Rumor has it that his handlers took his driver's license away when they saw him wondering around Maga-Lardo babbling incoherently to people when Biden was still president. Telling anyone that would listen that he's still the president.
Lol! This is so ridiculous! Why in the world buy a car when he’s never driven! He doesn’t have a DL! He’s driven everywhere! They want to push us into buying that lethal traps!
Show me one single photo or video of him driving a car.
Or swimming.
Or riding a bike.
Or skiiing.
Or playing with a Yo-Yo.
Or hitting a baseball.
Or jogging.
Or hiking.
Or reading a book.
Or playing an instrument.
Or playing with his kids.
He's absolutely inept at anything physical or mechanical, other than play golf, badly (and he cheats). If you want to contemplate the extent of his deficiencies, think about this: How did a grown man never figure out how these work? (watch to end, watch it again)
In a general sense, it's quite sad he's never done any of these that we know of, isn't it? Specifically, though, his Nazi grandfather successfully carved all of those things out of him, and now we're reaping the hate that was sown. 😰
To be fair, he doesn't have any time to do any of those as, when he's isn't signing Executive Orders to keep Putin happy, he's on the golf course hitting a ball (at $18 million of taxpayer money every round) Apart from the obvious joke, what's his actual handicap? I assume his staff move bad shots.
What he means is, he has never driven and doesn't have a driver's license. How's he going to vote without an ID? Oh wait, he can't vote because he's a convicted criminal. Bet that doesn't stop him.
You didn't teach me anything that I didn't know. There's only so many characters that I am able to write in a post.
I thought that the 14th amendment says that convicted (ie) persons can not be president. He can run for president but can not be president. Maybe clarify that one for me.
He doesn't have a driving license, and may well never have had a driving license. He's too narcissistic and arrogant to learn the rules of driving because he just does what he wants.
So Musk brought his sonscarf along for this unethical commercial at the White House? On their way home, did he whisper to his ego-extension, "X, when you buy a president you can do anything you want. You can humiliate the man even more that Putin does!"
Dickastan isn’t ALLOWED to use it because he can’t drive, but more important, secret service deems it as UNSAFE since it might BLOW UP on its own or get hacked to blow up. But it’s ok for staff. They are easily replaced.
Were old traitor felon conman Drumpf’s keys taken away while he was out of office for four years after he LOST the 2020 election, hmm? 🤔 More evidence of his dementia? How can he be “allowed” to drive a golf cart, lazy lying ass that he is?!
He probably can't drive because he doesn't obey any laws so he'd have a hard time on the roads. No stop sign is gonna stop this guy. Bet he lost his license if he ever had one.
“Grimes and Elon Musk have been at loggerheads for over a year as the singer alleged that the Tesla founder wouldn't allow her to see their children.”
“After Musk brought their son, X Æ A-Xii, to the White House for a press conference, Grimes took to X (formerly Twitter) to express her disapproval, stating, "He should not be in public like this," and noting she had not known he was there until alerted.”
"I am not allowed to drive it because it's the most unsafe car on the road, and the Secret Service guys are worried that it could kill me. Nice color, though. Russian Red, my favorite "
To be fair, Obama did a special with Jerry Sienfeld where he tried to drive his car on the WH grounds, and got in trouble with the Secret Service for trying to drive it too far.
"I'll just keep it as an ornament until Musk and I have a falling out, at which time I'll call it a pile of crap among a barrage of personal insults and name-calling. No one knows name-calling better than me."
It's not that he's been chauffeured his whole life. Or that he's from NYC and lots of people from there never get their license. It's that he says he's "not allowed" to drive. What an odd thing for the king of narcissists who's the best at everything to say.
The POTUS is not allowed to drive a car, for reasons. Trump doesn't know how to drive a car. He won't admit he can't drive. He'll claim he used to drive. He was the best driver. Everyone agreed. Big, strong men, tears in their eyes, etc. But not being allowed to drive is now a convenient excuse.
Yeah, but that's just it. None of them made a point of pointing out they weren't allowed, they would not have said anything at all about it if it had not been brought up by someone else. But he brought it up all on his own. It's weird. It's odd.
