YES, I'm angry. Many farmers voted for DJT...wanting to feel bad for them. Unfortunately, ALL I think of are the families suffering irreparable know, deportation, detention, and relocation back to the countries from which they fled. The farmers are only facing financial devastation!!! 😡😡😡
we are all gonna starve thanks to trump. but you get what you vote for. as for me im gonna go buy me some seeds and hydroponically grow me some veggies in my apartment
Dog isn't too bad (avoid the organs.. the liver will kill you).. Cat on the other hand.. curry only or it tastes like you imagine.. Badger?.. don't go there.. trust me.. just don't.
We will be forced to bail the farmers out so they will vote for trump. Just like in 2020.
This is from July 2020 following his stupid 1st term tariffs.
WHEN OLIGARCHY STRIKES WE STRIKE BACK!! WHO’S WITH ME?? #boycott corporate America every day not just one day! They must come around to more actively fighting this #autocoup #coup
I somewhat feel bad, but most Iowan farmers are Trump loyalists and have reaped subsidized government benefits for years and hire migrant workers that could be illegal, but look the other way. F*** and Find Out
Devasting one two punch for farmers & consumers. Tariffs + Mass deportations. 42% of US farm workers are undocumented, & tariffs on agricultural imports will trigger retaliation, slashing farm exports. Trumps last trade war cost farmers $27B due to retaliatory tariffs. What will EU tariffs do?
Brace for the economic shockwave: tariff wars, mass deportations, government purges, soaring debt, tax cuts for the wealthy, and the EU bypassing the U.S., redirecting trillions elsewhere. As global markets shift, America faces financial isolation and economic instability.
Small family farms rarely get these bailouts if at all. A good crop of sweet potatoes can give you food for a long time. Freeze the ones you don’t need now. Give to neighbors who don’t have land as well.
Perhaps he meant ‘the farmers in all of us’ since he wants us to raise chickens in our backyards to solve high egg prices. Everybody becomes a farmer, buy some chickens and voila! Everybody in the neighborhood can now also become a host for bird flu. No masks for the chickens. NO WOKE CHICKENS. 🐓💙
Farmer here! And yep we are bracing for it. I just hope it doesn’t push our suppliers of hay out of business that we get for our animals. And we are a true blue Harris loving, come to the farm for your LGBTQIA+ interracial and immigrant wedding farm. Thankfully the wedding business good.
Think about the jobs created because Canada exports natural resources to America. Raw logs, mill jobs. Crude oil - refinery workers. Potash - farmers. These American jobs could be at risk. Not to mention the cost of the tariffs will get passed on to the American consumer. Are you winning?
Have you seen the plan for the IRS? - not increasing jobs there as far as I can see. In fact, it looks like at least 1/2 of the workers are gone. They can automate it all. Once the jobs are gone it is really hard to get them back. The plan just doesn't add up for American workers and taxpayers.
Both coming and going. Not only will their fertilizer cost more, but USAID won't be buying their crops anymore, and their export customers probably won't want to buy US goods any longer either. Have fun!
The farmers are MAGA, they’ll say something positive about Trump like they have Stockholm syndrome before they would admit he is burning this country down!
Last Trump Presidency cost farmers the international soy bean market (look it up). Farmers still overwhelmingly voted for Trump. It was their belief that they are immune to consequences that allowed them to vote for Trump Again. They need to experience actual consequences
I hope we at minimum double the price of all raw material and energy exports to the USA from Canada in addition to the 25% tariff. All we need to do is declare a national energency. Since you’ve declared War on us, it’s only fair.
They saw what Trump did before, but they forgot because women and Black people give them economic anxiety and election cycle tourettes, so Kamala had them like this:
About as much chance as a snowstorm in hell. Best chance will be stroking out or heart failure. But then we get JD who could really be worse if you can imagine that.
Only a child or uneducated person would respond this way, with 0 understanding of Congress' constitutional powers. The people have the power in your democracy and you have abdicated your power to a few
Didn't stop the southern states from trying back in 1860. Remember, the Constitution is just a piece of paper that people agreed to abide by. When a faction of the government is no longer agreeing to abide by them, why should the states?
I believe they are doing everything they can to provoke if not a civil war then certainly a civil uprising - to give them the excuse to come down with extreme force. Race baiting is becoming a daily occurrence.
They won’t care, I’m sure he has already promised them subsidies in return for the kickbacks they will no doubt give him. That’s what transpired the last time he pulled this nonsense, it’s just an easy way to launder taxpayer money right into his own pockets.
