Let’s put this correct…
If Trump puts a 25% tariff on a TV made in China it’s not China that pays it. It’s AMERICANS when they go buy one from the store that’s paid the extra 25% to Import it. If a bottle of Scottish Whiskey has a 40% tariff it’s the American at the bar that pays the 40%.. GET IT!
Very stupid. And she’s correct, a non-trivial percentage of Americans are profoundly ignorant of basic economics, and will just buy this bullshit without question.
Good. We deserve it. He had Elon buy the election and now no one is gonna save us so it’s up to the world to make it clear they won’t put up with his bs. Trump does NOT represent the American people. He represents the worst 23% of us, and is funded by the worst 1%. Boycott Tesla, Amazon, etc, too.
If tariffs bring back manufacturing, which they won’t, who will buy the goods anyway. Nobody that got tariffed. So he’s trying to bring back factories just for US market?
The Trump administration fails to appreciate that companies are looking elsewhere for their contracts, to countries that are more stable and reliable, and once those contracts are gone it’s going to be very difficult to get them back.
Why would any government or company trust the U.S? Trump violates the agreements he himself negotiated in his first term. Clearly, he cannot be trusted. He creates a business environment so unstable that companies cannot risk starting or expanding business.
Violating contracts with working people is despicable. Makes it clear he has no understanding of working people or humanity for that matter. Thank you for not voting for him.
I'm from a blue state. Yes, we will pay the price, but even myself I don't want to buy US products. I've been trying to buy only local from individual farms, small businesses, etc. This is going to be a long ride.
As an American, it is heartening to see the world come together to reject what is happening here. We in the US are living an absolute dystopian nightmare, and I entreat people in all countries to take every step possible to keep this rot out of your own countries. Everyone should reject fascism.
Thank you. We deserve it. And it's encouraging to those of us fighting to stop the MAGAts. Please remember to boycott Amazon and Meta too. Make all the Nerd Reich hurt!
The anger was always there, simmering beneath the surface. His first term brought it up…and then he gets reelected!? This time, there are no excuses; everyone knew exactly what he was, yet so many didn’t even bother to vote. Now we’re exponentially angrier — and fully erupting. Epic fail, US. Fix it
Who is your anger projected upon? It is America that broke trust with allies, not the other way. Your allies now are with Russia, China, North Korea, and Belarus.The world is horrified, but needs to start preparing for your unpredictability.
I’m not going to sell my house when they mess with my Medicare, on which I am HIGHLY dependent with severe cardiomyopathy. I’m just going to stop the meds and let it kill me, since that is the inevitable result after I run out of money from the house anyway.
People from other countries should by NOTHING from this shithole, and decent Americans should buy nothing from red states if at all possible. There is life after Floriduh orange juice, you can get potatoes from Maine, and farmer’s markets are right around the corner.
Only if your state imports nothing from other states. Some of it is tricky with tags that just say, “Product of USA”. If you start looking, you will see how little stuff is actually produced or grown in your own state.
Farmers markets haven't opened up in IL yet. That's going to be in approx. mid-May. Unfortunately, a lot of our produce comes from Indiana. Buying strictly from IL is impossible.
I do what I can, that’s all I’m saying. I change the menu if I can’t find produce grown in a blue state or outside of the country. I will NEVER buy anything from Floriduh, that bigoted book-burning dump will never see one dime of mine.
I'm a former florida girl, and while it rubs me the wrong way to by California citrus, I'm biting the bullet. I don't want anything to do with my former home state and won't until Maga Lardo burns to the ground.
Uh oh. Twump is in twuuble. When you start messing with the bank accounts of corporate ceo's, you done messed with the wong peepulls. (I'm keeping the words simple for any magas that might randomly troll this).
I have an interior design background so have an appreciation for it (the National Gallery of Victoria here in Melbourne, Australia is a stunning example of Brutalist architecture). What I don’t appreciate are gratuitous sex scenes and drug taking for shock value. Totally superfluous to the plot.
It is ironic that it seems we are more politically active with regard to the US than most Americans. Please boycott the Republicans and your billionaires in the US as well. I am not doing it for the tariffs mainly but the inhumane politics in the US. And treatment if Ukraine, and allies.
