IMHO, the chance of Jack Smith’s Vol II report, on US v Trump-SDFla, ever seeing the light of day is fading. The 11th Cir is showing no urgency about govt’s emergency motion to stop Judge Cannon; hasn’t even set a date for Nauta/DeO to respond. ...
It’s an absolute travesty and Garland is to blame.
And you thought there was a chance this report would be released after Cannon rediculously shut it down?
That’s what they want.
Or DOJ could drop the appeal of Cannon’s dismissal
Then release both reports
Biden/DOJ don’t wish to admit failure in any way
But some of us will judge them harshly if they refuse to see what time it is + uphold public interest in release
That is why he resigned
Garland is a god dammed traitor and should be in a cell and Biden was a dam fool to ever install that utter pos.
And by keeping Wray and not installing a Dem was another massive failure.
Same as it ever was.