Found the ring wing facist. Let me educate you: Both Trump & Brexit were influenced by similar political trends, such as nationalist and populist movements. They are inseparable. Trump and his henchmen are behind everything. Every. Single. Thing.
I'm actually a EU citizen working for the EU institutions. It may be hard for your smooth American brain to comprehend, but there are in fact other factors in play around the world apart from Trump
Why THANK YOU Mr Farage for the opportunity to be sicker than necessary. Why I could possibly die! What a lovely situation to find oneself in. “Let’s be certain to vote for him again Mummy!”
(In the event that you don’t recognize sarcasm, consider this is an example.)
Ah yes, another example of Putin’s handiwork, convincing a majority of Brits to voluntarily leave one of the most successful and prosperous economic zones in the history of mankind.
Meanwhile the public should also never forget the reason they can't usually get an appointment with their local GP is because they're often moonlighting at Britain's biggest #TaxDodging #PrivateHealthHospitalChain and #NuffieldHealthAndWellBeingGyms the so called"charity" aka #NuffieldTrust
And yet still people are willing to vote for Nigel Farage, despite the fact that he bears greater responsibility for this - and every other negative consequence of Brexit - than anyone else.
Interesting article, had no idea about the horseshoe crab involvement! But it is from 2022 & piece looks at last 4 years- “drug shortages have become a problem globally in recent years, the UK is facing “a worsening situation” compared with the rest of Europe because of Brexit”
This is just fake news propaganda dressed up as reporting...The Guardian should ashamed
Drug shortages are a global issue and the problem is much worse in Italy for instance than UK ...even Norway the poster boy for European fans in the UK it's worse
That’s not what the report says that they’re quoting so depends whether you want to accept the findings. Norway isn’t in EU so not comparable to UK situation when we were & now when we’re not even in EEC which is thrust of the article. It’s not propaganda to report on worse conditions post Brexit
Oh, aye? When the value off the £ is down 25% since Brexit was floated, combined with inflation for it to be comparable and have the same spending power as in 2016 it'd have to be nearer £500 million extra a week if not more, and go up every year on year in line with inflation wouldn't it?
It will happen here soon...Brexit is like trumbos policies. Only ours are going to cause a lot more pain and suffering for years to come...God help us. UNITE, ORGANIZE, PEACEFULLY PROTEST.
I’m completely shocked. Farage and Johnson told us that UK companies would simply step up and fill the void. Who would have thought they wouldn’t???
As every sensible voter knew, it was never going to happen.
We have regular shortages in our main operation theatres. Anaesthetic drugs: Magnesium, IV paracetamol, propofol, morphine etc. There is nearly always a substitute, but that's not the point.
It’s an anxious time, haven’t had a prescription suppled in full for quite some months.
My son is both an insulin dependent diabetic and epileptic, latest prescription, no insulin.
I’ve run out of epilepsy drugs to the point when I last travelled abroad, actually bought some do that I can use. It’s not a case of simply switching to another drug because there are no supplies left.
Understandable. Over the last couple of years I've spent many hours and miles trying to find a pharmacy who stocks epilepsy medications for my disabled daughter.
Ah, blue passports.
Never forget the blue passports.
That are actually black.
And made in Poland.
By a Franco-Dutch company.
Because buy British.
Or something.
Good job!
Joining the Customs Union and the single market would be quicker and most people wouldn’t notice (apart from supply chains being quicker).
(In the event that you don’t recognize sarcasm, consider this is an example.)
If not it’s project fact about 1,000
Don’t forget the leeches.
Time to call the charlatan’s bluff.
This is just fake news propaganda dressed up as reporting...The Guardian should ashamed
Drug shortages are a global issue and the problem is much worse in Italy for instance than UK ...even Norway the poster boy for European fans in the UK it's worse
So if the issue is let's join the EEA then why would that help if Norway is doing so poorly (especially when they are so rich)
If the issue let's join the EU and that will solve it then why is that not the case for Italy?
For sure I accept that Brexit is causing issues for small/medium sized exporters to the EU
Same for musicians
But this Guardianista catch all view that everything is due 2 Brexit is propaganda
Simple mathematics aren't your strong suit are they mate
£ is down 25%? Source for that imbecilic claim?
If you're "in the right" then why the need to lie mate?
Where is your source for your claim the £ lost 25%
As every sensible voter knew, it was never going to happen.
- #ipcc
•Blockade-sabotage > SELF-MANAGEMENT
• DIRECT Democracy> popular assemblies, drawing lots, revocable mandate... > EMANCIPATION
Another Brexit Benefit comes into view.
Labour, start the process of rejoining the single market & negotiate a customs union now please.
My son is both an insulin dependent diabetic and epileptic, latest prescription, no insulin.
Never forget the blue passports.
That are actually black.
And made in Poland.
By a Franco-Dutch company.
Because buy British.
Or something.
Oh he’s humping Donald trump again
The consequences for political decisions like Brexit are always underestimated.