"Ultimately, you’re going to see the system collapse, and there will be an interruption of benefits, ... I think that will happen within the next 30 to 90 days. ... People should start saving now,” he urged.
Exactly. We are witnessing the systematic destruction of America, with the majority of Americans being horrifically impacted in negative ways over and over again.
he skipped that BUILT IN prohibition. People ON that kind of assistance get penalized if they make or save ANY amount of money to supplement their SS...he doesnt GET how life works. Wealthy prick kids of wealthy Nazis never do
Yes. They will have to feel it directly, MAGAts are desperate to defend him. These are the people who boarded a plane to Guyana because Jim Jones told them to- and further 💀. It’s very difficult to shake cult members out of a cult.
Well, I've missed TWO payments already! We've faxed them forms, emailed them and called them several times, including last week (where the wait line was 3 hrs long to get ahold of a real person). But still NO payments on my account!? What's going on?
My pettiness wonders if we still have to file taxes because if we owe, will it go to Musk, Trump, Putin, all of the above and if we're do a refund, when will it be available?
With DOGE having direct access to everything that connects all to the IRS, SS, etc when THEY don't say what they're doing...
Whaddya gonna do about it? Post from the gulag? The time to rise up is when? Now? Or when Putin cashes the social security checks for a new super yacht?
I love the suggestion that people living on social security should start saving. My blind son gets a little more than $900 per month from SSDI and $36 per month in SNAP cash.
They should shut it down now due to labor shortages. The more they fight to keep it going, the easier it will be to take it away. Make it collapse fast enough and people will actually fight back.
If that does happen, Trump & Thugs will come to majorly regret it. Do they understand that such a huge percentage of those on Social Security have that as their only means of income? Don't mess with seniors & those on disability or I think the country will rebel like they've not seen thus far.
They will when we come after them with pitchforks. Literally! Millions of Americans will have nothing left to lose and things are going to get real ugly real fast for our elected "representatives." ALL of them.
Correct …. and then the military will be called in to quell any demonstrations that get violent along with martial law - it’s all coming!!
Oh that’s coming as soon as this budget gets passed and Medicaid gets cut. 63% of nursing home costs are paid by Medicaid. They don’t even have to screw up social security for meemaw to be on the street.
Not a surprise.
They said they would.
We tried to warn over and over again.
Now we are the ones who will be punished for being correct.
Not how I planned to enjoy my retirement. 🤬
Oh FFS! I was a geriatric social worker before having my children 30+ years ago. We provided services that kept them in their own homes. They relied on their SS. Kept the least vulnerable out of nursing homes. This is not going to end well.
This is when things get really dark. Senior citizens by the millions that won’t be able to pay their bills or put food on the table. Imagine the impact this will have on our economy and our markets. This will harm everyone, not just people on Social Security.
Imagine what will happen when millions of mortgages go unpaid, property taxes not collected, energy bills unpaid, grocery stores half empty. It’ll make the depression look like the good old days.
This money that THEY paid into for their golden years, keeps the economy going. Think of how many medical offices, pharmacies, grocery stores, gas stations will go under. ➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️
No money—no jobs. No jobs—everyone’s affected. EXCEPT THEM! I’m not letting them take my country. Never again.
Half the electorate just said good bye to their morals with their votes. All bets will be off with everyone else. Funny how both sides forget the other half of the country who never votes & rarely watches the news. Shits about to get real! 😬
Seth if this happens, I will lose everything and be homeless.
I am 66 yo, worked since I was 13, and 21 yo of my adult life I worked a "man's job" so I would have a pension
will be the ONLY thing that would EVER Possibly trigger MAGA into action AGAINST their dear leader..missing 3 meals wakes people up no matter how hard they want to suspend disbelief
I do volunteer work doing taxes for seniors. I want every congressperson planning to cut SS to go to a senior center and meet some of the thousands of elderly people, good people, with NOTHING but SS, Medicare, and maybe a house. They can’t “save” anything.
They're incredibly agile. There is no time for reflection. If Social Security goes down, they'll all of a sudden be the biggest fans of privatization and pretend they never believed otherwise
Maybe Americans need to be jolted out of their ignorance and self-destructive instincts. The self-harm that made them vote MAGA twice needs some jolting and some shock therapy.