They were last time. The subsidies were based on acreage, so the small family farms lost their asses and were gobbled up by the giants. It all makes sense when you remember what a pathologically corrupt, amoral worm he is.
And millions reclaimed their health and family.
Now is the time for QUIET BOYCOTTING
And millions will break free from the illusion of prosperity.
An illusion created and billionaires to steal food from your family table.
yeah…. except the rich folks are going to buy up all the farms that fold. then guess what? they control all your food too. you’d be better off siding with the farmers bro. even though they fucked up big time.
Same thing he did last time and went after the small farmers so the larger Corporations buy them off.. This time no climate funding for Floods, Hurricanes, Forest fires Destroying Natural Habitats that support the ecosystem he is a stupid city slicker who is going to let people destroy America 🇺🇸
He totally screwed farmers LAST time, but those poor dumb fucks voted for him AGAIN, probably becuz there is ONE transgendered kid in their entire county.
Last time he was in office the cost of hay to feed our livestock went up 60% and never came back down and this was due to the cost of fertilizer. He ruined our farm business his first trip through. I can happily say he’s never gotten a vote from me.
I am so sorry. Don't know where you live, but some of my husband's family have hay and straw farm, and last year was Terrible becuz of heat and drought. They have been diversifying with soybeans, but with Trump tariffs, that market is essentially gone, too.
Just fyi I have a friend who grows soybean and sells it to the feed mills when they need extra in between the mills loads. If they are near any Pilgrims Pride mills they may be a potential buyer for their soybeans too. They only use local farms as a secondary source unfortunately.
My family are proud democrat Harris voters! Including our older generation parents who are in their late 70’s. We just want to offer healthier food to people through sustainable practices due to our dislike of the huge agricultural practices.
The last Republican I voted for was (14 yrs ago) our Congressman who actually had the guts to buck his party and vote for his constituents. Sadly, we now have a Trump lickspittle.
They voted for him, and we'll more than likely have to bail them out, and give them subsidies to make it till next year. And some will lose their farms to corporate buyouts at fire sale prices.
Never a better time to start Regenerative and organic farming. Lower yields make America great again? Imagine when Albertsons shoppers start paying Whole Foods prices.
Six of my cousins and my aunt and uncle are all farmers. We don’t speak anymore because they went maga. I loved them and was sad they threw their whole livelihoods and family away for a conman. They’ll feel it now though. And I’m glad. They need to.
We don’t speak so I don’t fully know the situation, but I did notice they’re not so loud on social media anymore. Haven’t mentioned his name in a while.
Wow … To my fellow Americans, who happens to be farmers, I would crank up the tractors, and park them on my representative’s lawn and wait for that person to come home, then tell them how you REALLY FEEL !!
"Well, if you vote republican, we'll get you an interest-free loan until the end of time. Or we'll buy your little farm-a-roni for billions in crypto! Hmmm?! Just vote for us, sign right here..."
Yeah, potash isn't plentiful in the US. Industrial agriculture is dependent upon Canadian potassium. The tariff will dramatically raise U.S. crop costs, and the price of livestock feed.
Not Russia - Belarus, but I get your point. Trans Atlantic shipping costs for what is essentially dirt would still have significant escalatory effects on U.S. crop and livestock prices.
But it’s ok because the immigrants are getting deported and the government is run by straight cis white men and a woman of color is NOT the president so it all evens out, right?
I have plenty of fertilizer stored. So do most smart farmers that saw these tariff’s coming. Our Co-op even helped the smaller farmers stock up. There was plenty of warning, as he campaigned on this for months.
Just How Long, Did It Take What Idiot Adviser, To Convince #SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump, To Use That Lame-Ass "Stop the Fentanyl", Excuse, To Levy These Stupid Tariffs-That Will ONCE AGAIN Only Harm Americans?!
"Off Our Butts-And Back Into The Booths", America!
From the polls that I saw from the last election, 80% of farmers voted for Trump. They deserve what they're getting. Unfortunately, food , if it can be produced at all, will be extremely expensive and poor Americans will suffer most.
By threatening to renege on these contracts, the Trump Administration is breaking commitments to farmers and threatening the economic stability of rural America.
America's great socialist farmers will be well taken care of as they always are. Trump sent them big fat checks for sitting on their asses the last time he tanked the economy and he will do it again.
You know what I think, the first Democrat to give Trump or Elon an actual black eye will be re-elected forever without asking for a dime of campaign money…
Not just one. Clearly he's the visible Idiot but he has people in the background who really know how to screw the country up. And it Seems like SCOTUS are going to add to our woes.
