I don’t understand how they justify this?? Do they have an argument? Is it fake news or something? I haven’t heard anything yet. Just a strange acceptance.
This is off topic, but why does Tate have two Shure MV7 mics pointed at himself? As an audio engineer, this seems pointless. Just use one and keep it close to the sound source. Anyways, sorry to interrupt.
I know it's hard for nice people to grasp, but they think sex trafficking is only a crime when low- status people do it. That's how their morality works. You don't question your betters, you just abuse your lessers.
They know exactly what they’re doing. They really are just that bereft of a soul, morals, dignity, and on and on. Tate deserves a truly horrible death.
I guess she is looking into to find Dems who may be involved, too bad she isn’t looking at the Republicans who might be involved as well. Since Trump brought those guys back to the US it is obvious he doesn’t care what they preach and do.
But then we would get J D Vance---he's even worse. First Trump term, I prayed he would not survive. Now I pray that he will, as Vance is even more right wing extremist and not nearly a stupid
No. That won't be the dam bursting moment, either. The MAGAts are in my local FB groups, 65k and 85k strong, parroting his every economic talking point and rubber-stamping them. No one outside of MAGA gets it, even 10 yrs later. 80ish million people are in, all in, deep. And they're not coming back.
Can stand on their own without the 🍊💩, Krasnov, and his charismatic BS. He's a snake charmer of the worst kind, but when he keels over, the rest of them will flounder.
Begin to implode BUT that's if some other dark actor doesn't take his place or come in to rescue him.
I'm also not worried in the least about Vance. It's he a couch monkey parroting the white nationalist, MAGA agenda, yes! But he is also just as weird, if not weirder, than Musk. Neither of them...
Facts! The waiting is what we and the rest of the world don't want to see. We want action and these con artists to be held accountable.
I have no doubt that if the TSLA boycott continues successfully and Elonia continues to lose billions, he's going to find a way out and their whole regime will
I so hope that you are right, but can our Constitution survive?, can our economy survive?, can our freedoms survive?, can individuals survive? This looks so scarily like historical accounts of Germany in the late 1930's. "The truth will out" but can we live through the destruction until it does?
I hope this is true. I'm just getting tired of waiting for so many people to catch up with the rest of us who use our brains for anything other than keeping our heads from caving in.
You can literally see him thinking, “Shut up b***h, you stopped being interesting to me after four words. How big are your t**s.” It’s nauseating. Hard to watch, actually.
There is none so blind as he/she who WILL not see...many of them are totally uninterested in facts, they prefer their own extremist beliefs and never let facts interfere. This is what has happened to the political party that has encouraged people to emote-vote and put their brains on hold.
Both of those posts hint at what lack of education produces. It's pretty sad that written language is becoming harder to interpret than hieroglyphics. And these are the models AI is using to learn? It doesn't leave me with a good feeling for our future.
Do you know this behavior of playing innocent and playing the concerned party or victim started with the NRA that was infiltrated by the KGB (Russia) 20 years ago. They were like, "oh no, another school shooting. Give teachers guns!"
Habba-blabba, has worms in her brain! Her 'blabbering ' is nothing but the lies she's been TOLD to repeat! ANYONE with an ounce of sense, SHOULD see this!..SHE should be let go, impeached, FIRED! C'MON DEMS... go get her!!
The 'just say you care about kids' brigade.
Maga just needs to hear this, and not see anything change.
Bc they are in a cult. They just want to hear things.
I’ve only seen her spending a lot of her time on tv slandering American heroes who work in civil service, lying about veterans’ work ethic and saying they deserve to be fired.
This woman read all the 50 Shades of Grey series, watched every movie twice, & thinks she’s the protagonist & if she’s closes her eyes tight enough DJT or anyone of these mega loser will become her Christian Grey! This woman is not well, people! IMO! IJS
That traitor sent me a Friend request on Facebook before I deleted the account. They want to track who is talking against their Fuhrer. They want this.
Imagine what they would do if the Nazi Musk got his hands on Bluesky data via his hackers.
To their thinking, "crimes" are not hard rules based on actual values that should be applied fairly and evenly. They're just propaganda tools.
For them, allegations of crimes are just used to "prove" the other side is evil, and claims of fighting crimes (real or imagined) to "prove" their goodness.
