major media is a RATpubLIEcan machine working against the good people of America. They have fed propaganda/slanted news to appease their GOP corporate goods. Next, live sacrifices to the gods of greed.
Bill Clinton won the majority of the electoral college and a plurality of the polls vote in a 3 person race and his legitimacy was questioned. George W Bush lost the popular vote and only a questionable SCOTUS decision made him president, but he had a mandate. Nothing new here.
The media has been like this for a while. If Republicans win by one vote, it's treated like a mandate to do whatever they want. If Democrats win, the pundits say that America wants us to come together, and Dems should turn away from their base and compromise with Republicans.
The MSM failed us all starting in 2015 when they chose to cover the convicted felon’s rallies. Had they ignored him as a fringe candidate like Jill Stein, we wouldn’t be where we are today. I’m boycotting all MSM for the next four years.
Perfect example as to why ratings have taken a nose-dive after the election. Hyperbole for clicks and views is misinformation, full stop. We've had enough.
Shouldn't a Mandate at least out-weigh a filibuster? Over 60% before you start calling mandate? In fact, even 60% is more of "very interested" and maybe 80% and up to qualify for Mandate? Especially since the headline "Well over half of ALL Americans didn't vote for Trump" is technically true.
He won 3/3 branches and 2/3 states. And the popular vote. That's pretty mandatey. Of all the MSM misses, and all the issues that require attention, why spend time and effort pushing back against that headline?
Republicans always act as if they have a mandate - they are unafraid to use the power given to them. The Democrats do not use the power given to them since they try to play nice with everyone.
Trump’s “electoral mandate” is the smallest margin of any president except Jimmy Carter.
Biden. Bigger.
Hillary. Bigger.
Obama. Bigger. twice.
w. Bigger in 04. Gore’s margin was slightly smaller.
Clinton. Bigger. twice.
Daddy Bush. Bigger.
St Ronald of Reagan. Bigger. Twice.
Nixon. Bigger/smlr
I’m ok if Biden cancels the transfer of power citing Trump as a domestic terrorist and a serious threat to democracy and therefore to the constitution!
I think that’s covered in his oath of office!
It’s the once-trusted media figures (Tapper, Bash, etc) and Trump’s calmest and most well-spoken allies (Mike Johnson) normalizing and smiling through this historically dark time that pose as much threat as the open wingnuts.
% of vote would be cool to talk about if that’s how Presidents were chosen. We choose by the electoral college and it was decisive in that regard. He won every swing state.
Not what I wrote. However, in terms of winning a Presidential election, yes, swing states obviously matter more. In 2020, 96% of campaign events for Biden/Trump were held in 12 states. Why is that?
But if they don’t gerrymander, how can they keep control?
I just find it astonishing that in the US, where supposedly everyone is equal and such, you can openly discriminate against an entire political party and it’s all “it’s not about race or religion, so it’s ok!”
You stated it was decisive because he won the swing states. Nut winning swing states 51-49% doesn’t sound decisive either. “We got 2% more votes in 25% of the states! We have a landslide!”
He won 31 states to her 19. He won by 86 electoral votes. He swept the swing states. We all knew that night it was over. That’s decisive. These moral victories everyone is searching for is exactly why Dems lose.
But, again, that’s focusing on electoral college. He still only won those states by like 4% points. The only thing that makes it “decisive” is the arguably stupidity of assigning all electoral votes in a state to the winner of the state, regardless of their percentages or totals.
Friends from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Please tag below or comment your favorite local news outlets & larger state news organizations.
Still feel free to participate, if you’re outside these states.
Out of 244M estimated eligible, Trump beat Harris by 1% while people who didn’t vote for President beat Trump by 7%; 69% of this country did not vote for Trump.
If Donald Trump pooped himself on live television, I will expect to see the media headlines of "Trump Channels His Inner Child to Forge a New Path Ahead"
CNN doesn't want us back as viewers. Got it. No prob. Easy. (A subscription to YouTube makes it so easy to watch real news and analysis from around the world.)
Just curious here…Can he even claim that? I mean, that 49% is of what? Total votes cast, or of total eligible voters? The first is more impressive than the second.