Considering the pace at which he is going, do you think he will wreak enough destruction fast enough for even MAGA brains to admit they made a mistake and they go against him, so we do not have to endure another 4 years of this.
The fact that Tr🤮mp is in charge, you all 🇺🇸 fucked up! Now is the time to unite & stop this asshole before he completely destroys the USA 🇺🇸! Pay attention folks 🫣🤬!
Someone asked me do you really think he could have really caused all that? He’s only been in a month.” Trying to act like this somehow wasn’t turds doing.
The farmers will probably be ok with reduced productivity through not having fertiliser. After all, their produce is no longer needed for USAID programs and China will cease buying Soy Beans again.
They can thank Donald at the next ballot box.
Much of the produce set to be distributed thru USAID is rotting in their storage bins or at the docks waiting to be shipped. NOBODY is going to escape the ramifications of this asshole move!
Then Russian billionaires will buy up all the land watch.
We tried to warn you all this was coming, you called normal people woke.
I hope your awoke now!
No it's definitely not in our budget. Nor was having a mentally unstable leader take control of America and ransacking the government. Nor did we think a Russian asset would be voted into the White House.
Surely you’re not suggesting 75 million people were fraudulently misled … by a Felon who has 34 guilty verdicts of fraud to his name?
Can 75 million sue Murdoch & Musk for stealing their conscious brain?
Oh we know you tried. We watched in disbelief as they didn't listen. And we have our own homegrown numbnuts here. They are starting to believe and I can only hope that yours are too.
Since you guys are throwing numbers : 1/5s of Americans can't read. He loves the poorly educated and you have plenty. You'll have even more when he kill the department of education.
I’m so fucking pissed. So many people wrote me off as a fucking nut case and YET here we are and they still don’t get the fucking picture 💀 I never knew I could hate people so much. These people are evil idc
It's not, but we don't have to outlast you as far as tariffs.......we just have to wait till the civil war wipes you miserable fucks out. The real Americans will be back.
It would be a short civil war. Technically, only 1/3 of Americans voted for him. He's losing more support every day. They also forget Democrats own weapons too.
I was watching some news before and apparently some car component parts pass over the Canadian border 6 times when building each car! That’s going to hurt!
Donald J Trump: A self-proclaimed genius, blind to history,economics, and reality, slaps tariffs on allies, Canada and Mexico- and calls it "winning." The lesson? Tariffs are a tax on his own people. The result? Inflation, retaliation, and a costly reckoning.
Welcome to Economics 101... Trump-style
I’m pretty sure that’s their plan. Bankrupt the farmers and sell their land to big corporations to grow our food. I think it’s the same plan as they have for housing. Corps own everything, jack up the price and we have no choice but to pay more for food and to pay high rent instead of owning.
US farmers have been having it rough already - now this. Add to it that the majority of them are over 60 with no heirs willing to take over the operation and I expect many will call it quits and retire.
Oh, well, the farmers voted for Trump the child rapist and this is exactly what they deserve. You wanted this, farmers, you got it! Your win...celebrate. Oh, and, not only will I not starve but as far as you and your votes for Trump......
They overwhelmingly voted for the orange fingerbang rapist. They fucked themselves. Will love to see their faces when Con Agra or Genentec buys their farms for pennies on the dollar, leaving them in debt STILL. Maybe the Saudi's will buy, so they can grow their alfalfa.
It’s only the ones who DIDN’T vote for Trump, that I truly have sincere empathy for. For all the ones who did, and there were a LOT of them, time for them to experience how shitty a job they did of making their bed, by sleeping in that stanky shit. And may they never, ever farm again.
My understanding is that the need to "bail them out" was caused by the tarriffs he imposed, and that the revenue from the tarriffs was used to "bail them out."
And the price of food in the US will increase dramatically. Restaurants will fold. Nobody except Trump's oligarch leaches will be able to afford eating out.
He does not care the goal is to kill as many American people as possible without putting them in a natural gas chamber, everything that they are doing the in product is people dying no food stamps people starve no medicine people die. It’s easier than a gas chamber and no accountability.
And when the farmers have to sell their farms Vance's little app will sell off those properties. They are ripping you off, the United States of America.
Isn't it sad. I wanna feel bad for the farmers. Their farms will be sold for pennies on the dollar to the billionaires. I'm so angry that they voted for this!
