You’ll have to replace any server they’ve been on. He probably has multiple back doors into any server his teen hackers touched. Also he can access any computer that’s joined to the server.
Let’s see how the ghouls actually function in a court system
meantime time the judges need to do their job
So it’s surely a job to Keep
all those legal able to thwart, block
I’ve lived a frugal
life, I don’t travel, no cruises, I travel in state to move our juice to sell
Bob Bank frugal master
I am worried that it's going to be too little too late. Elon and his bros, I think, are just buying time. Once they finish the America we had will no long be here and we will be in a new, unimaginable reality.
Get your strategy together folks! Do what *true* is saying here. Get out there in ALL media/social media. And yes tell America all about the twisted #Project2025 - Russ Vought, Kevin Roberts - and their dirty regressive scheme. Hold press conf in front of their HQ. Expose TRUMP/MUSK roles in it.
From Krugman. Keep up the amazing work! I love how you don’t cower to the fascist technofeudalists nor the orange man baby. What kind of man cowers 2 such a weakling 🍊 🤡? @senategop need some serious deprogramming. Please keep up the fearless fight. It’s what we all want.
as a constituent of yours these posts are nice but what is being discussed with your fellow dems to actually resist trump and musk? we NEED a functioning opposition party to stop this absolute madness.
Goldman was lead impeachment counsel. He's not been quiet at all. And he, like Pritzger, has the personal fortune (Haas - Levi Strauss) to weather the security and harassment.
Congress Goldman I'm certain that Lockheed'sBoeing and Blue Origin lawyers are looking at bringing lawsuits against the federal government.Because Elon Musk is gaming the system.He has a inside track to any Government contracts of his choosing.Do you think his competitors are going to stand for this
Congress Goldman stop playing patty cakes with Elon Musk. Have the Government Contracts Officials cut all his government contracts. Elon Musk is violating any number of federal laws pick one.
Jesus! The more words I read from Elon the more I think he had one too many of his neural implants inserted in his head and his brain has now turned to junk.
Me? I. The video she is saying all departments should be audited. And just last week she is saying you don’t have a right to know where your money is going. Which one you agree with ? Can’t be both unless you are as dumb as she is
It seems like Ohio has a really big problem with Nazis. Shut it down. We don't do Nazis in this country. We defeated them in WW2 and we'll do it again.
Congressman, if I may (from someone outside the US):
Seeing those posts by elon musk, as he is *allegedly* a government employee, are his slurs transgressing any boundaries of decency & civility, which would mean he could be sanctioned or charged? 🤔
Nazi are everywhere now leader elected as president.
Now we all know President Trump is Nazi leader.
Terrorist organization he created to steal elections for his benefit.
Old saying By Great War soldiers
‘Only Good Nazi is a Dead Nazi!’
My great uncle fought and died fighting Nazi.
Little Johnny was nickname.
Younger twin of Frank Jehle who stole control of my inheritance as he felt it was his by right due he managed holdings entire life.
Frank long dead I hold no grudge.
I hold no grudges
Those who think they deserve fine take my account and steal as much as you can.
Holdings are currency for thief.
For me they are something entirely different.
Initial shares of US Bank issued 1956 to me.
Inherited right to convert 1 time in my life into current share volume.
U.S. Bank 680 trillion shares issued to me as USB-A capital preferred liquidity shares.
Convert please.
USB-S from USB-A
20 increased by volume.
Each letter = 1,000 x basis.
Each letter = 20 x basis.
basis =680,000,000,000,000
680,000,000,000,000x1,000^20=6.8×10⁷⁴Shares by volume.
Focus on value actually that is last stage.
Unpaid dividends is next phase.
Bahamas accounts hold 105 digit account.
I own 99% of global wealth of which has never touched my hands.
All earnings are distributed in public grants Donald Trump has been stealing from.
Nazi GOP members are stealing my reserves for GOP Project 2025 agenda.
Go vote.
I let Ari'shem return.
Nazi are grains of sand irritating little shits.
Look at what they do, not what they said! 👏🏻
Responding to Nazi musk with all his doings and facts is great to watch !
Well done 🇺🇸👏🏻👏🏻 👏🏻✊🏻
What Musk is doing is clearly illegal. Get him the fuck out of our government.
When he 'tweeted' back to you, "you're a liar",
I'm surprised he didn't say... liar liar pants on fire...🙄
What great role models for our children, grandchildren, etc...
Very, very sad
meantime time the judges need to do their job
So it’s surely a job to Keep
all those legal able to thwart, block
I’ve lived a frugal
life, I don’t travel, no cruises, I travel in state to move our juice to sell
Bob Bank frugal master and others
together and tell the media.
Hammer on Project 2025. Trump is hurting Americans. Target red state voters who do not like project 2025.
-Elon Musk
Also, where the hell is Musk. Is he running his shadow president operations from the Situation Room or a bunker?
He will break the law openly and just buy lawyers.
But, we must be a society of laws!
It eouls be millions and millions of complaints against him for invasion.
I don’t want him having my information. He has no legal authority. I have not given him permission.
Use those laws that exist.
Seeing those posts by elon musk, as he is *allegedly* a government employee, are his slurs transgressing any boundaries of decency & civility, which would mean he could be sanctioned or charged? 🤔
Now we all know President Trump is Nazi leader.
Terrorist organization he created to steal elections for his benefit.
Old saying By Great War soldiers
‘Only Good Nazi is a Dead Nazi!’
My great uncle fought and died fighting Nazi.
Younger twin of Frank Jehle who stole control of my inheritance as he felt it was his by right due he managed holdings entire life.
Frank long dead I hold no grudge.
I hold no grudges
Those who think they deserve fine take my account and steal as much as you can.
For me they are something entirely different.
Initial shares of US Bank issued 1956 to me.
Inherited right to convert 1 time in my life into current share volume.
U.S. Bank 680 trillion shares issued to me as USB-A capital preferred liquidity shares.
Convert please.
20 increased by volume.
Each letter = 1,000 x basis.
Each letter = 20 x basis.
basis =680,000,000,000,000
680,000,000,000,000x1,000^20=6.8×10⁷⁴Shares by volume.
Focus on value actually that is last stage.
Unpaid dividends is next phase.
Bahamas accounts hold 105 digit account.
All earnings are distributed in public grants Donald Trump has been stealing from.
Nazi GOP members are stealing my reserves for GOP Project 2025 agenda.
Go vote.
I let Ari'shem return.
Nazi are grains of sand irritating little shits.
Responding to Nazi musk with all his doings and facts is great to watch !
Well done 🇺🇸👏🏻👏🏻 👏🏻✊🏻