“In a clear sign that grassroots protests are working, Trump staged an intervention on the White House lawn to bolster Tesla.In a truly grotesque commercialization of the Office of the Presidency, Trump shilled for Tesla like a used-car salesman trying to meet a month-end sales quota.” R Hubble
Yes, not just dementia of course but movement or seizure disorders Etc. Nearly lost my list prior to my surgery. this cognitive exam that the person claims to have taken is BS. I did a evaluation twice. 4-8 hours total depending on who's doing it. He had a screening. Geriatric referral imo
I got this today:
I'm donating $300k to each USA citizens 100 random selected
individuals. If you get this message your number was selected Agent In charge is Mattew Smith
+1 208-306-5250 text prize code TESLA100 for delivery
Meanwhile, the rest of us can’t afford to buy $12 eggs cartons.
We must start calling out culpable Republicans for their hypocrisy and lawlessness and for their destruction of our economy, democratic institutions, our Constitution and for causing human suffering around the planet.
He loves it, but not allowed to use it because he hasn't done it in a long time.
At least he has finally admitted that he can't do something. If only he had realised that before entering politics, becoming president and destroying a once great nation.
Please USA, your next President has to have a drivers licence, can swim and have a pet, preferably a dog, which they walk every day. And maybe knows a bit about economics. And is a good friend. Thank you that'll be all.
As much as I loathe this fucktard and await his obituary, this isn't cause he's an incompetent dipshit. Presidents, both active and former, aren't allowed to drive. Secret Service drives them.
Obama semi-famously went to a closed racetrack just to drive around.
I chose not to learn so I guess so. I literally cannot drive a car, I drove in a circle around a car park once when I was 18 but that is the limit of my experience
• under 70-yrs-old
• not a rapist or sexual abuser
• not a racist
• no discrimination
• not a criminal
• medical records—before election
• tax returns—before election
• no bankruptcies
• honorable w/ utmost integrity & honesty
• pass highest background check
“I’m not allowed to drive or walk down slopes or hold a glass of water or get to the toilet so I wear a diaper or have the nuclear codes or be in the same house as my wife”
Of course the Prez has limitations on driving, but this Seinfeld clip shows the White House grounds has enough space for a wee ride. There was no need for Trump to turn down the suggestion to drive
The opinion about a car doesn't really count for much when it comes from someone who doesn't drive
Little meatshield E is going to grow up to be psychopath malignant narcissist just like pop Moscow Muskrat and "not the real president" uncle Stinky Pants Krasnov.
The horrors he's probably already witnessed, never stood a chance.
Gee and here I was hoping he’d take it for a test drive and it would blow up. If it’s self driving all he has to do is sit behind the wheel. Don’t be a chicken Donny.
Oralè Resisters
I’ve been calling for
Democrats Shadow Government:
Pete Buttigieg is leading the opposition and the DNC
Would do well with him as the lead spokesperson to combat
The evil Trump administration
#BlueShadow #USDemocracy #PeteButtigieg #DNC #GOPCutsHurtVets
I hear from Sen Chris Murphy a lot and I see Sen Warren out there. Also, I'm NOT from Massachusetts. So, it's good to hear Democratic voices. As always, AOC and Rep Crockett are loud and proud!
Donald Trump, a man who demands loyalty but gives none.Today, he sells your cars; tomorrow, he twists the knife. Just ask Rudy,and the My Pillow Guy—left in the dust when usefulness expired. Elon, beware. The Melon Felon’s escape hatch is always ready… and you’re just cargo. We take you now to 2026!
My immediate first thought when I heard about this ridiculous stunt was to wonder whether Trump actually could drive a car. Of course he can't. Weirder still, he's "not allowed to." We know he doesn't drink so he can't have a DUI on his record. What gives? Anyway, this tracks, 100%.
You are correct in that this is what an authoritarian takeover of our country looks like! Trump is a useful idiot for whatever group is in charge of the takeover. I no longer care. We need to focus on taking back our country! This is what a coup looks like!
He’s 78. You can be 100 and still drive as long as you can pass the vision test and are deemed cognitively sound. He’s too vain to wear glasses and we know the rest.
Ok but he lives at Mar a Lago which is private property and even 15 year olds have to learn to drive somewhere preferably off the main road. Something is wrong with his brain. Like that's news, but anyway.