I’m in a family of Democrats that farm. Farmers make up less than 2% of the population. Even in our very rural area, there are far more non farmers than farmers. I know plenty of farmers voted for trump but there are also a lot that didn’t. This isn’t a farmer problem, it’s a rural problem.
May I suggest you get some cows and start using natural fertilizer or maybe talk to a local dairy farmer. Because that’s not all no worries are you not gonna be able to get fertilizer? You’re not gonna be able to sell your produce?
This is, unfortunately, so true. Republicans want to bankrupt farmers. Get their land for cheap for mostly foreign buyers. Vance has an app for farmers to sell their land.
1/ American-grown food is going to get MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE as farmers get hit with both higher prices for fertilizer plus the loss of cheap immigrant labor to harvest crops. Meanwhile, vegetables, fruits and nuts imported from Mexico will be more expensive due to tariffs on Mexico. (cont)
2/ Waiting for Trump TWEET telling us that, in addition to getting a flock of backyard chickens, Americans should all put in backyard garden. What next? Shall we all get a backyard cow and a couple of backyard sheep? Then start spinning and weaving our own cloth?
If farmers can't bring them in to pick fruit, what makes you think you'll be able to bring them in to weave cloth?
Oh, wait? You can probably get a special waiver if you promise to work them 17 hours/day, keep 'em in chains and slip 20% of profits to Trump. Made in the USA on the label. Amiright?
I’ve said it before, the GOP wants us to return to the days of Little House on the Prairie. Pa’s in charge. Almost no non-white people to be found. No government help, no paved roads, no FEMA. Bring a basket of biscuits to church and barter for other people’s services if your barn burns down…
My brother who travels a lot sent us pics of a rural market stall with a variety of roasted rodent offerings. Guinea pigs mostly. Squirrel pie is also a thing people still make. Both are pretty close to rats…
I hope they sell farmers nothing. You stupid fucking Americans can eat all your money. You can't drink the water and most of america will be strip mined to make the rich richer. Stupid fucks will have nothing left.
He'll say 🇨🇦 to broke to buy US product (we're shopping local)
blame Libs for letting it get this bad, they were to busy letting men into female sports n washrooms to govern.
Then brag he immediately stopped it. His supporters will be proud.
This is from July 2020 following his stupid 1st term tariffs.
You want it, you got it, Toyota.
I guess these farmers will be paying the price.
They saw what Trump did before, but they forgot because women and Black people give them economic anxiety and election cycle tourettes, so Kamala had them like this:
They said they'll pass on the message.
I see Vance is covering himself is glory in Europe. 🙄
The oligarchs want the farm land at well below market value.
The family farmer is screwed.
So #FAFO farmers...
And millions reclaimed their health and family.
Now is the time for QUIET BOYCOTTING
And millions will break free from the illusion of prosperity.
An illusion created and billionaires to steal food from your family table.
(2) If there's too much hubbub, they'll get bailed out with special subsidies like before.
Just How Long, Did It Take What Idiot Adviser, To Convince #SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump, To Use That Lame-Ass "Stop the Fentanyl", Excuse, To Levy These Stupid Tariffs-That Will ONCE AGAIN Only Harm Americans?!
"Off Our Butts-And Back Into The Booths", America!
Biofuels was one thing they were happy about.
Woo woo oligarchy
USSA 2025
It's sorta organic.
That’s all on the immigrant from Africa
Trump isn’t smart enough to screw up this badly?
Or the immigrant from South Africa?
They can thank Donald at the next ballot box.
uS food now either.. loads started boycotting it over month ago
We tried to warn you all this was coming, you called normal people woke.
I hope your awoke now!
Can 75 million sue Murdoch & Musk for stealing their conscious brain?
Dumb MF’s in the USA are the same
Brain wrecked corrupt Trump destroys world economics, world safety and causes death to many thousands of people.
Simply out of narzissism and greed.
Worst bad boy Hollywould couldn't even emagine?!
Welcome to Economics 101... Trump-style
Voting has consequences
40% - 50% increase in the price of potash you say?
AmIRight, Farmers?
Hopefully Americans learn out of this shit show and put an emphasis on education. It's unbelievable that morons fell for this nonsense trump talked.
So MUCH winning...
Oh, wait? You can probably get a special waiver if you promise to work them 17 hours/day, keep 'em in chains and slip 20% of profits to Trump. Made in the USA on the label. Amiright?
Anyone that doesn't stay out the "churches" or other religious places of satanic worship will die soon.
Stock tip - invest in rodent control companies. 😊
Looks like they remove the hair, but leave the head and tail? 😋