Sigh. Trump's entire plan is to twist the arms of our allies to either get them to pay our miliary industrial complex more money or to eliminate any environmental restrictions or taxes on billionaires. It's one big grift scheme after another in the Trump administration.
This time, American reputation is really in shambles. Just like Trump 2 has escalated, so has international revulsion. Assuming there will be free elections, there’s always the risk of another Trumpist winning, so other countries (they do exist) will be reluctant to bank on the USA.
They should have started being aware of it the first time Trump was in office.
But like with Putin they just thought "oh don't worry. Being greedy will outweigh being fascist, so if we trade with them they surely won't go to war..... Again"
The sad truth is that this narcissist has learned that the only way for him to get any attention or respect is by bullying & lying. His late night tweet-diarrhea-posts are his 'positive' self-affirmations with audience validation.
It's not even respect.. what he thinks is respect is probably mostly fear or self seeking loyalists willing to bow down & kiss his ring, to be allowed to play in his sandbox, and to partake a slice of the greed pie
Seth, I'm sorry to have to say that abusive language is what most of us have grown up with. It's so habitual we don't even know it's abusive. This is one way in which our education system (or what might be left of it) has needed to change for decades.
This is absolutely true. If anyone doesn't see him as an abuser, they are dangerously naive, indifferent to the negative impact of abuse on others, or complict.
Why keep visiting the White House? World Leaders should make sure that they see him and talk to him as little as possible over the next 3 1/2 years....
Trump is doing a great job and you know it and it drives you people crazy. He is really a wonderful president. Love your little ping-pong signs that was too cute.
TOXIC Waste, FELONY Fraud and SERIAL Abuser, in every form of Abuse possible! Every Woman or Child, who survived an abuser like 🍊TRASH, knows how this feels.
Hey, he cares deeply about drug companies! Look how he supported the Puerto Rico people & businesses post Hurricane Irma in 2017. He threw them rolls of paper towels! In 2017, Puerto Rico was a world hub with 10 of top 20 biopharmaceutical drug manufacturers based there. So, lucky they got towels!
Canadians understand:
It's like your Ex-Krasnov threatens to beat you if you don't agree to live with him.
(Be aware, in Russia, you can Rape your Partner).
He's on a high after bullying Zelensky. Any leader of a small country without "cards" who has an interview with him is setting themselves up to be abused.
Have you ever seen Trump: An American Dream on Netflix?
It is the absolute best bio pic of his life story but the best is his mother telling a tale of his childhood sociopathy, and it brings chills to the skin.
His nephew wrote a book published last November called
"ALL IN THE FAMILY The Trumps and how we got this way". It should be available in school and town libraries.
Krasnov us a rampaging bully, no matter what setting he finds himself in it seems. Not the most inspirational leader, unless you are part of his cult and clown show.
Akericsn by accident of birth, Irish citizen in Ireland by choice: I've been screaming warnings at Irish Trump fans for a year. Maybe, after this shitshow of a meeting, they'll realize Trump is Ireland's enemy - as he's the enemy of all democratic nations.
He loves to attack and degrade our allies and suck up and butter up our enemies. Wait until he visits China and shows the world how subservient he is to Xi.
In a surreal twist of fate the MAGA Russian Republicans have decided that murdering people is God’s will. Not just in Gaza or Ukraine. In every state in the USA. And that the government should be in charge of the killing by ending the government itself. Thereby leaving all of us to the GOP RED DEATH
Couldn’t world leaders just…not meet with him? Like, fuck - why? What could possibly make them want to engage in this kind of masochistic public embarrassment? At this point I’d only meet with him to get a shot at beating the eyeliner off of Vance, and I’m not even a world leader.
I think they should meet with him, but publicly, like with President Zelensky. Because he'll repeat his pattern of bullying and disrespect, and eventually his supporters will see that that is how he is representing them on the world stage, and hopefully be uncomfortable with that.
I've been wondering the same thing. They are all just going to be trolled by him, one at a time, with no chance to get a word in edgewise. Masochistic is a good word for it.
"Hey ireland, I didn't want to hurt you. But you gave me no choice. You wouldn't give me everything I wanted. Why wouldn't you give me everything I wanted? What's wrong with you? Do you want me to hurt you? You must want me to hurt you. Obviously this is all your fault."
Capitalism failed. Because it's the rule of big corporations, billionaires over the poor, leading to autocracy. A mixed economy is the solution. Not capitalism, not communism & not socialism.
The mix of personal freedoms, democracy, workers' share in ownership & taxing the rich is the solution.
You can tell all the things he’s been accused of are true. Just like kavanaugh and others. It’s so clear he’s a bully and a blowhard. Loud and shallow.
I was struck with the same premise when I first read his words this morning.
He is so triggering to me and has *once again* reignited my relational PTSD now that he's back.
No words can adequately express my assessment of him.
I can't imagine having no Friends, no Respect, no Admiration, and no Dog. This Bloviated, Toxic Orange Dipshit has no redeeming qualities. Not one. I hope there's enough Champagne to celebrate his descent into Hell. The Dancing in the Streets Worldwide will be off the Richter Scale.
