Everything as expected. Aligned with Putin on the common goal to divide, weaken and finally break the EU. Because smaller weaker countries with small currencies are more easy to negotiate with.
He better start worrying about the measles outbreak as it’s reported to be in Ky now with a adult male who had been traveling internationally and exposed others in gym
Can't wait to isolate himself from all those that used to be his allies, can he. It really will get to the point where we'll all just turn away and continue supporting each other. The U.S. will have no choice but to pair with Russia against the rest of the developed world.
The EU has over twice the population of America but a smaller economy. Creating a true United States of Europe would undoubtedly boost the USE economy above that of America's.
If Trump wants a trade war, let's give him a proper one!
If a bunch of countries can come together to form the United States of America - with no border controls, free trade, freedom of movement, etc, why can't European states do the same?
Maybe they should form the USE and tell America to go fuck itself (which it's already doing anyway).
Trump just says any stupid thing that comes into his head without pausing or bothering to figure out if it makes sense at all. If it makes the press and it gets people outraged, that's all that matters.
It’s a little rich for Trump to whine about U.S. fortunes. He heads the most powerful and wealthy country in the world. Is it our fault that 735 billionaires possess more wealth than the bottom half of Americans?
I hope he tries.We already working around not buying America military hardware,next they can turn towards China to supply,what America does and more.
Bankrupting America is now more important than ever.
The most corrupt nation ever,has been before Bush and WMD,when him and Blair sent soldiers to die
See, what I admire about Trump is his classy use of language. He’s just so refined and eloquent. Certainly not a loudmouth rape-convicted insurrectionist, no.
Trump's USA is the enemy. Sooner or later we'll have to fight them if democracy is to survive. Will it be Canada, Greenland or somewhere else their Russian style policies create conflict?
Unsurprising he neglects to acknowledge the EEC was formed after World War II and the Holocaust as a form of mutually assured destruction. Tying up European nations’ economies ensures closer relationships and forces closer working.
If the whole world is out to get you & you believe they are screwing you over… that would be paranoid schizophrenia. Always a sought after Presidential quality.
The EU should impose crushing tariffs on petroleum products, soybeans, whiskey, and aircraft parts coming from the US. Those comprise the largest exports of Republican-led states that support this administration, and they are the ones who should suffer most.
During the Cold War with Russia (CCCP) the uk was a satellite state to protect the US. We housed their bases, nuclear weapons etc. Trump trying to rewrite history.
This is just after the sales figures of the Musk Swasticar in Europe came out, is that a coincidence?? Elon is pissed off because Europe doesn't want his stuff anymore.
In his long sordid life has there ever been a time when Trump, born with a silver spoon, has ever not thought the world was against him? This 'poor me' is past the point of getting old. But now he's actually taking it out on the world. What a decrepit life he has lived and all of it lies.
It's not Iron Curtain, but the US is certainly behind the bronzer curtain. The demented, bronzered goblin daily plunges the country deeper into crisis. The one certainty is the next day will be worse than today. Europe must protect itself. Strength is the only answer to Trump's ignorant depravity.
This immensely stupid excuse for a human being, thinks that a trade deficit is a loss, while infact it's a validation of USA`s extremely strong economy
And here we go :( Thanks #FOTUS for launching a trade war and driving our economy further off the cliff. I doubt I will live long enough to see us recover from your idiocy.
That wouldn't really work. Tesla already produces within the EU, so the tariffs wouldn't work. In addition, Tesla isn't really bought anymore within the EU. Sells dropped by 50%.
You are right, of course. If IIRC, model Y comes from Germany and model 3 comes from China. On top of this, all parts come from Tesla's Asian manufacturers. But models S & X do still come from Fremont (USA).
We really need to make Tesla and Musk's other products even more unpopular here.
I don't see that much impact with US goods. IMHO Trump is completely right that we don't buy much here in the EU. It's a completely different thing with services, tho. Most EU countries ignoring European service in favour of US ones (X, Amazon, Microsoft), France being the exception here.
Hear, hear. Yes, it is very true that even here in Germany, Amazon in particular has a huge share of the economy. This is an issue we need to address. I run a wood-related business here and I'm looking for ways to remove the US from my supply chain. It's not easy. Point in case: PayPal.
He's ill. And I say that seriously. Trump's father had Alzheimers. Given his own actions & remarks, I think it's possible that's what we're dealing with.
Trump and Vance, you’re a bunch of morons. The EU wasn’t formed to screw the US. It was formed as a consequence of the devastation in Europe after WWII. The US actually supported the formation of the EU back then.
Probably one of the greatest examples of international cooperation was only created to screw the US gosh just fu** this guy he reminds us every day what a class act presidents like biden and obama were hell even bush is a class act against this guy
It’s all so stupid. The EU was formed with American support at least in part so American kids wouldn’t die in another European war, in which it has succeeded spectacularly. And now this idiot shows up.
It started with a trade agreement between the small countries Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg over steel and coal. It was callled Benelux. Other countries joined and was renamed as it expanded. Alongside European countries drafted a human rights charter, a European court, a parliament, …
But in the early days as Benelux trade agreement began to expand, the US and European countries also needed a supra organisation to oversee the execution of the Marshal plan. Even now we still see this in spirit as EU members contribute money that gets distributed to develop countries.
In that sense it organically unified both in the number of members, human rights legalities, free trade, support to develop areas economically, to a court, a parliament, a commission (representatives of various governments) and start of free movement (no border policing)
In ‘95 the economical, legal and governmental organisations united into organisation EU, thereby unifying and expanding the mission, as well as expanding the human rights court and parliamentary power, which enabled Schengen free movement + the Euro…
Trumps redenering is duidelijk. Aangezien de VS niet zijn opgericht 'to screw the EU' (zoveel historisch besef heeft hij nog net), moet het omgekeerde het geval zijn.
putin must be so happy. he probably can't believe his luck. he spent so much money on all the malign operations to harm the US, and now it destroys itself for free!
Brexit was the test case.
He"ll also remove sanctions.
He really does sound like Krasnov, a Russian agent.
It's all about the bottom line with Trump. And always has been.
If Trump wants a trade war, let's give him a proper one!
Maybe they should form the USE and tell America to go fuck itself (which it's already doing anyway).
Just like there's free trade between US states.
Bankrupting America is now more important than ever.
The most corrupt nation ever,has been before Bush and WMD,when him and Blair sent soldiers to die
He’s mentally unfit to even run a hotdog stand.
The European Union (EU) was created to end the destructive conflicts of World War II and to establish lasting peace and prosperity in Europe.
No one round that table or in that room corrected him.
Guess he was right about the quality of American education, not least, history ...
We really need to make Tesla and Musk's other products even more unpopular here.
Well, this idiot is the perfect distraction for Musk to do his destruction of democracy