Trump’s Commerce Secretary just said seniors shouldn’t “call and complain” if they stop getting their Social Security checks: “A fraudster always makes the loudest noise screaming and complaining.”
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Don't call and complain to SS -- they won't answer. Call your representatives, then the White House. I hope to see everyone who's missing out on benefits because of this on the picket line (along with their friends and family!!!!)
Exactly. For many years, social security issues have been among the top problems our congressional reps deal with on a daily basis. Make them feel it too.
I was about to say that im playing AC Unity and there is a mission where you need to hunt nobles chopped heads for Madame Tussauds to create wax masks 😂
I assume since it was a billionaire bro podcast, he thought only drumpsters would only watch it, so he felt comfortable being an absolute smug elitist. The problem is that the drumpf base are seniors, low income who rely on Social Security.
Nutlick is a billionaire, so if this is even true does anyone actually think she's dependent on a SS check each month like so many Americans? What he is saying is she's so wealthy that not getting a $1200 check is not an issue with looking into
Or maybe it's people who have paid into Social Security their entire working life that are justifiably upset. Perhaps it's the fraudster that is playing with their hard earned money and telling them they shouldn't complain.
Those checks are for your bills, food, accessories, etc. How much money does Nutlick think the average person gets a fucking month ? And a large percentage of Americans don't have a 401K, IRA account etc. These people have lived a life of luxury and can't relate at all.
Doesnt this man have any friends or relatives who will whisper in his ear to shut up? Must be very sad, to be so unloved to make a total ass of yourself on tv...
"If you're against us then obviously you were doing fraud!"
Full proof reasoning good sir. So when I accuse him of being a pedophile and he screams at me how he isn't, then that proves he actually is!
Yes, that’s the cruelest irony. Steal from people who need the money just to survive, and give it to those who’ll never need it. The anti-Christian philosophy.
So we are just supposed to sit back and let you take our money that we paid into our whole working lives?? You got me fucked up!! Hell no!! Our tax dollars pay you!!!!
Sounds like he's talking about Trump and Leon Skum,lol. The two whiniest bitches in America. The hypocrisy is so stupid it burns. Republicans are 100% responsible for fascism in America
“Public records suggest that his mother-in-law, Geri Lambert, lives with Lutnick and his wife, Allison, at his Upper East Side townhouse in Manhattan, further suggesting that she is not relying on Social Security for rent or mortgage payments.”
Again I repeat the person most responsible for this is David Bossie the man behind Citizens United. He's living the fat life somewhere while the elderly, woman and children are dying of exposure, hunger and violence against them from the rich.
This is a similar political sentiment to what was expressed during the pandemic: dying is a "sacrifice" seniors can make after living a long life so that resources can be focused on younger generations.
Respectfully, Brian, I've never seen so many despicable actions and heard so many awful words from Jews in my lifetime as there have been in this past decade. WTF has happened to the spirit of these people? Or Christians, for that matter? Has everyone gone nuts over wealth and power?
We can’t call cause you’re cutting that access! We contributed a lifetime of service with faith that our SS retirement would provide in our wisdom years! There’s a very good reason to scream and make a loud noise when pure awful evil and disgusting disconnect from reality is threatening our lives!
Trump hasn't stopped screaming & complaining since the night of Nov 3, 2020.
Trump has 34 convicted felonies for fraud.
After this Admin stops "Making America Colonized Again" (Paul Weiss to America First Legal), US 2.0 requires ALL convicted felons to NEVER be POTUS & equal human rights for all.
This is a direct threat to seniors who need their money - don’t complain or you’ll be labeled a fraudster and the jackboots will be knocking on your door
The irony of saying “A fraudster always makes the loudest noise screaming and complaining.”
Who is the first person that comes to mind to fit that bill? Hmmm?
They say who they are clearly and repeatedly with no shame.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and bet his mother-in-law has been dead and her body in a chair in his attic the past 15 years and he's been cashing her social security check.