He’d have to lower your tax rate to under 12% but they won’t have access to the EU. Also the cost alone would prohibit them moving back. He can put tariffs on but we make Viagra and Botox so good luck to yous
Why are any European leaders visiting the White House? Norms are now abnormal. Isolate the melon felon from any show of diplomatic respect. And don’t allow him, as a convicted felon, to enter your countries either.
Donald seduces them.
Donald uses them.
Donald abuses them.
Donald discards them.
Donald disdains them for being stupid enough to let him seduce them
Donald attracts more victims
I’m sure Every nation in the world is trying to find a way to cut the USA with its Mafia boss out of thier supply chain and trade partnerships. The simply have to. The USA is no longer reliable. And Russia will always stab us in the back. Morons voted for this.
Exactly 💯💯💯. Trying to make us grateful for his abuse. Just like he did with President Zelensky, he expects Americans to thank him for destroying our democracy
Trump’s a malignant narcissist. He doesn’t think about whether what he’s saying hurts someone.
His only concern is for himself and his interests.
He’s proven this over and over. He’s thin skinned and impulsive. He makes decisions based on that as he’s doing with the Tariffs and so much more.
Why don’t people see he is a sadist. He is treating nations like women. This is why he doesn’t accept the answer no. He is cruel to people smaller than him who stand up to him.
Another clown show presser today for sure. IMO, what overshadowed trump’s rhetoric about the US’ relationship with Ireland was his obscene statement that Chuck Schumer is now a Palestinian; Schumer is no longer Jewish. The dotard needs help, .
Never fell for this stage managed bullshit.
Patrick brought the last vestige of the Roman Empire to our soil. The Legions never conquered us, but their religion did. And we suffered immeasurably for it.
Yes he's a narcissist a psychotic narcissist. There is nothing about him that has any relatability to others. His entire existence revolves around him and only him...he is bored easily. In fact protesting in the streets is a compliment.
As Paul Krugman pointed out this morning regarding Trump's and Musk's disastrous decisions thus far: "The two most powerful men in America have gone stark raving mad."
Please, CIA, FBi remove him. Do whatever it takes. Are there no patriots left in the federal government? Are we the people going to have to take this to the extreme?
As bad as this sounds, I would rather follow Lucky Luciano than Traitorous Trump. It's a deadly World and people have done horrific things to each other since forever. But at least Luciano is not a tyrant. He advises not bosses. He knows he'll get assassinated if he pissed off other bosses.
First Canada and Mexico and China and Greenland and Gaza and Panama Canal and UK. Now Ireland! He is turning all our true allies against us. Russia and North Korea will kill us if given a chance🤬🤬🤬
Martin looks in that picture like: "Why the fuck am I even here? Was the plane ride worth it? What's for dinner? Can I get a Guinness after he's done talking?..."
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
But like with Putin they just thought "oh don't worry. Being greedy will outweigh being fascist, so if we trade with them they surely won't go to war..... Again"
I hope europe FINALLY woke up.
Lone discards wives and children like confetti.
The vast majority of women watching what they are doing and saying know the pattern.
We know it because it's hardwired into our DNA to recognise a predator when we see one.
Listen to us. We are ALL in danger.
Protecting Ireland’s environment over Trump’s golf courses - he’d gonna go bad on them.
Fight Fascism with everything you have.
Freedom, Liberty,
and Democracy will Prevail.
Stand strong Ireland, he’s nuts.
it’s not just inflicting pain, but the reward of feeling powerful at his ability to both inflict pain, instill fear, and ultimately destroy
He's been making friends all over the world. 🙄👀
Such an asshole!
... sorry, thought we were talking about Succession.
Trump says Ireland cheats the US as its leader joins him to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
Ireland is the EU HQ for pretty much all the US tech and pharma. They came here for lower taxes. Thus Ireland "stole" US revenue.
Not to pick on you, but Trump said that. It's in the article. Read it.
It's like your Ex-Krasnov threatens to beat you if you don't agree to live with him.
(Be aware, in Russia, you can Rape your Partner).
It is the absolute best bio pic of his life story but the best is his mother telling a tale of his childhood sociopathy, and it brings chills to the skin.
"ALL IN THE FAMILY The Trumps and how we got this way". It should be available in school and town libraries.
All Republicans are Inbreds Low Breeded Cockroachs parasites with both hands out taking.
The mix of personal freedoms, democracy, workers' share in ownership & taxing the rich is the solution.
He is so triggering to me and has *once again* reignited my relational PTSD now that he's back.
No words can adequately express my assessment of him.
Donald uses them.
Donald abuses them.
Donald discards them.
Donald disdains them for being stupid enough to let him seduce them
Donald attracts more victims
It won’t end well for you.
He’s got that typical cruel:
“Look what you made me do?”
narcissistic abuser MO.
Zero empathy.
Borderline sociopath
🚨Trumpism is a global threat!
He must be removed!
Including his whole circus of sycophants!
Never to be allowed to run for public office again!
Of a narcissistic abusive
Father, I have said this about Trump since the 80s. I have seen it first hand, and I know it when I see
His only concern is for himself and his interests.
He’s proven this over and over. He’s thin skinned and impulsive. He makes decisions based on that as he’s doing with the Tariffs and so much more.
Patrick brought the last vestige of the Roman Empire to our soil. The Legions never conquered us, but their religion did. And we suffered immeasurably for it.
Malevolent trump he feeds from causing harm and suffering!