Elon did not do this. Actual scientists did. He just stamped his name on it. Stop giving billionaires credit for the ingenuity they buy to stamp their names on (and usually destroy, in both Elon and trump’s cases).
Elon can't even find the brain in a human body. Elon is a fraud! Why can't people get it. Elon wrote a White Paper, just like the grown ups, where he said trains should slide on air cushions in vacuum.
If you know there is no air in vacuum you also know Elon is stupid.
1- it wasn't Elonia putting the chip in.
2- Funny how the FDA turned a blind eye to neuro link and lookie lookie who hasn't gutted that department yet.
I didn’t know Musk was also a qualified neurosurgeon along with astrophysicist, financial expert, as well as the leading automotive and software engineer of his time… oh right… he just paid for it ok.
I wouldn't give Musk credit for any of this truly amazing technological leap forward. It will change the lives of paraplegics. There is a scientist quietly working in a backroom somewhere who deserves all the credit.
Is he also showing sudden unexpected behaviours to be a 'XENOPHOBIC HATE SPEECHER SMELLING RACISM&NAZISM WHO TENDS TO SUPPORT NAZI LOVER PARTIES IN OTHER COUNTRIES EITHER, WHILE BABLING NONSENSE?? The real possiblity you must be scared from is this, after Elon's recent reveal of his hidden face!
Please assign the credit to the scientists who achieved the breakthrough, instead of lionizing the sordid individual who happened to invest in them purely for his own profit.
BCI research has been going on since the 1970s. Matt Nagle was the first person to control a device using an implanted BCI. In 2005. This is like saying Musk invented an electric car.
Although in fairness the article is trying to point out that it's the fact that Musk owns the company that makes it more scary. It is a good article in many ways, just a crap headline.
Could Elon Musk put a chip in someone's head and send them to a mental prison that lasted 100 million years to their experience but in our collective real world it was only a matter of minutes?
Musk is a well documented faker of evidence. His robots were being controlled by remote workers at recent launch. Something you could do as a science project at school these days.
Elon Musk never did do anything except sign the contracts to do the research 40% of his money all of it in the beginning came from the Government he is destroying,
Wait did Cavendish Laboratory head, Lawrence Bragg and King's College head determine the structure of DNA? Or did Crick, Watson and Franklin do that? Musk did jack.
Exactly that.
The tech might be an impressive step forward, making a positive impact on someone's life -and in which case great and good to report on - but that's an absolutely terrible headline that is factually incorrect & does nothing except play to Elmo's god complex.
Fk you. Neuralink was working on this stuff before Elon bought it, he gets zero credit. The goal was always to help people like this, not the crazy shit Elon has been saying.
Did the article also mention the chip started to disconnect from his brain after a few months? Not going to read a “look how amazing Elon Muskkk is” article. It’s up there with “at least Hitler made the trains run on time”. Muskkk spaffed money into the company. That’s it. And the product is shit.
Dude is currently committing the most brazen theft in the history of humanity, but hey look he didn’t do yet another thing he said he did but it sounds good so let’s report it anyhow.
Sir, you are so legitimate to actually reading this and then mocking it. Thank you for letting me know. Hopefully my respect is delivered to you even though my English is not English-ing today.
Also, brain implants are not really a novel thing, they have been around for a decade. But, as far as I know, they come with so heavy downsides that it is not even practical for paralyzed people (those implants have to get removed after a short time), let alone for anyone else.
Elon can shove his brain chips up his own ass. We all know he doesn't care about helping people. He's using this poor fuck as a guinea pig, like Dr. Mengele
Having watched Doctor Who, I know it starts with miracle enhancements and ends with Cybermen lobotomizing and converting the entire population to cyborgs. Recommend going slowly.
Give it up, Mr. Musk does not invent things, he is an insecure, racist little grifter who specializes in taking credit for other people's work, and selling fake futures while actively making the real one worse
First off, Musk himself did no such thing. Congratulate the team of doctors and researchers, if you’re that excited about it, otherwise run along with this clickbait.
my god this title is such clickbait lol you’re making it sound like he’s physically moving things with his mind. He’s moving the cursor on his computer.
Elon Musk is maybe the wallet behind these technological advances, but definitely not the brain… you know what he is, though? a nazi sympathizer.
He's got fuck all to do with this. He's an investor in a company that's doing brain implants that are an evolution of 20-year-old tech. Framing it as "Elon Musk personally heals the sick and gives them mind powers" is - atr best - dangerously disingenuous on The Guardian's part.
Bloody hell Guardian. I’d have thought with your usual decent editorial standards that you wouldn’t tout that Musk has literally become a brain surgeon. What have you become? The Sun?
Elon Musk did nothing. He owns the company where scientists and physicians did the work. Don’t attribute anything to Musk beyond his ownership. Lord. I didn’t realize you were his simps too.
Much more of this crap and I’ll be cancelling my Guardian subscription and donations. Musk did absolutely nothing. Stop this facile, imbecilic reporting.
I only have the online version as I live in France. So it is extremely difficult to swerve the clickbait headlines that gurgle to the top. It isn’t the publication it once was.
Well.. that headline backfired! Instead of everyone going Holy Crap Elon Musk is creating The Borg now.. Run for the hills.. everyone is saying No, he couldn't do anything that amazing for a paralysed man.. lols!
