FINALLY, a Senate Republican speaks out!
"I am sick to my stomach as the administration appears to be walking away from our allies and embracing Putin, a threat to democracy and U.S. values around the world."
- Sen Lisa Murkowski
Please thank her.
"I am sick to my stomach as the administration appears to be walking away from our allies and embracing Putin, a threat to democracy and U.S. values around the world."
- Sen Lisa Murkowski
Please thank her.
I hope I will get there as it is important we encourage them to start speaking up.
Now follow through and cross the floor.
Always looking for a republican hero.
There are none.
AND…Murk gets no cookie because show can’t put Drumpf’s name on it…so no.
Her concerns are worthless.
We know Gutless Graham has sold out. What about the rest?
Good start though
They take turns trying to fix their image......she can go fk a polar bear
Why she stays in this party is beyond my comprehension.
Appreciate her speaking out! #LisaMurkowski
They are all traitors!
Why act so surprised. Is she sick that he just repo’d the boxes of stolen documents that belonged to the American people? That he has broken our laws and order with tyrannical, maniacal glee?
He golfs as thousands lose jobs, and suffer defending rights and freedom. A menace.