We will do better. It is only starting, and everyone the US ever knew ckrd when they were down will retaliate. Especially, allies and trading partners betrayed. But the US population should seriously boycott all major supporters of Trump, MAGA, and the Republicans. Get on with it please!
Do your research and spend a couple of days in each spot over a couple of weeks.
A 3 week road trip :
St-John's NL -> Grosse Morne Nat'l park
Ferry to Nova Scotia & Cabot Trail.
then maybe Fundy Nat'l park before going to Gaspé Quebec.
Quebec City w. a stop at Park-Du-Bic
Return from Montreal.
As an American all I can say is, good. MAGA idiots only voted to line their pockets and "own the libs". I hope this boycott on American goods crushes them into dust.
I just wish the sane ones here didn't have to suffer but of we all get angry enough, things can change quickly.
If Trump doesn't back down and starts treating everyone with respect, you Americans will only be selling your products and services to the likes of Russia, North Korea, and Iran!
This will do long-term damage to the USA, because once people start to boycott US goods they won't stop until long after Trump is gone, even if he reverses the tariffs. The amount of good will that he has squandered over the past month is astonishing.
Unfortunately for the states it will take decades to rebuild relations with nations. This administration has made America an untrustworthy, unreliable partner in any way shape and form. Regardless if tariffs are lifted the damage is done. Globally.
Looks more like make America alone.. not great
Other nations are more than able to see how vulnerable the US government is to corruption & just how far even lawmakers will take things to retain power, like redefining "a day". My guess is it'll take a lot of guardrails being passed + lots of time to even regain *some* of their former reputation.
Honestly, even if he reverses tariffs no country should trade with the US. What he is doing is absolutely international terrorism on the markets. The US is NOT someone you should want to trade with ever again. You have no way to know that it won't happen again even if he's gone.
I have been doing this for a decade. My children tease me because I am constantly looking up parent companies before I buy. While we can't avoid everything, such as entertainment, social media, we can avoid buying everyday products. It becomes easier once you learn what is what.
Good they should. GOP and Putin want this for us. Suffering and isolation.
PS #Florida #SpecialElection early voting starts soon! Support @joshweil.bsky.social and @gayforcongress.bsky.social
If taxes are withheld from your paycheck, and you don’t file a tax return, you’re just giving the government free money.
This almost makes sense for people who own their own businesses, and even then it doesn’t make sense because the IRS is gonna fuck you when they have the staff to do audits
Trump owes the Russians. The Russians have the receipts about Trump and the crooked treasonous Republicans in office. Russia wants Canada for drilling and all the minerals. Trump's first wife knew exactly what the receipts were. You sure don't see her anymore.
And travel to #Canada! Your dollar is worth more and wear a 🇨🇦 next to yours and your support! Lots of beautiful places to see! Lovely wines and craft beer too! 🪶🙌🏽🇨🇦
These days you don't even have to bother with currency exchange if you don't want to: just get an international debit card and it will do the conversion for you when you withdraw cash from a Canadian ATM.
I totally support my Canadian sisters and brothers and will do whatever I can from north of the Canadian/US border in Detroit (Yes, in order to get to Canada from here I have to go south). 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Great idea. I'm not sure what we have in Aus other than bourbon and bbq sauce but hopefully we can get this happening too. Maybe turning them around could work too.
As a US citizen living in US, it’s next to impossible to avoid US products but it gave me immense satisfaction to turn a row of Lesser Evil products upside down. I’ll be looking for more maga products to avoid.
They’re not the only ones. If I were a Republikkkan, I’d flee to Russia and never return to the United States. They just cost their constituents 4 trillion dollars. That’s not going to be easily forgotten anytime soon. Especially for those who’ve experienced this crash and grab theft before.
One thing that Canada and other free nations can do to fight back hard is to rapidly change to renewable energy. The US, Russia, and other asshole places depend on dirty shit.
The Guardian is clear: we have no interest in being Donald Trump’s – or any politician’s – friend. Our allegiance as independent journalists is not to those in power but to the public. Whatever happens in the coming months and years, you can rely on the Guardian never to bow down to power...
Boycott US products including tourism.The US is in a civil war.Prices are high and climbing while states are enacting draconian laws to punish anyone not a white man.It’s not safe to travel to the US and won’t be for decades.The best way to help is to boycott anything from the US.
