And Diane Abbot is right, stop hitting the poorest.
20% of the poorest pay more tax on what they have, then the richest do.
This can't be right?
In the 1960's the wealthiest people, were paying 60% plus on their wealth.
‘… because racists can’t conceive that a Cambridge educated black woman is smarter than them by every known metric and instead choose to base their view of her on one occasion when her life altering condition flared up in an interview.’ You forgot this bit.
Not gonna happen. BOE Reeves is too deeply entrenched in neo-lib orthodox trickle down bullshit; and the progenitor of these heinous policies, Liz Kendall, is more Tory than Mad Nad and DisasTruss combined.
Nice try Diane, but it's not that easy & you know it. We'd all like the UK to be an overnight utopia, but sadly the real world tends to get in the way.
Why not do both?, some people have far more than they need, while others are lazy and take the piss, pretending to be ill all the time and think they deserve free money for being sick. It's got to stop
He won't tax the rich, his ideology won't allow it, he sees poverty, illness and disability as a moral failing, something to be cut out and thrown away.
Why are we still debating taxing the wealthiest people and not the poorest. Labour claim to be socialist, so tax the bloody rich. 🙄 Tax billionaires out of existence, the world doesn't need them, and stop pandering to the wealthy.
YES flood them with letters. It is disgusting how the top 1% have increased their wealth in bucketloads at the expense of the poor. Write to the PM here
A wealth tax handled badly isn’t the answer either. But if the wealthy aren’t prepared to pay an extra 1% on disposable income over a certain amount, tough.
The general public have regularly been asked to pay an extra 1% by various governments. We don’t get a choice, we just have to get on with it!
When they stop punching down to catch their breath, Labour would be well-advised to study the example of Clegg's Lib Dems. A party which fired a bazooka at a huge part of its own voting base and has spent the following decade and a half trying to fumble its way back to credibility.
People in economic insecurity chose Labour in 2024, many holding their noses, because the Tories made life drastically worse across the board and there was no alternative. But anyone offering their hand to another who immediately sets about repeatedly kicking them in the dick will soon retract it.
If brexit had failed, we would've had 40bn a year extra in tax money + whatever new businesses would've started that didn't because of brexit. That 22bn black hole had a solution that didn't involve any cuts or tax rises. Starmie needs to stop pretending that joining the EU is an impossibility
100%, step one is rejoining the Single Market to remove the trade barriers with Europe! It’s a trade deal not a political union so it can’t be argued that are undoing brexit!
Rejoining the EU will take a bit longer I expect!
Why taxing riches when we just could regressive-tax products and services and enterprises based on the traceability of good wages, labor rights, environemental and fiscal practices? Nobody gets rich playing by common rules
In a country where hereditary lords still own much land and get paid a leasehold in virtue of their birthright, I believe a wealth tax and/or a tax on real estate is more than required.
It needs to be made progressively too expensive above a certain threshold to own estates
If this is what it is nowadays to be radical, wear this radicalism proudly!
Until a new voting system is in place, changes must come from Labour and immense pressure must come from its base.
Defend Ukraine, democracy against fascism, yes. By making only the lower and middle class pay for it, nope !
Exactly, it's vast estates like the Duke of Westminster's that have also stopped all measures to abolish leasehold so far, making housing less affordable for a great many people. How is it that if you have millions more than you can ever spend in your lifetime, you always want more?
Even the combination of the words "disability" and "benefits" speaks a lot. Its not an advantage, a gain, a profit or sth to capitalize on. Good grief! 🔥 This is Trumpist thinking: The absence of taxes on the rich is compensated for by a focus on depriving the poor.
It's long overdue and needs to happen along with chasing the wealthy tax evaders... Unfortunately, this won't happen until the working classes put our various differences aside and agree to come together to demand this.
Obviously, MSM won't help, but #Anonymous could assist and promote
Labour has come to be a party that adores the status quo recently. My tipping point recently was when streeting was gloating about "getting the welfare bill down". Labour does not even claim to represent anyone but "workers". They will shaft the unemployed, students and the disabled any time of day.
He needs to stop playing to the Reform fanbase. People didn't vote Labour because it's "center left" they voted them in because they were sick of Tories now we have Tory "light". And its feeling a bit like Trump "light" Read the room Starmer! People are fed up with the ultra rich across the globe!
mention yet again they are ONLY a party for wage-earning #WorkingPeople
don't matter?
What happened to
'caring for everyone' #socialistprinciples?
It’s full corruption
about half of people w/ #LongCovid say they are disabled by it.
News for Keir: This isn't new. New shitbag same shit
The trust is gone #electoralreform #pr #nevertory #nevertorylite #resist #trump #maga #putin
20% of the poorest pay more tax on what they have, then the richest do.
This can't be right?
In the 1960's the wealthiest people, were paying 60% plus on their wealth.
Not a sentence you hear often
Grass roots have the power
Tax the hoarding, psychopathic billionaires, so easy
The general public have regularly been asked to pay an extra 1% by various governments. We don’t get a choice, we just have to get on with it!
Rejoining the EU will take a bit longer I expect!
Oh and not to forget nepotism!!
you sell 2% of assets every year
you have to sell them to pay the tax bill
private equity companies and hedge funds are the buyers, in what world is that better, you just gradually cede businesses to them
It needs to be made progressively too expensive above a certain threshold to own estates
Until a new voting system is in place, changes must come from Labour and immense pressure must come from its base.
Defend Ukraine, democracy against fascism, yes. By making only the lower and middle class pay for it, nope !
Obviously, MSM won't help, but #Anonymous could assist and promote
This is exactly what needs to be done by traditional Labour ideals - tax the rich.
yes, centrist dads, worse than truss.
At this point it's obvious nu-labour have sold out to business and Trumpism.
Just DON'T go there!
Be smart - don't follow trump!
Say NO!
Probably not
If Starmer doesn’t get a grip on wealth inequality you’ll feed the virulent MAGA virus that exists in any county.
Look west for your potential fate.
The brown line needs to pay. Not the blue line.
mention yet again they are ONLY a party for wage-earning #WorkingPeople
don't matter?
What happened to
'caring for everyone' #socialistprinciples?
Conservatives or Conservatives.