They need to see their institutions fail and programs they take for granted like social security etc collapse.
Then they’ll learn to take democracy seriously. The self indulgent attitude that worships guns, fester in conspiracies, idol worshiping cult leaders,disavowal of experts and facts for lies and snake oil salesmen.
I hope this jolts that nation of 300m plus to look within and become better people.
That was the point. They signed all of us up for the worst kind of pain. That was always going to happen. Sorry to break it to you.
What they didn't understand is that they volunteered themselves for the same.
JFC—this is a five alarm fire!!! My heart is breaking for everyone out there depending on SSA, SSDI, SSI. And what about all the pending apps for SSDI?? These people need help! Not a smack down! Calling my reps tomorrow, but we need more!
all of Florida is sprinkle with developments FILLED with retirees and just outside their gates is bedlam crime drug crimes and mayhem... it would become like Mad Max with elderly riding modified armed golf carts ..and DO expect machine guns..they build everything that goes boom in the south
Just think, 70 million people, some equipped, with absolutely nothing to lose. No you know when he’s got complete loyalists in the army. Epic is an understatement.
OH theyre armed because they know any disability is a disadvantage...just like MAGA knows a boom boom stick makes up for everything they lack inside their skull
I hope all of the #Trump voters who depend on #SocialSecurity to live are going to enjoy being homeless & hungry! I feel most sorry for their innocent pets who will suffer!!! I don't feel one bit bad for them!
I haven’t slept well since last November. I just knew in my bones that this was truly the end. My friends think I’m overreacting, but each day brings a new horror. It’s just a matter of time now.
I voted for Harris too and I receive Social Security. I am terrified. My heart goes out to your Mom and all the other people who need Social Security to live. This is something we worked and paid into all of our lives. In addition, so many of us did vote for Harris and didn't ask for this crisis.
Same here with my grandmother, who turns 90 this year and is really still quite healthy and sharp. She didn't vote for Trump, and she told me in a phone conversation last month that she doesn't know if she'll get her checks soon...
While many will be hurt, I'm not sure this isn't the sort of wake up call so many Trump voters require.
I've lived my entire adult life knowing that Social Security was endangered, that the GOP hated it, and that it wouldn't be around for me in 2040. Let some Trump voters feel this anxiety.
There is no reason to stop social security, all of us have paid into this every pay check. It is crazy to think they can just stop it. I don’t agree with this at all.
My family depend on my SS. My mom only has SS and she is disabled.
Muskrat & the tech bros have billions and billions yet still they are greedy and want more.
The billionaires are unaware or don't care of the hate and anger that is building. When ordinary people have lost everything including hope, nothing matters. Billionaires' security teams will need security teams.
Fiona, if you ever get to that point, DM me and I'll help.
FYI - I looked up the stats for SS recipients in our TX lakehouse county where 72.9% of voters chose Trump: County population is approx 200,000 and just over 48,000 are on some form of SS.
If SS dies, it will be an epic disaster. 😭
When a former commissioner says this, it carries weight. He obviously knows that the SSA system is just creaking along as it is with existing staff shortages. Anyone who has dealt with SSA has experienced this. They can’t afford to lose a single employee.
My dad worked 50-60 hours a week, living modestly so he could hopefully retire and enjoy his grandchildren. He retired at 67 a couple of years ago & told me tonight he will probably have to go back to work due to the new regime. I know he will be one of many & it's heartbreaking.
What they are doing should be illegal. A portion of our paychecks goes to SS and they just dismantle it? That's the taxpayers money. Dismantling SS = stealing from Americans.
I have a feeling also, there was a report a couple weeks ago about calling the national guard commander back to active duty in DC. That knot in your stomach that something is brewing, this could be it, I sincerely hope not, but…
Millions of old people who worked hard all their life - and double paid into Social Security since Reagan - will suddenly be homeless so that billionaires can suction up the Social Security fund.
Let's see how that works out.
I foresee searches for the phrase "third rail" will increase.
I wonder who the GOP plans to blame for any stoppages of Social Security checks: crop-picking Mexicans, Hollywood actors, pet-eating Haitians immigrants, or will they come up with a brand-spanking new straw man?