Food for thought...Decades from now, after the 🇺🇸 has been destabilized and foreign entities assume power over the people and soil, what will be your strategy to protect yourself?
Judging by the large number of trips to the USA being offered at bargain prices I think that tourism is already taking a nose-dive like far too many planes are doing since Trump & Musk got their mitts on the FAA. It's just too dangerous & unpleasant to travel to Trump's USA
I had originally planned on a trip to Southern California in May, but have cancelled and will go to Mexico instead if I can find flights that don't involve US airlines.
canada should institute military training for men & women 18 to 25 ... no need for a draft just some know how on defending your country - a pre draft summer camp so to speak 🍁
Putin is winning ... because 77 million American idiots were so easily conned & millions of others sat home on their asses thinking it didn't matter who was in the White House or Congress.
Congratulations, you fools. You ensured the world hates us! You ensured your own doom & your loved ones' doom.
And our financial news stooges tell us we are simply experiencing a normal financial market correction. BS. The American brand has been damaged more than they want to admit.
Our shopping is now local, or not at all beyond groceries. Confession: I actually loathe shopping, so this isn't entirely difficult for me. I'm retired & like to travel, but even that is on indefinite hold now. Between airline crashes & wondering about my $savings... Retrenchment is real.
when twitter was hacked felons first reaction was to blame Ukrainian and when senator mark Kelly said we must support Ukraine against ruzzias brutal and illegal invasion he called him a traitor. It’s clear to see what side he is on and it’s not ours.
As an American this makes me feel better. In the sense that, dear god please, it effects those in power that could do something about this monster. In the long run it may be exactly what’s needed to save us. I pray so, anyway.
Americans, please help. Put a large Yankee Flag on product labels. Red States use the Confederate Flag. Shopping would be much easier.
The Amazon "Grinning Fool" is simple. Amazon boxes are modeled after Bezos stupid grin.
Boycott the Oligarchy.
Just so we’re clear… boycotting companies in the United States of America is a political protest against fascism we can cheer about, but boycotting companies in the State of Israel as it commits genocide… not so much. #rightsareforwhites #badfascistsgoodfascists
To be even more clear, boycotting Apartheid South Africa is totally awesome, but Apartheid Israel, which both Mandela and Tutu observed was worse, well no, don’t do that. Here’s Bernie folding, as always.
People voting with feet. MUGA don't understand yet, that going back to Hoover economic ideas bring about hobos and Hoovervilles or is that Trumpvilles resorts? No trade with the world = No money. Oooh wait we could trade with a bankrupt Russia. I give it 7 days tops...-
Rest of the World vs Orangbutthole's Bullshit America. Stand up solidly against america. The only way to beat the bully is to beat him in his own game. Remember, in war America hasn't won any, even with advanced weapons and technology.
America as an enemy is dangerous, as a friend is fatal.
Good. Canadians spent a lot of money on American goods and on tourism in America. The attacks on Canada are completely unjustified and is destroying a wonderful partnership. Americans should take it further and travel on vacation to Canada. Let’s spend our money in Canada to support our friends.
As an American I say: Thank You. Too many of my countrymen take so much of our good fortune for granted and they all deserve a massive kick in the pants to realize that we’re not the center of the goddamn earth.
Our former allies should boycott U.S. products and services but to effectively oppose the criminals who have stolen our country, more is required. Trump and his junta must be isolated from the international community of nations. Official government sanctions are required.
Ambassadors working in the US need to be recalled and embassies shuttered. Other countries need to ban travel to the US and list us as a major human rights violator. Foreign countries need to freeze US assets. They need to treat Drumpf like the banana republic dicktraitor that he is.
First they have to kick the US military out of a LOT of countries. The US has a lot of military bases around the globe (I know this because I grew up on military bases around the globe). After they have done that they can go about the rest of the things on the list.
Trump is claiming all companies in the US are maga owned. Because he believes he is our king and Congress doesn’t exist. Laws don’t exist. Pretty soon America doesn’t exist.
Donald Trump is like a little boy in a sandbox who wants what the other kids are playing with. So to get his way, he is kicking sand in their faces. So now nobody will play with him.
Trump continues to threaten Canada with annexation, has torn up treaties, trade deals and relationships with allies, sold his office to Elon, continues to pander and assist Putin and Americans are wondering why they’re being boycotted?