Yes I've seen a YouTube show (I know that's not the best source of info) with two psychiatrists breaking down Trump's speech pattern problems, from filler words to drifting off to bizarre unrelated embarrassing tangents. Also just comparing Trump 2016 to Trump now is wow.
This means they know he has dementia or he has some condition prior to that besides narcissism. Even if he hasn't driven in a while grandpa should be able to take some lame loops around the parking lot like a teenager learning to drive. Something is very foul.
That's right, grandpa. Now here's your diet coke, put on your jammies and get in your big boy bed. I'll bring you all your TV remotes. You have all the best TV remotes.
Im pretty sure he has dementia. Just objectively watching him as a person he doesn't understand what he's doing to the country. He is a puppet of Elon. Without Musk it might be too apparent that grandpa is lost and wandering with no real plan.
Please LET him drive the Tesla!
Pretty sure with his bad physical & mental health, he would be denied.
Or swimming.
Or riding a bike.
Or skiiing.
Or playing with a Yo-Yo.
Or hitting a baseball.
Or jogging.
Or hiking.
Or reading a book.
Or playing an instrument.
Or playing with his kids.
Or doing anything most normal people can do.
Or laughing
Or just being happy
In a general sense, it's quite sad he's never done any of these that we know of, isn't it? Specifically, though, his Nazi grandfather successfully carved all of those things out of him, and now we're reaping the hate that was sown. 😰
I thought that the 14th amendment says that convicted (ie) persons can not be president. He can run for president but can not be president. Maybe clarify that one for me.
“After Musk brought their son, X Æ A-Xii, to the White House for a press conference, Grimes took to X (formerly Twitter) to express her disapproval, stating, "He should not be in public like this," and noting she had not known he was there until alerted.”
- DonOld, at the White House Tesla Sales Event.
Kinda like real trucks though.
These things pictured are not worthy of being compared to such mighty and useful body parts.
What a whiner
Obama did an episode of Comedians and Coffee with Seinfeld and talks about it.
They wouldnt evem let Joe anywhere near his Corvette when he was there.
I'm donating $300k to each USA citizens 100 random selected
individuals. If you get this message your number was selected Agent In charge is Mattew Smith
+1 208-306-5250 text prize code TESLA100 for delivery
The pure pathetic whiny big boy baby not having driven himself in ….?
How long?
We must start calling out culpable Republicans for their hypocrisy and lawlessness and for their destruction of our economy, democratic institutions, our Constitution and for causing human suffering around the planet.
At least he has finally admitted that he can't do something. If only he had realised that before entering politics, becoming president and destroying a once great nation.
Obama semi-famously went to a closed racetrack just to drive around.
• under 70-yrs-old
• not a rapist or sexual abuser
• not a racist
• no discrimination
• not a criminal
• medical records—before election
• tax returns—before election
• no bankruptcies
• honorable w/ utmost integrity & honesty
• pass highest background check
Trump wouldn’t have been eligible.
- care for your country
- respect your neighbors
Kamala Harris & Tim Walz would’ve allowed us & our world allies to sleep at night! 💙
What about 100,000 Federal Government Workers ‘unelected’ bureaucrat Elon Musk has FIRED?
🔹Department of Education workers, 🔹USAID workers, 🔹FAA workers, 🔹Veteran Affairs workers, 🔹NIH workers, 🔹IRA workers, 🔹Department of Defence workers…
The opinion about a car doesn't really count for much when it comes from someone who doesn't drive
Little meatshield E is going to grow up to be psychopath malignant narcissist just like pop Moscow Muskrat and "not the real president" uncle Stinky Pants Krasnov.
The horrors he's probably already witnessed, never stood a chance.
It’s the deadliest driver on US roads, although you wouldn’t know that anymore as Musk fired the regulator.
Pres 47 can not speak well.
I’ve been calling for
Democrats Shadow Government:
Pete Buttigieg is leading the opposition and the DNC
Would do well with him as the lead spokesperson to combat
The evil Trump administration
#BlueShadow #USDemocracy #PeteButtigieg #DNC #GOPCutsHurtVets
Remember when he tried to choke out a Secret Service agent so he could drive himself to January 6th?
It's just a PROP!
Fire Hazzards ?
Boohoo!! I am not allowed to drive
I don't know how to drive !!
Good move.
Gutting the US economy, gutting the government, wrecking NATO, and alienating the world.
Nothing else makes sense.