Complete crap. The far brainier men that he hired, did it. Musk did bugger all - but you fools give him the hands on credit for nothing he knows nothing about in knowledge or skill. He likes to steal credit for other's brains and work - and media gobschites kiss his ass by aiding him.
He's a fascist, cover the fact that he's gutting US federal programs to send money to Russia or his nazi salutes or his multiple million $$ govt contracts, or the fact that he's locked govt employees out of federal buildings while he steals our data. Ok? Thanks.
Guardian: We expect better of you. The Muskrat did not "put" a chip into the patient's brain. We rely on your journalism and don't support your aggrandizement of him.
I laugh in the face of anyone who tells me Musk is a man of science.
He is nothing more than an opportunist with immense wealth that steals his concepts from science fiction books and tries to make the real.
Actually Elon Musk did not put a chip in a paralysed man’s brain, that was a surgical team who put a chip designed by an engineer and programmed by a computer scientist, Musk simply provided the money…..because he really isn’t that smart at all.
Sure, President Musk can do brain surgery now too.
What's next, will he invent self-aware AI, or establish a base on Mars?
All by himself of course. Maybe even all at once if he feels like putting in some effort.
Can pretty much guarantee that it wasn’t Elon putting a chip in this man’s brain.
He bought the company that was doing the research, it doesn’t make him a brain surgeon, or a genius, he’s just a Nazi with shit tons of money.
Musk is no scientist. The only thing he had a hand in, the cybertruck, is a disaster. He doesn't have the humility required to be a scientist. He just steals the work of others.
1. Musk didn't do this.
2. He paid someone to do this
3. If he paid taxes that person could be paid and operate under accountable systems
4. Let's see how it pans out over time. Most medical interventions have a balance of pros and cons.
Dear Guardian, could you please stop glorifying an aspiring fascist who is right now actively dismantling US democracy? fElon did not put a chip in this man’s brain, people working for a company that he invested in did.
Elon did not put a chip in anyone’s head. That’s like saying I bought a copy of The Guardian in WHSmiths and am now credited with creating a 200 year old newspaper
Someone should put a chip in Elon's brain that makes him explode when he has paedophile thoughts, but since said chip would activate immediately it would be a suicide mission
Fuck sake do your part and stop reporting that _he_ did any of these things. He’s just an obscenely wealthy, morally corrupt fool investing in a shady firm with questionable practices. The only remarkable point to note is how fucking far everyone is seemingly happy to see him go.
Right!!?? Like he’s barely able to fake being good at videos games. The dude hasn’t invented shit, not a single thing he owns has he created or engineered.
This isn’t Musk tech or invention, the father and developer of that technology is called Miguel Nicolelis, an avant-garde neuroscientist and professor. His pupils were hired by musk to develop his version of the chip which is far behind Nicolelis current achievements. Check Nicolelis, Guardian.
Scientists don't know what consciousness even is. But this man-child has seen a sci-fi movie so he "invented" the same thing.
If you know there is no air in vacuum you also know Elon is stupid.
Neuroscientists did that.
2- Funny how the FDA turned a blind eye to neuro link and lookie lookie who hasn't gutted that department yet.
What the fuck is going on with the Guardian?
That should be FN insane to any human being. Enjoy the Earth people!
Get it right
Break your habit.
The way off The Guardian! That’s an unfollow, we ain’t got time for this shiyte.
The tech might be an impressive step forward, making a positive impact on someone's life -and in which case great and good to report on - but that's an absolutely terrible headline that is factually incorrect & does nothing except play to Elmo's god complex.
Fuck. Do better.
Sturgeon more like.
This shit is why I don’t subscribe to you anymore, @theguardian.com.
Turning off notifications on this thread.
Sleep well, stay safe, Bluesky.
It was the third company to try it.
He's using humans to test his software again.
Just sayin'
Really!…. He didn’t.
Elon Musk is maybe the wallet behind these technological advances, but definitely not the brain… you know what he is, though? a nazi sympathizer.
just stop it. he didn't put shit in anywhere.
Then, in a fit of pique, formed a competitor & ripped-off the original companies' IC & staff.
He's a huckster, a snake oil salesman. He has zero emotional & only very slightly more actual intelligence.
As his attempted change to Twitter's name demonstrates. That & Mercedes owning the 'E' copyright foiling his Tesla model lineup of: S, 3, X, Y
He's a pathetic kid 🙄
You cannot hold the moral high ground with right wing style purposefully incorrect writing.
You basically lied about what happened, just to have the name 'Elon Musk' in your clickbait.
Give the real credit to those that actually did the work.
He is nothing more than an opportunist with immense wealth that steals his concepts from science fiction books and tries to make the real.
Elon isn't intelligent enough.
If you want to find his chip,look on his shoulder.
He had nothing to do with the actual work.
What's next, will he invent self-aware AI, or establish a base on Mars?
All by himself of course. Maybe even all at once if he feels like putting in some effort.
He bought the company that was doing the research, it doesn’t make him a brain surgeon, or a genius, he’s just a Nazi with shit tons of money.
2. He paid someone to do this
3. If he paid taxes that person could be paid and operate under accountable systems
4. Let's see how it pans out over time. Most medical interventions have a balance of pros and cons.
Musk is not altruistic. Musk needs people for his experiment
You're better than that, Guardian.
I can move things with my mind. 👋 See.