Yeah I knew it wasn't a good idea because you know the spirit of Don King lives on in fixing fights. But then again there's no such thing as sports anymore it's all f****** entertainment rigged fixed entertainment to drain you of your money because you're that stupid.
If Jake Paul wanted to be taken seriously he would fight a boxer in his prime. He only fights over-the-hill, washed up, has beens in exhibition bouts. He’s a phony and a grifter.
15 years ago Mike was relegated to being the butt of a joke. Then he completely rehabilitated his image. Now everyone loves Mike. He’s like the Snoop of boxing. Mike may have lost the fight but he’s already won.
Someone pointed out that Tyson looked bad, felt bad, and admitted to being bad when he last fought in 2005, which made him fighting an influencer in 2024 pretty much a pure cash grab from the jump
While I’m no boxing fan, I really do wonder if any actual boxing fans were ever into this boxing-wise
It was a total spectacle.. the fight itself was a joke. Tyson landed 2 punches a round so thankfully he wasn’t getting paid by the punch. Paul is not a great boxer which is why he is fighting 58 year old dudes
Well, they're both trumpers to start with; that aside, one acts boastful and disrespectful, like the stunt he pulled in Japan, and the other once beat the shit out of an ex-wife and hospitalized her. But hey, nostalgia.
Of course, Tyson is an adult and responsible for his own actions, but the whole thing felt predatory on the part of Jake Paul. I think people were really hoping Paul would lose.
Entertaining in a circus sort of way but not truly a boxing match. I felt bad for Mike. I for one wouldn't want to go out old and winded but he needed the money I guess
Was hopeful that Tyson would beat the snot of the dude. Fight started and Paul played keep away. Shorter rounds were in Tyson's favor but a bigger ring was in Paul's. Paul wouldn't get in range so Tyson could pummel him and Tyson didn't chase like he did in the old days to pummel. So they danced
Yea some of us that grew up on Tyson were. We wanted to see Paul shut up and one last knockout by Mike. But 58 is 58. He knew he only had 1 shot maybe 2 and so did Paul. Paul stayed away and Mike didn't have the energy to go get him. Hated to see it. But the ladies before them. 😮 Ready for a rematch
It was the first boxing I’ve watched in a longtime. I was sadly disappointed in the whole card. The fact that Jake Paul can beat up a man only three years younger than his dad no matter who that man is. Is not impressive.
It was very sad to see Tyson, unsurprisingly, was an absolute shadow of his former self and looked exactly like who he was…an old man who shouldn’t be in the ring. Did nothing for the sport, showed that Jake Paul is not a serious boxer and that Father Time waits for no one.
Just so sad an influencer fuckwit-cum-bully’s attempt at further fame coincided with an ailing legend’s quest for cash, destroy both Tyson’s legend and legacy while attracting only negative sentiment for the whole fiasco.
No wonder pay-per-view couldn’t be arsed to host it.
If there are fans of either of these guys, they should be hit in the head too. Who thought a 58 yr old man was going to step into a ring and do something against a doofus half his Age?
Agreed. But once it happened it showed that a 58 year old could go at least 16 minutes with a guy half his age. Mike came away with his dignity and his 20M. The other fights were pretty good. Serrano was robbed but Taylor gave her a beating. Sessano's manager is an idjit.
I remember sitting on my great-grandmother’s lap, in her rocking chair, while she watched the Friday night fights. She loved Rocky Marciano!!!! This Mike and Jake thing was just plain STUPID!
I feel like it’s Jake Paul’s “the apprentice”. They all worshiped him on the broadcast, that he paid for. Seemed like a terrible infomercial. It was weird.
Why does no one care that Tyson is a Rapist? Oh right, because the Tangerine Tyrant and all his criminal cronies are also sex offenders and women no longer have control over their own bodies. 🤮
However the issue with Tyson’s popularity came about before the recent collapse of civilization.
Well I enjoyed watching to guys that backed agent orange knock each other around for 2 minutes! Then the con went on! Been fight fan since my brother took me to see Ali Frazier II! We saw every Every fight after that! Front row Hagler Hearns! Duran Leonard 1-2! Leonard Hagler ringside Ceasers !
Every main event fight and under card! Haven’t paid for or really watched Boxing after Tyson got knocked out first time after Gus Demato his trainer/father Died! Anyone paid to watch this is the reason you have the president you have! Sucker born every minute!
All the lead-up matches were awesome fights. I don't know why Tyson held back. We had 6 people watching and everyone of us were all like "this feels staged."
The fight before was worth the wait for Jake vs Mike.
And after the result of that fight and then the schmoozle that JvM was it reminded me why I turned away from boxing. The JvM fight went nearly as I thought but I thought Mike might have thrown a few more
There should have been two title changes last night.
I think that had those bad finishes not been there people would have forgiven the freakshow main event.
Yeah I don’t know what to tell people who didn’t go into this expecting that the best outcome was what happened. Tyson 1) wasn’t seriously injured, 2) looked in good shape for almost 60, and 3) went the distance despite standing immobile and absorbing punches with his face. Paul paid to say he “won”
It’s rly funny tho how this doesn’t do anything for Jake’s reputation. Like oh wow he defeated the legendary Mike Tyson…..reaching his 60s and looking tired and frail.
If he hit him a little too hard he would’ve been liable for putting one of America’s greatest players on his death bed
I was going to watch it, but as it was just pay day for one and a publicity stunt for the other, I just thought why get conned into it all, it was bound to go all the way, one's a youngster who cant box vs an old man past his prime, drag it out, make it look good, get paid, people are "entertained".
Didn’t watch it. I want nothing to do with anything involving Jake Paul. For lack of a better term, I would charitably describe him as a leach with arms and legs.
In his day he certainly was a killer, but at 58 years old he at least stayed on his feet against Paul! Tyson and Ali were the greatest in their prime days
It's not surprising this would have happened and all the Tyson "the voices are coming back" bit was marketing, but i was hoping for Tyson to destroy Jake
While I’m no boxing fan, I really do wonder if any actual boxing fans were ever into this boxing-wise
I was looking for Ashton Kutcher to jump out the whole time because I'm pretty sure we got punk'd.
No wonder pay-per-view couldn’t be arsed to host it.
Man can do anything at any age if you really believe in yourself and have the gift for the task
It was inspiring
But some people only wanted a boxing match I guess
However the issue with Tyson’s popularity came about before the recent collapse of civilization.
And after the result of that fight and then the schmoozle that JvM was it reminded me why I turned away from boxing. The JvM fight went nearly as I thought but I thought Mike might have thrown a few more
I think that had those bad finishes not been there people would have forgiven the freakshow main event.
If he hit him a little too hard he would’ve been liable for putting one of America’s greatest players on his death bed
It's like the current GOP!