I found whiskey, syrup, flour, and coffee to support
I want to feel good about spending so when I can support Canada (or Ukraine) 🇺🇦 damn straight I’ll do it!
You can safely assume that any legitimate act of retaliation or self-defence, by individuals or countries, will be warped and twisted by Trump & Co. into a litany of grievances and lies,
casting the US as innocent victim and demonizing the “offenders” for defending and/or protecting themselves.
I have an online Etsy store and we used to get a few international orders every month and since the inauguration, ZERO. I get it & don't blame them. Also, domestic sales are down 50% YOY, again, I get it, nobuy2025
We're pretty much done with the US. We have to figure out how to untangle, and giving up some of the conveniences and creature comforts will be hard. But if it means my country will survive and I can sleep at night, good by me.
Not gonna lie, started Man in the High Castle late last year and really enjoy Reacher, but...ya know, Prime. Also love my audiobooks, but now I have to find an alternative to audible. Don't even get me started on the new Daredevil season or the upcoming season of Andor. Big ouch.
As a U.S. citizen, I am so sorry for the U.S. government treatment of Canada. I love Canadians and your beautiful country. Thank you for sharing your natural resources. There may be some inconvenience and squeeze while you find other markets but I am sure Canadians will persevere and thrive.
While I am sure there is a way, I don't know the answer to that. Not a burden, we're a socialist nation, so we try and take care of our people, not for profit. Still, Americans are likely to have a rough ride for a while up here.
I have a pension and would like to purchase a small house. Rural area would be perfect. So would not need a job and taxes would contribute to the community. Would not want to add to a housing shortage.
Housing shortages are in urban areas. Everyone wants to move to Toronto and the cities. There are many nice rural properties in the highlands and Lake Districts of Ontario.
Retirees can't stay longer than 5 months without permanent residency. My son-in-law is from another country & my daughter had to sponsor him as a spousal sponsorship, not an easy process. The only path is either spousal sponsorship or being in a high demand job & having your employer sponsor you.
My daughter also worked for an immigration lawyer. Canada has sharply reduced the number of immigrants it admits. (They eliminated both business class & family class). So there, aren't any path to permanent residency to Canada for retirees. You're welcome to stay for 5 months but no more.
The only other path is as a refugee. Currently Americans don't qualify as refugees. (I hope conditions in US don't deteriorate to the point here that they do qualify as refugees.) Again, that isn't easy and not everyone is accepted.
Thank you. I wondered about this. I do have an in-demand occupation: licensed water treatment plant operator. I could work for more years and try that route.
Tbh, I don't think I buy much that is made in the US. But a bit more effort is needed not to buy via US orgs like Amazon - effort that is worth it. I'm going to try just to buy online direct from UK suppliers now - I'd buy from the EU too but stupid Brexit screwed that 😔
"Our obligation is to try, to the extent possible, to not allow the things we work on together to be impacted negatively by the things we disagree on right now," Rubio told reporters.
Rubio leaves Saudi Arabia for Canada after US-Ukraine talks❤️🔥🥰
As an American , I am so saddened by this. We-The-People do not agree with the fascist regime currently squatting in our White House. We dissent,resist and continue to persist until sanity and full , free democracy returns. 🙏
Sharing what I’ve been doing as a Canadian. Just emailed all US stores I buy from to tell them why I am unsubscribing & not buying from them (lunatic president). Buying products/groceries from Canada or any other country other than US. Threaten Canada and impose tariffs what has the US become?
For anyone who thinks it doesn’t make a difference, I’ve already gotten back some heart warming emails in solidarity and understanding from the smaller stores. We need to let Americans know how upset we are and why.
Not sure what your point is. The election had the second highest turnout in American history. The people that didn’t vote are just as responsible as the people who voted for him. They let democracy die and didn’t do anything to stop it.
As an American, I know this is going to eventually hit me in the wallet. As a human, I fully support all boycotts of American goods and wish that I could join in while still keeping food on the table.
You can, by boycotting companies here that have kowtowed to him like Target (there's a 40 day boycott going on now), Amazon, Amazon Prime and Whole Foods (we're in a 7-day ban of all things Bezos until Sunday).
2/ Wholepaycheck is the only place I can get some foods that are safe for me due to a food allergy. Otherwise, do not shop there anyway.
Amazon? Can boycott short term, but some things are unavailable in my area except for ordering.