But when Biden won by 7 million votes, it was “many Republicans are saying there were irregularities” and “this much of the country thinks the election was stolen”
Unfortunately it does not have to be a 15% margin of victory to be a ‘mandate’. Voters gave him the Senate and the House. That’s everything, right there.
Major media’s sanewashing of Trump will go down as one of the most catastrophic failures in the history of our nation. He tried to overthrow the duly elected previous administration and he has essentially pledged to overthrow the U.S. democracy from within now that he has been re-elected.
can we make the #media report accurate?
He received approx 51% of the vote of VOTERS THAT ACTUALLY VOTED? 21% of Americans relinquish their #vote right? Plz correct me. So, #nomandate ???
I think there is a double-edged sword to this. The sooner the economy is seen as his, the sooner he’ll get the blame. If he does half of what he wants to, prices are going to get higher than Don Jr.
e should all know that "America first" recalls Americans who supported Nazis. The America First Committee disbanded after the bombing of Pearl Harbor due to the shame of their views.
Bush Junior said the same thing and not only did he not really win….. if he had really won It would’ve been minuscule… but he stole it along with the Supreme Court.
Nope, I took CNN out the night of the DNC. Canceled cable I don’t need to pay $300 a month for them to tell me it’s a toxic presidency. I’ve got all my sources back that were on Twitter. I’m good! Let’s make sure we promote the exploration company over SpaceX.!
This is why I'm done with all the major media outlets. They've been willfully enabling Trumpian agitprop for the better part of a decade, have been shamelessly Republican-biased ever since 9/11, and now they're rapidly becoming indistinguishable from state-run media.
2/ note that the Election Lab number is just an estimate, and will change. For instance, in New Jersey, the site estimates 4.1 Million votes will be cast -- but 4.194M have already been counted, with an estimated 306K left to go
3/ the california estimate will also need adjusting. Election lab predicts 16.25M total ballots, but the total so far is only 15.1M with an estimated 796K to go...
But because both CA and NJ favored Harris, Trump nationwide percentage will decline (possibly to under 49%)
maybe they should have said electoral college. more mandateish. I actually think the true total amount is irrelevant.
The fact that more than his immediate family voted for him is hideously depressing.
Sucking up to authoritarian gov’t in waiting will ultimately fail. CNN is already hemorrhaging viewers and claiming a mandate for trump will not bring them back
not to sound like an old coot. But in the early 90s we had had almost 24 uninterrupted years of Nixon Reagan and bush. Those of us who embraced ‘alternative’ ‘grunge’ whatever you want to call it saw the media for the out of touch bs machine it was. Losing the media is no loss.
What you’ve mentioned is derived from political/election system not from popular vote. The latter is practically tied so writing that it gives any special mandate is an error, same as calling the 2024 election result a landslide.
I haven’t watched CNN since election night. As a matter of fact, I haven’t watched ANY televised news/entertainment broadcasts like CNN or MSNBC. They have lost me. I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner and stick to my print.
Media in the US: " We have to present both sides."
Biden. Bigger.
Hillary. Bigger.
Obama. Bigger. twice.
w. Bigger in 04. Gore’s margin was slightly smaller.
Clinton. Bigger. twice.
Daddy Bush. Bigger.
St Ronald of Reagan. Bigger. Twice.
Nixon. Bigger/smlr
I think that’s covered in his oath of office!
I just find it astonishing that in the US, where supposedly everyone is equal and such, you can openly discriminate against an entire political party and it’s all “it’s not about race or religion, so it’s ok!”
Still feel free to participate, if you’re outside these states.
He received approx 51% of the vote of VOTERS THAT ACTUALLY VOTED? 21% of Americans relinquish their #vote right? Plz correct me. So, #nomandate ???
Hard. Pass.
But election sites like Reuter, NBC, CNN etc are listing Trump with 50% of the vote, when it fact he has gotten only 49.09%
But because both CA and NJ favored Harris, Trump nationwide percentage will decline (possibly to under 49%)
Don’t forget that.
The fact that more than his immediate family voted for him is hideously depressing.
Woman only has 49% of her leg severed, but, SHE'S STILL STANDING!
(I'm a below-the-knee amputee & other parts, too. I tend to make jokes about it to stay sane.😁😉)
.. but more people voted for someone else.
But they're saying TRUMP has the mandate, not the rest of the people from the GOP who were also elected.