“Public records suggest that his mother-in-law, Geri Lambert, lives with Lutnick and his wife, Allison, at his Upper East Side townhouse in Manhattan, further suggesting that she is not relying on Social Security for rent or mortgage payments.”
I'm half-tempted to find that address and head up there to see if she does live there, is alive, & if so, her reaction to her SIL painting her as a richbitch modern Marie Antoinette disdainful of the peasant & their struggles.
He is so full of shit it is unbelievable. I would say screw calling. Instead, charter busses to this assholes mansion with pitchforks, hatches, and maybe some guns. Think that would get the point across. Fuck this rich prick! Eat the rich!!!
“Public records suggest that his mother-in-law, Geri Lambert, lives with Lutnick and his wife, Allison, at his Upper East Side townhouse in Manhattan, further suggesting that she is not relying on Social Security for rent or mortgage payments.”
Oh, I have no doubt about that. How ridiculous for a millionaire to say this. Of course, his mother-in-law wouldn't worry she is wealthy & if she isn't, I am sure he would take care of her. Well, maybe not 🤔. Unlike someone who SS money is all they have to live on.
Truly so sad, how many need those checks? How many need to pay bills with that check? Only wealth can talk like him. So sad to see this gas-lighting going on.
They want us dead, I don't know who they think is going step and fetch for them when we're all dead, who is going to buy what they're selling. Shortsighted much?
Republicans (and UK conservative PM's) have always, but always, been focused on some incredible short term capitalist growth that allows them to take more money and growth. Once they have money, they draw up the drawbridge and don't give a shit. It really is all so Edgar Allen Poe.
Right? I've been saying the same for a while. They are definitely planning to cull the population in a myriad of ways. Nasty doesn't begin to describe how despicable these psychopaths are.
I’m relatively certain that a missed Social Security check doesn’t matter to those that don’t receive them; like those in this fascist regime who are looting the Treasury!
Knowing so many seniors totally rely on their checks, which they *earned*, the cavalier attitude by these dregs is monstrous!
They'll call you fraudster,terrorist,illegal,alien.
I'm from Germany: We've been there, deported and killed millions of ppl. Look away, apeassement got us there. We would have killed millions more if foreign military forces hadn't stopped us.
Its terrifying to see what's happening in the US. 😟
Poor people are too busy trying to survive to complain. I have heard the loudest noise, screaming and complaining, coming from those guys over at the White House.
Ironically, it lends a sort of twisted credence to their claim that only the fraudsters complain — because they know that when *they* complain, they're attempting more fraud
This is also why they are trying to plunge more people into poverty - when you are struggling to survive from one day to the next, how much time do you have to engage in politics, vote, follow news, complain?
No, the poor will complain because they need those funds for rent and other necessities.
They can't wait for the next months check to show up.
What an idiot that guy is.
IF a fraudster is someone who gets goods they don't deserve AND they think no one deserves social security then yes, literally all people on social security are frauds in their eyes
This man is insane. If it was HIS money he would be screaming from the rooftops. These seniors PAID IN to the system. They do not deserve this pathetic display of idiocy.
they are all bottoms from the very shallow bottom end of the gene pool.. turds from the same stinking pile... fyi.. to be a top one is required to be packin' more than a microphallus, so that leaves them as tight ends more than willing to be wide receivers
Sorry, just checking (for Europe over centuries, less so for my hidebound country) but why the fuck are the people on the streets. You know, doing revolution and stuff?
Or possibly the people making the most noise won’t be able to afford both groceries and rent if they miss a payment. But that’s the point isn’t it? No one in this party actually cares about people.
That piece of work also said his MIL wouldn't care if she missed her check next month. Well, that's because she has financial means to cover her expenses. MILLIONS of seniors do NOT have the means. What a jackass!!
Nobody told this guy taking away desperate people's means of survival that they EARNED AND PAYED INTO was a really bad long term strategy? I don't see that working out well for him.