You can still cancel your prime membership to make a statement even if you still order from Amazon occasionally. Just do your best. No everyone can boycott and that’s ok. But doing it as much as possible, esp canceling subscriptions does make a statement.
Also, if you can, remove yourself off of Facebook and Instagram. If you do, make sure to download your pix and profile first. It took me a week, because I wrote my closest followers letting them know that I was leaving to go to @bsky.app, so that we could exchange contact info.
I have been boycotting Target since the BLM protests. Anybody here remember when they refused to sell milk to protesters who had been teargassed by the cops? Yeah, turns out that was CORPORATE POLICY.
If Trump puts a 25% tariff on a TV made in China it’s not China that pays it. It’s AMERICANS when they go buy one from the store that’s paid the extra 25% to Import it. If a bottle of Scottish Whiskey has a 40% tariff it’s the American at the bar that pays the 40%.. GET IT!
Ford for example could leave Dearborn for Cologne and leave only marginal production capacity in the US, if at all.
American democratic buying guide if you have to buy American:
All these people listening to those bull$!&@ podcasts and fox “news”
Yeah, America first… he’s placing American businesses last.
Canada is a lovely country to visit and I highly recommend it.
A 3 week road trip :
St-John's NL -> Grosse Morne Nat'l park
Ferry to Nova Scotia & Cabot Trail.
then maybe Fundy Nat'l park before going to Gaspé Quebec.
Quebec City w. a stop at Park-Du-Bic
Return from Montreal.
I just wish the sane ones here didn't have to suffer but of we all get angry enough, things can change quickly.
SC(R)OTUS won't rock DJT's boat this term.
August recess then budget then
6-3 SC(R)OTUS through 2052
All Hail The Perpetual Unitary Executive.
(House CR can't cancel "emergencies" mentioning "fentanyl" and/or "undocumented immigrants".)
Their power is built on money.
Money from customers.
Looks more like make America alone.. not great
PS #Florida #SpecialElection early voting starts soon! Support @joshweil.bsky.social and @gayforcongress.bsky.social
WE THE PEOPLE REVALUATION 2025 🇺🇸 🇺🇦🙏🌎☮️ 🙏❤️🙏
* rich file they commit Fraud! Jail! so don't file! HINT
This almost makes sense for people who own their own businesses, and even then it doesn’t make sense because the IRS is gonna fuck you when they have the staff to do audits
A Python script that programmatically creates a series of synthetic ballot images
with random variations.
It essentially simulates "filled-out" ballots.
It'll be a long time changing
further, I won’t buy anything with the letters USA in the name - example GenUrAl MotorS 😬
You also feel hatred I’m sure……… it’s there.
so MAGA T-rumpZ maggots hope your stock market
goes to hell.
Congratulations, you fools. You ensured the world hates us! You ensured your own doom & your loved ones' doom.
Then they switched their morals.
The classic story of rags to riches is also one of incredible greed.
When a CEO thinks his way is the best way, because he has made money that way, that’s not an endorsement.
And Trump owning one finishes it brand image !
The Amazon "Grinning Fool" is simple. Amazon boxes are modeled after Bezos stupid grin.
Boycott the Oligarchy.
America as an enemy is dangerous, as a friend is fatal.
United States Census Bureau.
not a single one is clean on this whole deal
they had to actively participate in his protection since 2016, and they have.
Goodbye USA. We will manage ourselves.
Now get rid of the Fanta Fuhrer.
The Trump plague is spreading
from the US
Most of my family and friends over there are sane but we have a few MAGA, even now.
It’s a disease like alcoholism.
Trump! The reason is Trump.
I want to feel good about spending so when I can support Canada (or Ukraine) 🇺🇦 damn straight I’ll do it!
And we are and will do what we can to right the ship
Pay cash, stop the banks from monitoring your spend!
casting the US as innocent victim and demonizing the “offenders” for defending and/or protecting themselves.
At least you aren't Wayne Gretzky.
That’s a language they’ll understand.
Rubio leaves Saudi Arabia for Canada after US-Ukraine talks❤️🔥🥰
Fuck the americans.
Fuck the saudis.
Slava Ukraini!
Long live President Zelenskyy!
This is not sarcasm.
Amazon? Can boycott short term, but some things are unavailable in my area except for ordering.