They already have this shit cued up. They're calling it "malicious compliance." They'll still blame the deep state (not going to dignify the term by capitalizing it) even when there's no one left. Which should be within the calendar year
First, they'll claim it's just a temporary glitch. Then, they'll claim it's fixed when it's not. They'll end up sending everyone on Social Security $5K checks for 3 months while they work on it. Then, they'll say Biden broke it and retirees should start selling vodka on the streets for money.
If this happens, my initial thought is it is the end of MAGA. Nobody wants their elderly parents or grandparents to suffer. My fear is that it will happen as part of a bigger, more sinister plot to destroy American society and make everyone dependent on Trump and Elon via his satellite monopoly.
When grandma and grandpa MAGA realize their racism is going to cost them their livelihoods, I suspect they’re going to be staunch supporters of anyone else.
Fucking racist cunts deserve what is coming though.
Maybe that will start the uprising, there is no way out for Trump, he has to remain President for the rest of his life. Think about that, with what he has done and is doing, he would be prosecuted and sentenced to prison, he won’t let that happen, so how does he leave office?
🚨People can't "save" enough for interrupted/lost #SocialSecurity payments
🚨The ECONOMY can't take it
🚨Many don't know what to do
SHARE where to call/protest/take action, NOW:
Felon trump and musk should be arrested and thrown right in the middle of GITMO.
If the laws and the”SC”aren’t working:
Perhaps we should take the law in our hands🤬
We pay our taxes on time, payments should be on time
What a dick!!! That's MTG level stupidity & the dumbest statement ever to come out of the mouth of someone who actually worked in the SS department!?!!
Yes. That would include me. It's my sole source of income and, at 75, I will have to find work & compete with every other senior whose earned income was stolen.
@warren.senate.gov @repauchincloss.bsky.social @markey.senate.gov if this is the case what is Congress prepared to do about it? Millions of seniors count on their social security check every month.
theyve not been prepared to do a thing about a 34 time felon running for office cheating to get in and hacking up every agency for a month..THIS is one little line item on a long list of crimes ..unchecked..theyll do NOTHING, hide in their mansions and go skiing
Make it so. People have to stop being so apathetic. My older friends sit there and sigh at lunch like there is nothing to be done. Apparently it’s all someone else’s problem.
Dems need a DEM2028 because if we don't have that we are fucked
Project 2025 is horrible but it was deeply mapped out w/goals & plans to remove guardrails that would get in the way of reaching their reprehensible objectives.
DEM2028 should span 2025-2028 because we need every second
If only! Let's face it, these ppl absolutely suck at politics. Last week when Orange referenced himself as King what did they do with that messaging gift? Nothing! It was off the front pages the same day and they do this every damn time. Rs would NEVER stop reminding ppl if a D ever said king.
Extremely alarming. My grandmother is 90. What the hell is she (anyone) supposed to do if social security just stops? They really expect people to just die out. They truly are working towards some kind of comprehensive genocide of the American people through expanded poverty and illness.
Protest tomorrow. Wherever you live, find a protest (@Indivisible.bsky.social, 50501) and if there isn’t one near you, gather a few friends and hold signs at a busy intersection or your city hall. We need millions in the street💙
PSYCHOPATH Trump (KGB Codename since 1987: Krasnov) has been Putin’s bootlicker for decades.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans in Congress—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
You need to catch up on your reading. There were things just today that, if you realize what is happening, are just about the same order of magnitude of disturbing.
"Ultimately, you’re going to see the system collapse, and there will be an interruption of benefits, ... I think that will happen within the next 30 to 90 days. ... People should start saving now,” he urged.
30-90 days to save?!
If you live off SS there is no room for savings!
May the #Resistance prevail.
he skipped that BUILT IN prohibition. People ON that kind of assistance get penalized if they make or save ANY amount of money to supplement their SS...he doesnt GET how life works. Wealthy prick kids of wealthy Nazis never do
With DOGE having direct access to everything that connects all to the IRS, SS, etc when THEY don't say what they're doing...
What exactly would you like them to scream?
They can start with DOGE, BIG BALLS, fed firings, tariffs, Elon, USAID, measles..and end screaming MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE.
They are the leaders of the opposition party: OPPOSE!
Oh no, that's not very polite I guess.
storming the White House if their SS and Medicare to touched. That would be the last straw.
