Beware of this influencer. #Democracy #Trump #Musk #America #CurtisYarvin He's not here to play, he's here to take your rights away.
GOP ass kissing contest. History Geek notes that live people aren’t allowed on US currency. When the USPS began issuing stamps (1847), a law was passed prohibiting live people on stamps to prevent a vane leader from glorifying himself like a king. Or sycophants from glorifying the Great Leader.
When Trump no longer finds his sycophants useful, he discards them without hesitation. It's baffling how even the most successful individuals fail to recognize this pattern—just ask Michael Cohen.
NO KINGS!!! These morons will do anything to try to prove their allegiance to the FELON in the oval. He doesn't care about them anymore than he does about anyone but himself! It certainly does make them look more weak and pathetic!
We've got one. His face will be on our money - has started, will grow as what has his mum on wears out. Ditto stamps. His birthday is NOT a holiday unless it falls on one we already have (unlikely.) No statues of him - there are still v few of his mum & dad as yet!
Oh yes. He's not barmy either!
To this day, air traffic controllers refuse to call DCA “Ronald Reagan National Airport” when issuing clearances. It’s just “National Airport.” IAD will always be Dulles.
More than there are words for.
We don't have Zyklon B chambers yet and I already hate him on par with Hitler.
It's because I know we're headed for another Hitlertime.
because as we finally emerged from this nightmare, his name will be banned from our lips. at that point, nothing will bear his name without negative branding consequences
It’s ok by early 2026 the US dollar will be worth as much as that of Zimbabwe ZIG. Mass inflation, mass unemployment and a rogue country no one wants to trade with.
I thought it was no living person on your currency?
In UK we put our sovereign on the money and stamps, but that's us, please, don't put that traitors name to anything, not even a garbage scow
BREAKING !! Germany: Federal Foreign Office adds travel warning for the USA !! Public bribery, extortion and corruption. The USA is ceasing to be a democracy
frump and muskrat are creating a dystopian world of fear and dehumanization. This is not what our founding fathers or our world war fathers fought and gave their lives for.
Personally I wish there were no Presidents faces on currency. Or monuments or statues. I wish we didn’t deify any of these people and simply understood them as our collective public employees. That seems to keep with the spirit of the Constitution. We don’t have kings in America, right?
Get corporate money & lucrative pensions out of government as to draw only people whom are passionate about public service -also it's proving hard to get consensus w/decentralized power as populations grow larger.
Why are they sending Vance s wife to a Greenland visit ?
Is that before an invasion ?
Musk visit the other day in Pentagon made him laugh a lot 🆘🫣🇺🇸
What can Greenland do ?
Weird and not normal .
Are we in War with USA in april ????
"I pledge allegiance to Trumpland, the greatest nation (formerly the USA), ruled by me, forever. One nation, totally divided, under Trump—no liberty, no justice, just loyalty to ME. Follow my orders, or you're fired from democracy. Sad!"
And this all costs the taxpayers $$$$. Guess taking away SS & such will go to cover his demands. There was a Pharaoh whose name and images were erase after they did the same.
I can't imagine ever having a $100 bill again since we use euros here. But I can imagine people refusing bills at the bank with that sociopath's face on it. I'd take five dollar bills if needed to avoid having anything with such a nasty image on it. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this.
You can make a difference in 8 days - 1st April - 1x Wisconsin Supreme Court election (that musk has but 11m into), 2x Florida congressional elections, 1st and 6th. You don’t need to live there to support the non-MAGA candidate
I just don’t understand their worship of Trump. Even if he were a normal, non-democracy-destroying human being,what could possibly lead to this? Are they all completely out of their minds? (I already know the answer.)
Won't be using $100's or $250's (assuming I have any cash at all), I'll wear all black on June 14, and hope Mount Rushmore (an abomination and insult to Native Americans) collapses.
They have lost their minds just like their ruler. Some must have children who are old enough to think for themselves? How do they explain this idolatry??
How much does all that cost? I thought Daddy had us on a tight budget to avoid an economic collapse- these sound like expensive extras we can do without.
So they’re trying to create an extreme depression worldwide. Isn’t it torturous enough that the world is trying to deal with his disgusting face, body and voice everyday without continuous puking and sickness being reported in mass numbers? People are already suffering enough…NO to everyone of them!
Idk, I see an opportunity here for a new holiday for workers nationwide. Let's indulge this and have us a king. But if we get a king I also say we should get a Bastille Day holiday. Balance in nature.
It's far more likely, when this sorry episode comes to its bloody & convulsive end, the name 'Trump' will be expunged from the national vocabulary except as a curse, objects carrying his name will be torn down, his minions extinguished, records of him blotted, his 'presidency' considered a vacancy
sorry but the actions of your president in the past 2 months would say otherwise....and apart from some mild protest here and there- everyone (his subjects) has obediently bent the knee- from MSM to universities to Congress (yes even the Democrats) - wake up! you do indeed have a de facto king!
We will never have the shinny city on the Hill again. It is now a rusted out Tesla next to an outhouse!
Unless we keep the Constitution, Eradicate the Entire Fascist Nazi Corruption with extreme prejudice. And rebuild with the help of Canada and the EU. Built out the Vermin... and trap them.
the thing i really dont get (and scuse my bad language) why the fuck is it donald trump of all people that gets this fucked up worship? ugly fat ass mofo with no personality and a face you just want to punch with that fake as 'tan'. i just dont get it at all
Better have a look at what the crown is doing behind the scenes here then. Trump is royalty. From Canada to Europe. His first speech, Charles's own WEF. The Prince is in Ukraine....
I've seen many things that bring me great worry.
Oh yes. He's not barmy either!
Which is why I love all the checks on them. All the judges, all the work being done against them brings such hope to my soul
Vote them all out! 1st opportunity!
We don't have Zyklon B chambers yet and I already hate him on par with Hitler.
It's because I know we're headed for another Hitlertime.
Use at your own risk..
bills. In America we have no kings!
We will never bow to a king here.
But here is a list of Kings we will support though:
Martin Luther Jr.
Of Rock and Roll
Of Leon
In UK we put our sovereign on the money and stamps, but that's us, please, don't put that traitors name to anything, not even a garbage scow
Only the non-members can end it.
The leader is only going to extend it.
Is that before an invasion ?
Musk visit the other day in Pentagon made him laugh a lot 🆘🫣🇺🇸
What can Greenland do ?
Weird and not normal .
Are we in War with USA in april ????
And sadly they hide amongst the best. 😪
Follow me for more artistic tips on deal making.
Winter is coming ! 😬
They steal all the wealth from everyone else and are above the law. Thats what kings do.
Whether the Declaration of Independence was a good idea has never seemed so debateable!
The US Constitution has never been shot so full of holes.
I'm okay with that.
Actually, Trump is elevating himself to King, he doesn't need a coronation, all that is needed is the silent compliance of the Republicans.
1. No One Man to rule them All
2. County before Party
3. One And All or None
These are things nightmares are made of!
Turns out, one of them for sure is also a pedo.
Unless we keep the Constitution, Eradicate the Entire Fascist Nazi Corruption with extreme prejudice. And rebuild with the help of Canada and the EU. Built out the Vermin... and trap them.
I've seen many things that bring me great worry.
Pretty soon Trump‘s boyhood home in Queens will be made a shrine.