe is one of the most powerful voices we have, along with I wanted more from her than a quote after the fact saying, "I'd tell Trump not to be Putin's hoe." Yeah, no. That's not it
She and a few others. , , but that seems to be it. I wasn't able to attend, but I forwarded my questions to our group going to see Maria Cantwell to ask why not? What they're doing? And will she also benefit from the tax cuts? (Yes)
She can call him Putin's hoe but do it whole you're holding a virtual town hall or live stream that's at the same time as the joint address. THAT would have been more meaningful and powerful.
Imagine if all the democrats had walked out in a coordinated manner and gone to their offices had a giant live stream or even individual live streams/town halls. People boycotting would have watched that. People watching would've probably tuned in.
We should have stayed and barred the doors before Trump's goons were able to escort Mr. Green anywhere. We need to keep our "house" and to do that we can't just leave it. Stay there and fight. I hate to think I've voted for paper tigers.
They missed their moment to follow Al Green’s lead. They should have confronted Trump until every last one of them was removed. They don’t have the right energy for where we are.
Right? Which is ironic because she's asleep at the home in a wheelchair with her mouth agape...and yet the school children still think she's principal and could walk in at any moment so they're sitting up nicely in their chairs with their feet on the floor and their hands in their laps.
Asleep? Until as a collective voice show that they have a spine concerning any serious push back to DJTs edicts via procedures they can use to block them. I'll take it as direction from her in her "advisory" role to sit down, shut up, & keep losing.
Jefferies has shown us that he is not the real leader that Democrats in the House need. His interview with proved he's not willing to go outside the box when it comes to winning. I saw no pushback from him when she killed AOCs bid for that Oversight seat.
To quote the Joker in Tim Burton's Batman.
"This town needs an enema!"
Because as long as the #GeriactricCaucus continues to operate in the shadows. This country will continue to lose.
They are fckn cowards for waiting so long. They know how angry their constituents are and don't seem to care enough. It's like they don't even want to get reelected.
Elected Democrats are asking We the People display our outrage by asking us to protest & put ourselves in the path of danger. THEY MUST WALK THE WALK, NOT TALK THE TALK. This is the time! Elected Democrats and Independents must be brave. WALK THIS BRIDGE WITH US!!!!!!
Trump is destroying this country, we must all stand up to this. Stock market is crashing and the world hates us. Things are gonna get worse. Brace yourselves for a depression. Follow me for new thought leadership. New progressives unite!
They should have walked out at the same time was escorted out for speaking truth to power. Would have been a much bigger message. Don’t you think ?
Ya know when everyone was mad that no one helped the woman thrown out of the town hall? Why didn’t the Dems follow Rep Al Greene?
I didn’t watch … did ANYONE stand up for him? I’m thinking not. They held up signs 🙄
That's EXACTLY what I thought when I saw that clip of Al Green standing alone and being escorted out! We saw a group of people witnessing injustice, & they just sat there. No one did anything to help her. Democrats saw Al Green stand, call out that felonious piece of shit, and they sat there like 🤐🤷♂️
Yeah, that frakker tanked Katie Porter in the primary by telling California Dems to vote for, wait for it, Kennedy! Because he was afraid to be up against her in California’s election (2 highest candidates regardless of party). Shitty Schiff did nothing. Katie would have raised the fucking roof!
Every person in politics is a coward. And a traitor. Its up to them to prove if they are not. Not words, actions. How they vote. How they lead. Dont look away. Stand up.
Those who do will get elected.
Those who decide it's better to sit still will be sitting for a long time, at home.
Dems looked weak, a mishmash of "protesters" (?) booing then silence, holding/wearing words and/or colors, or walking out. This is pathetically insufficient and ineffective to demonstrate unity and resolve to fight for democracy. If not now-when? Do your job 2!
Also, let's stop with hero call outs!
I wish they had went out one by one throughout his rhetoric until the end. Greene was the first to make them remove him. They all should have timed it and done the same. Easy for me to say.
whoop dee doo.
They list the moment of max impact when they should have heckled and get kicked out. Are they really up to the task. Being polite doesn't cut it.
You arent helping people like Shummer & them Brian. Actually. You are only hurting your own credibility for what people sees as you folding for access after saying “FECKLESS” & “ESTABLISHMENT” for 130 uploads
Think about what im yelling you. I know its easy content w/access but it wont help
In the long run
Or especially the goals.
How long is it before you making your own trade offs to keep that access to ignore a narrative and without any input but your own “capitalist thinking”?
This is how they all lose credibility
It starts with running ads when claiming to never gonna do it
Wow!! Wow!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Walking out after sitting there doing absolutely nothing, with the exception of Al Green, sure is brave. What the hell has happened to you all????
If they had any sense of strategy they would have started walking out long ago while yawning and stretching. Trump doesn’t care about a protest but he would hate the TV image of people being bored by him.
