Exactly Valerie!! I used to like both Aaron Rodger’s and Brett
Farve when I was a Packer’s fan
now not a fan! Conspiracy Theorist, and a man steals from
The Poor !
It could be that Rodgers was too expensive to fire, and the coach was cheaper. The Badgers coach should be fired, but he would cost $33M to fire. There is too much money in all football.
The problem with the Jets is the owners refusal to hire a experienced head coach that knows what he is doing, the next head coach of the Jets should be Mike Vrabel, he is a proven winning NFL coach with his day in Tennessee
Absolutely. I'm tired of ppl giving Zac Taylor a pass on our defense as well. He's HEAD COACH. The defense is his responsibility just as much as offense.
100%. I’m so tired of his press conferences too. Everything is gone, they have the talent 🙄. Lou Amarumo also needs to go. Defense is absolutely pitiful. Just awful 😡
Th good news: Jets aren’t extending contract. 4-time loser, & ‘free’ agent at end-of-season. No body wants his attitude, or his fu*kin’ mouth. ‘Relevance’ came & went, while he blinked. Shaileen—smart girl.
You can't tell billionaires anything. For example: "Hey billionaires, DJT is a fascist Russian asset who will sell you out to the highest bidder if he thinks it will give his hotels good ratings."
When perverted politics overtakes perverted capital hoarding to pervert one's views on the sports one's team takes part in, that is the result Woody gets to.
Maybe a bit of both ... I would have never hired Rogers to wash the team's towels. It's a amazing how time changes some people, some become more wise with age and experience, then there's some people who just remain stupid all their lives.
As a Packers fan, was elated when we finally got rid of Rodgers (really should have gotten rid of him 2 seasons earlier). While it sucks for the Jets, so glad to not be dealing with his drama!! #sorrynotsorry
Nope....its easier to fire one person than to fire an entire team.
And they turned to the old man to do a job that most young men can't........their fault....That would be like electing a failed leader to be a leader again instead of finding a younger more capable leader.
The Jets problem was the kicker missing crucial FGs in the beginning. The general problem is that the HC and GM have to take the backlash for a disastrous season.
lol, Aaron singly handedly changed the momentum yesterday.
a bad overthrow, and then an int, and failing to tackle the heaviest guy to ever run an INT the entire field, lol. but hey, he never vaxxed so there's that, lol.
Farve when I was a Packer’s fan
now not a fan! Conspiracy Theorist, and a man steals from
The Poor !
But they’re both bizarre conspiracy-theory following freaks so they are rather made for each other
So glad to follow you here - hoping you can follow back (hey, it can't hurt to ask, right?)
Jets ftw. And Jets ftl. Jets fml. Forever.
In any event, yay 🥰
I think the Bears have the same issue. Bad owners.
And you are right!
And they turned to the old man to do a job that most young men can't........their fault....That would be like electing a failed leader to be a leader again instead of finding a younger more capable leader.
(I once heard an announcer misspeak and call Russ Gristle Williams, and it stuck.)
the problem is woody johnson
therefore, the jets are interminably fucked no matter what
When you're a Jets fan, you just have to take it One Day at a Time. 😀
1. Listen to difficult truths
2. Admit that he screwed up
Uh, not likely to happen
It’s just a tax right off. And a diva
a bad overthrow, and then an int, and failing to tackle the heaviest guy to ever run an INT the entire field, lol. but hey, he never vaxxed so there's that, lol.