They said they would.
We tried to warn over and over again.
Now we are the ones who will be punished for being correct.
Not how I planned to enjoy my retirement. 🤬
No money—no jobs. No jobs—everyone’s affected. EXCEPT THEM! I’m not letting them take my country. Never again.
WE must all have a singular voice and deliver this message
Click links below for info
It’s our only way out before they take the rest of our power & 💰
Everything Trump is doing with the economy is to make people desperate to put food on the table
You have one choice right now
Fight back
Get ready to say goodbye to your morals, to eat
I am 66 yo, worked since I was 13, and 21 yo of my adult life I worked a "man's job" so I would have a pension
I can't wait. ✌️🫣
You won’t be alone. We will just all flip the F out… together!
CALL Congress (202-224-3121) and let your representatives know what you think!
but you can't tell the kool-aid drinkers ANYTHING
They need to see their institutions fail and programs they take for granted like social security etc collapse.
I hope this jolts that nation of 300m plus to look within and become better people.
What they didn't understand is that they volunteered themselves for the same.
Well, you know
We’re all doing what we can.
Go ahead boys, kill Social Security and wait for the fall out…
Will be epic.
Game of Thrones epic.
And this one might just wake their GOP asses up.
We're not all disabled
nor unarmed
Thanks for this!!!
Love it!
Hegseth will be known as Hegsdeath
they wanted cheap eggs and for Ukrainians to just shut up and die and got robbed instead.
So the majority of America.
And probably will again tonight.
Thank you, MAGAs!
This is only going to get worse.
I wish I could flee to another country. Or planet.
Well - that should make me homeless in about 6 months.
We paid INTO it.
Taxation without representation
Maybe then the fucking mouth breathers will realize they were duped and turn the pitchforks on him!
I've lived my entire adult life knowing that Social Security was endangered, that the GOP hated it, and that it wouldn't be around for me in 2040. Let some Trump voters feel this anxiety.
I was hoping to die a boring death, but I guess dying under a bridge in wheelchair from exposure isn't so bad.
At least it was on my bingo card.
I was tired of it taking so long anyway.
I lived a terrible life.
This would just be a merciful thing.
Now I sit in front of my computer at home and read online books all day till I can't stay awake anymore.
Then I sleep and eat, then do it again.
Only doctor visits break up the monotony.
Muskrat & the tech bros have billions and billions yet still they are greedy and want more.
Save how?! Save what?! If you’re on SS, there isn’t anything to save! What a stupid thing to say!
If I don't get my checks, I'll have to make a choice between electricity & groceries.
FYI - I looked up the stats for SS recipients in our TX lakehouse county where 72.9% of voters chose Trump: County population is approx 200,000 and just over 48,000 are on some form of SS.
If SS dies, it will be an epic disaster. 😭
there'll be a hot time in the old town tonight!
10 million MAGAts will actually believe it.
Millions of old people who worked hard all their life - and double paid into Social Security since Reagan - will suddenly be homeless so that billionaires can suction up the Social Security fund.
Let's see how that works out.
I foresee searches for the phrase "third rail" will increase.
Kill Medicaid, kill SS, draw people out on the street in rage then….
Fucking racist cunts deserve what is coming though.
🚨The ECONOMY can't take it
🚨Many don't know what to do
SHARE where to call/protest/take action, NOW:
If the laws and the”SC”aren’t working:
Perhaps we should take the law in our hands🤬
We pay our taxes on time, payments should be on time
What a 🖕🏽 idiot!! To make that statement about "saving" is enough to make me call MTG a genius.
After 50 years of work.
Get it yet? Cruelty is the point.
Project 2025 is horrible but it was deeply mapped out w/goals & plans to remove guardrails that would get in the way of reaching their reprehensible objectives.
DEM2028 should span 2025-2028 because we need every second
Protest tomorrow. Wherever you live, find a protest (@Indivisible.bsky.social, 50501) and if there isn’t one near you, gather a few friends and hold signs at a busy intersection or your city hall. We need millions in the street💙
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans in Congress—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
Handing the country over
Without so much as a peep of protest
To a bunch of guys
Who promised to dismantle everything
The moment they got their hands on power
Would result
In those guys
Dismantling everything
The moment they got their hands on power