You should now allow him to walk free - boo him in restaurants, boo him around his house and neighborhood, theatres, walkings, stadiums, flights… wherever he goes boo him!! Make him feel uncomfortable! Ashamed!!
Rich hearing a billionaire say people like me won’t call if we miss 1 check and if we do we’re fraudsters. I won’t be able to eat, pay utilities, insurance or medical bills if I don’t get A check. He’s never had to put the candy bar back because he only has enough for the basics. Sickening!
I once paid for the groceries of the person in front of me, who was thinking really hard about whether they could afford the small package of donuts for their kid sitting in the cart. Eighteen dollars. These assholes know absolutely nothing about other humans.
“Public records suggest that his mother-in-law, Geri Lambert, lives with Lutnick and his wife, Allison, at his Upper East Side townhouse in Manhattan, further suggesting that she is not relying on Social Security for rent or mortgage payments.”
They continue to project. Republicans and evangelicals yell the loudest of any group on earth, and yep —- grifters, fraudsters, liars, thieves. All of them.
I don’t think that they will be calling as no one will be answering the phones. We’ll be organizing carpools so that we can come in masses to stand in a giant line around the building, calling local media, & probably be having a potluck. Must remember to bring a folding chair…
anyone on social security with a son-in-law worth $2 billion doesn't need to worry about not getting her social security check ... how are these guys so utterly ignorant and callous? another "let them eat cake" moment from the GOP.
Yeah, what was it that he claimed… that if she missed a payment she wouldn’t complain?
If I had billions of dollars, noone in my family would need to use Soc Sec…but he’s too tight to help her. I believe that
This dude lives in rarified air. His feet never touch street level. How can this person possibly relate to the “every day” American? A missed chk can mean missed meds, rent, food, etc. 🙄
Oh...she'd just wait until next month.....????How the hell would she do anything the next month when all her utilities were getting cut off. That guy is a complete idiot in a $500 suit. I call BULLSHIT!
That is not even in question! I think you do need a revamped government. Maybe the rules should be nobody can donate more than $1200 per year to any political party, and corporations and organizations can donate zero.
only $500 ? They have neither idea of the cost, they just don't care. How unaceptable are these words, wherever you are and whatever is your citizenship
He’s describing Trump when he describes a fraudster. And what is the fraud in calling about a missing check? Are we just supposed to tell our landlords we can’t pay the rent this month and he will let it pass?
Any cuts to Social Security is going to be devastating for millions, including me. I paid into SS all my life since 18yrs old.
What is Trump's endgame?
Cut or eliminate SS and the ground will shake as the masses go to the streets in protest.
It's a good thing we don't have anger emoji's on🦋 because it would be too easy to take the easy way out & be a keyboard warrior. Seniors are gonna do more than whine and complain. when you try to kill us, Smutnick.
exaaaactly if you want to be a good citizen you should be thankful trump and the mob are running everything they are doing it for their own good oh i mean for the greater good
Fine, then their landlords can't call and complain either. They can just assume there's been a mistake, and stay quiet. Because landlords are notoriously easy going.
Something tells me his mother in law is all set with money…
Most seniors live paycheck to paycheck. Is this assh*le suggesting they simply starve?
Or make them *afraid* to try to hold their government accountable.
Shutting up Granny by threatening to criminally investigate her for (nonexistent) "fraud" if she dares complain that she's not getting her Social Security.
Government oppression to enable their kleptocracy. Rule by thieves.
“Public records suggest that his mother-in-law, Geri Lambert, lives with Lutnick and his wife, Allison, at his Upper East Side townhouse in Manhattan, further suggesting that she is not relying on Social Security for rent or mortgage payments.”
This man is very scary. He makes zillion of dollars his 94-year-old mother-in-law wouldn’t complain because he probably gives her a lot of money. He’s such a POS.👿👿👿
Disconnecting the SSA phone system ensures no incoming calls. I’ll remind Grandma she’ll need to start driving to meet with whoever remains at the Department.