*Eye roll* That woman has absolutely NO qualms with looking evil in the face. She sees her reflection in the mirror everyday, doesn't she?
And, sure, I'll pray for her...right off a cliff.
The extant to which she is relying on her audience having the reasoning ability of a tuna-salad sandwich is scary.
She knows what's she's doing, she knows who he is, and she loves it.
Along with the flag and Bible of American fascism, the constant allusion to pedophiles and traffickers creates convenient facades to hide your grossly sociopathic actions behind.
I’m surprised with Alina Habba level of ignorance that she doesn’t require a special needs helmet and a drooling rag 24/7.
I saw her once in a store buying Depends diapers unclear if they were for her or Trump… I like to think they BOTH use the same brand!
At what point do we start calling it like what it is? It's not a lack of self-awareness. These people aren't helping victims, they are in league with the predators. They are identifying future targets and covering up what has been done
Don't ever let that pretty smiling female face fool you. Alina is just a well camouflaged manure spreader! She may look all feminine and demure but she is, at her core, a John Deere MS11 manure spreader when it comes to spreading bullshit on a field of news sources.
Lack of self awareness, or has double-speak become true in the Republican party? Perhaps they've been so absolutely brainwashed that they believe in totality what their dear-leader says to them. Truly a cult who would gladly drink from the poisonous cup, right after forcing it on their children.
With bringing the brothers there, the Epstein thing, trying to make Gaetz head of DOJ, & of course, you can't leave out trying to lower legal marriage to 14 yrs old.
Removing the database of reprimanded cops was a really good one, too.
What message is that
sending out? Will it all be legal soon?
Child protective agencies do that work every day. Yet the president (take your pick of which) is dismantling those types of agencies. Where is their praise?
The lack of common standards is the point. Rules and morals are for the little people to follow, not the rulers who can do what the fuck they like. Sooner people understand that, the sooner people will stop doing the now boring "oh double standards, we gotcha" because no, no you fucking didn't.
You can’t make this shit up!
Or is it just reading comprehension she lacks?
And why we celebrate those who do. We need to do that more.
At least that's my hope...
I'm also not worried in the least about Vance. It's he a couch monkey parroting the white nationalist, MAGA agenda, yes! But he is also just as weird, if not weirder, than Musk. Neither of them...
I have no doubt that if the TSLA boycott continues successfully and Elonia continues to lose billions, he's going to find a way out and their whole regime will
She's absolute trash.
Warning: it’s EXTREMELY cringe and gross and weird and creepy and…
It is an absolute idiot disgrace to our government.
The 'just say you care about kids' brigade.
Maga just needs to hear this, and not see anything change.
Bc they are in a cult. They just want to hear things.
Imagine what they would do if the Nazi Musk got his hands on Bluesky data via his hackers.
For them, allegations of crimes are just used to "prove" the other side is evil, and claims of fighting crimes (real or imagined) to "prove" their goodness.
And, sure, I'll pray for her...right off a cliff.
The lack of self-awareness is almost scary.
i simply do not know HOW you keep your job after you just lost your only client $350 million...and i don't care how much you're willing to LIE for him
You just went ahead and did it!
Damn you ta hell!
(Pounds sand)
These psychotic, evil ghouls extorted a sick black child on the world stage whilst cutting funding for child cancer research!
The majority of MAGA in positions of authority are not in fact ignorant, but malicious. It's their followers that fall for the lies.
Wish people like Brian didn't avoid this fact.
She knows what's she's doing, she knows who he is, and she loves it.
I saw her once in a store buying Depends diapers unclear if they were for her or Trump… I like to think they BOTH use the same brand!
It's mostly Andrew in his own words confessing to statutory rape and battery.
What you are about to witness is sickening.
Seriously, watch this. This is who he is.
They will say whatever they think they need to say to whoever they need to say it to at the time to continue the grift.
Seeing how they're having such a hard time releasing ALL the Epstein files. Makes you wonder.
Republicans in MANY States are trying to remove age restrictions on marriage. Back to allowing as young as 14 & they want it in ALL States.
Removing the database of reprimanded cops was a really good one, too.
What message is that
sending out? Will it all be legal soon?
She's scum.
He’s probably thinking how much he can sell her for.
She’s not worth much but go for it…