Your comment is right on!!! Great idea for a strategy. Trump is such a milk toast who can't stand looking weak, ugly, stupid. He is a moron, boring as sh**. Let's focus on how pitiful he is with great TV images. YES !!!
It’s wild, right none of us are publicist and none of us have ever served in office yet. All of us have better ideas on how to handle this situation than any of these people why?
Get Julie on your show Brian
Add some real conversations with general population in your mix. Bring in the voices of the people, Have soul searching conversations. Occasionally add Republicans. When they say nonsensical things, pose a thought provoking questions.
No kidding, stand up for what's right. If we have freedom then Trump should act like we have freedom. But once again Dems failed & never stand up to him
They’re pathetic. All they had to do was boo and they would have been kicked out. The visual would have been powerful - all Democrats expelled for disagreeing.
Yeah to me it's like by them not trying to speak up shows me they agree with him. Saw Warren texting, seriously, say something. Being forced out would show you tried your freedom of speech
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it ...
(Cue next person: "A picture of a spoon.")
That would have been more effective.
Make them show their thuggery.
Wish they could have made an epic one. 😪
They knew it would be a one man sh*t show.
Why is Trump still free?
Jan 6th was just a tour not an act of domestic terrorism.
How many? Reports I'm saying say it was just some, but I'm hoping it turned out to be a lot of them.
With Trump moving to take America into the "Axis of Evil" club with Russia and others, it's time for Dems to start swinging at all pitches.
Trump is destroying this country, and our allies now think we're the enemy. Congressional Dems, get in the damn ring and fight.
We need to recalibrate what it means to stand up and speak truth. I'm behind Al Green 100%. Now we gotta do more. And do it louder.
They just don't seem to understand the moment.
That’s why they’ve been hounding us via text email
They’re like strippers, they just keep coming around with a sad face and their hand out
But I want a performance!
Let it go, olds. You had your time. Let younger people make the important decisions about our own futures. If you are over age 65 and have the financial means to retire, do it. Volunteer in your community if you need something to do every day.
Washington, DC
Phone: (202) 225-5936
Brooklyn, NY
Phone: (718) 237-2211
Brooklyn, NY
Phone: (718) 373-0033
But anyone (Slotkin, who I previously donated for) who voted yes to the felon's cabinet picks - no donation.
Trump is psychotic *
Donald Trump unconsciously projecting his darkside,
( his shadow archetype )
upon the other
( upon his projected enemies )
Maybe I'm naive... or I don't know anything.
The only one who did anything worth a damn were AOC and Al Green.
Imagine if all the democrats had walked out in a coordinated manner and gone to their offices had a giant live stream or even individual live streams/town halls. People boycotting would have watched that. People watching would've probably tuned in.
Taps sign
Sans AOC, Raskin, Crockett, Bernie, Buttigieg, etc.
It’s almost as if our own representatives are trying to gaslight us into thinking that it’s not as bad as it really is ….
Rome is burning & the Dems brought fans. 🪭
"This town needs an enema!"
Because as long as the #GeriactricCaucus continues to operate in the shadows. This country will continue to lose.
Giving the flaccid bag of crap more air is a waste of time in your life
It's obvious Democrats have no unity, and the sooner we realize that we can rally behind actual leaders to reclaim government for the people.
The Dems who are leaving *now* are probably just trying to get good tables at the local late-night restaurants...
I didn’t watch … did ANYONE stand up for him? I’m thinking not. They held up signs 🙄
Those who do will get elected.
Those who decide it's better to sit still will be sitting for a long time, at home.
Also, let's stop with hero call outs!
They list the moment of max impact when they should have heckled and get kicked out. Are they really up to the task. Being polite doesn't cut it.
Just endless wrong rock bullshit
Think about what im yelling you. I know its easy content w/access but it wont help
Or especially the goals.
How long is it before you making your own trade offs to keep that access to ignore a narrative and without any input but your own “capitalist thinking”?
This is how they all lose credibility
It starts with running ads when claiming to never gonna do it
Am I missing something? Does the House have seat fillers like the Oscars or something?
Walking out after sitting there doing absolutely nothing, with the exception of Al Green, sure is brave. What the hell has happened to you all????
I just think Trump's unconstitutional actions to date get more normalized by attending the SOTU event. 💙✌️
During the speech?
It’s obviously complicated. And no matter what they do it’s wrong.
The only thing they COULD have had going for them is to do whatever it was (not show up, shout, silent signs) in unity and they couldn’t even do that.
We already knew what their strategy was—it was released.
It was silly and disjointed.
They needed to be a united front, no matter what
The same way maga chanted USA
Turns out it’s not like being a parent at all.
Your comment was- how are none of us publicists or elected officials and yet we have better ideas on what they should done?
My point is ideas are great, but until you are in their seat, you might not appreciate how complicated it really is.
Add some real conversations with general population in your mix. Bring in the voices of the people, Have soul searching conversations. Occasionally add Republicans. When they say nonsensical things, pose a thought provoking questions.