DeSantis is term limited so the Republicans have to start turning rocks over to find the next Florida governor. Now that Gaetz is no longer in running for AG, I guess his daddy will "buy" him the governorship.
Sabatini is a loser that even MAGA didn’t want. His opinion is not of any value. However, Gaetz has his daddy here to hold his little grubby hands and will purchase whatever seat he wants. Unfortunately.
I said it all along. Nominating Gaetz was always a trojan horse farce of a decision. The Trump admin knew it all along.So, then, you ask what was the 'actual' goal? DeSantis having the ability to nominate someone to the Senate without an election is the ultimate lifelong Xmas gift. And they got it..
January 2027is when DeSantis is done as governer. He needs to do as many favors as he can between now & then so he can claim payback when he decides what his next goal is. His creepy ass desperately wants to be President, so he might be playing the long game. In the meantime, it'll be interesting...
Might be the Dems best opportunity to slip in when "Pudding Fingers"and the "Candyman" duke it out. Yeah that's right the "Candyman", think about it. I think it should stick no pun intended
Well that will be somewhat of a contrast to the pious Desanctimonious leadership Floridians are used to what with book purges and abortion reversal women’s clinics and the war on Mickey, Gaetz can run a bacchanalian themed campaign make 80s cocaine orgies popular again
Gaetz is like the ultimate Florida Man.
#uck them.
Is it so that he can be head inspector general of high school girl bathrooms?
The key criteria is: is he/she licking my boots?
No one will protect your kids like we can.
would like to see a Hemingway cat though