"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression"
His "perfect" world is where men have it easy and women aren't as picky. And all women's fault.
His "perfect" world is where men have it easy and women aren't as picky. And all women's fault.
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Because, as you know, people who employ other people are always women, people who run the government are always women, people who run universities are always women.
So, saying that men fail to attend university is anything else than a skill issue of men is wrong.
I would opt out entirely.
It’s not worth it.
2. Support unions
3. College educated women make 20% less their male peers.
Our society is besotted with the male. Sounds like this guy just cannot look in the mirror and accept his role in his own failure.
- Adopt some sort of humanist worldview about suffering/sympathize with others
- Assume the opposite sex is purposefully cruel to cause this
Like this one, who out right stated that women are only interested in men when they have no other choices.
My dudes without a college education or high-paying job: just step the fuck up and learn to keep house. Cook. Clean. Be a loving helpmeet to your wife.
The world does not want whiners, we need people who get it done not complain.
Because almost everyone on the planet would like to move there.