What a bunch of entitled pricks.
Can we file theft charges against these people when they stop sending out Social Security checks? They would be guilty of STEALING my money, that I paid into the system so that I could withdraw it for my retirement.
"if people dont have enough bread, just ask them to eat cake?"
usa 2025:
"if people dont get their social security, just ask your billionaire relatives to wire you some money?"
Most Americans aren't and this asshole doesn't give 2Fs.
Maybe if SS checks don't come, it will finally wake some people up?
I know MAGA will defend the 🍊 no matter what, but some of his voters could peel away over this.
Full proof reasoning good sir. So when I accuse him of being a pedophile and he screams at me how he isn't, then that proves he actually is!
Let’s stop this utter bullshit talk about entitlement, Ponzi schemes and fraud.
It’s our money and to take it from us is theft.
The phrase "riding shotgun"will mean more than being a passenger in the front seat.
It's so ugly, and....OK, I know they don't care!
Only the privileged have enough to not have to worry if they have the funds to pay each months' bills.
With all the firings, layoffs, & general chaos, people NEED to advocate for themselves, or they could be in difficulty.
He is essentially saying, "Shut up & trust us."
Trump has 34 convicted felonies for fraud.
After this Admin stops "Making America Colonized Again" (Paul Weiss to America First Legal), US 2.0 requires ALL convicted felons to NEVER be POTUS & equal human rights for all.
Who is the first person that comes to mind to fit that bill? Hmmm?
They say who they are clearly and repeatedly with no shame.
You know it’s gonna be something like that. Every time I see some radical right winger busted for exactly the things they villainize…
Let’s find out where this POS lives!
How can one complain if they fired thousands at the Social Security Admin.
It’s obvious these ghouls don’t care that missed checks are a death sentence.
Those in this regime have a contempt for decency & fairness.
We are peons in their eyes.
Knowing so many seniors totally rely on their checks, which they *earned*, the cavalier attitude by these dregs is monstrous!
I do.
I'm from Germany: We've been there, deported and killed millions of ppl. Look away, apeassement got us there. We would have killed millions more if foreign military forces hadn't stopped us.
Its terrifying to see what's happening in the US. 😟
that everybody steals.” - Kevin Kelly
They can't wait for the next months check to show up.
What an idiot that guy is.
Look at those dead, souless eyes
At least trump will be dead soon. This guy's going to be there injecting evil into the republican party for decades to come
Probably baron or that little Twitter kid.
3rd or 4th generation nepo babies with affluenza
You didn’t think Miller was a Top did ya?
They were hardworking people, not fradsters.
At what point will America wake up?????
He’s one and he serves the biggest of them all in the orange buffoon.
She probably does have dementia.
he's on borrowed time
Did I hear you say it's time???
Even a kids aluminum bat....
Hell you know. You stand like the only women I talk to IRL.
Ready to whoopass 😁
It does not make them fraudsters you pompous ass.
(Also, she never said it.)
If I had billions of dollars, noone in my family would need to use Soc Sec…but he’s too tight to help her. I believe that
72 million Americans live on Social Security that they paid into. That's one in five people... also not fraudsters
I know that my mother was. I’m sure that there are millions of others.
Putting numbers and faces together may be helpful.
What is Trump's endgame?
Cut or eliminate SS and the ground will shake as the masses go to the streets in protest.
Most seniors live paycheck to paycheck. Is this assh*le suggesting they simply starve?
I don't think these fools understand what social security means to 70% of this means eating.
This is beyond bad faith. This is propaganda to make sure the poor are ashamed to hold their government accountable.
Shutting up Granny by threatening to criminally investigate her for (nonexistent) "fraud" if she dares complain that she's not getting her Social Security.
Government oppression to enable their kleptocracy. Rule by thieves.
What a bunch of entitled pricks.