"He talked a lot about taking care of the military, taking care of the veterans, taking care of the people that put him in office and it just hasn't happened so if I could go back in time I would have voted for VP Harris in a heartbeat," Jay S., laid off from the IRS, tells @nbcphiladelphia.com:
He should have known, but was just a bigoted fuckhead.
No sympathy here. They can join the protests now, like everyone else.
He wasn’t listening, not to what was coming out of trumps mouth and not to the warnings being given by democrats.
But now I'M hurt and I'M sad!"
Cry me a goddamn river!
You helped put a a liar and convicted rapist + 34x felon in the WH. Actions have consequences. Not sufer those consequences.
Intellectually deficient - conned by the orange turd.
Now go sit in a corner and think about what you've done.
Then vote against republicans for the rest of your days.
Well, ain’t that a shame.
He’s concerned about the military yet he voted for the guy that called dead veterans suckers & losers and wouldn’t attend a WWI memorial in France because it was raining.
This voter was being willfully ignorant.
Vote for people who don’t lie, who have integrity, who have intellect, who have compassion. THEN look at policies and promises on the campaign trail.
Sometimes you get what you ask for.
Trump lies. It's what he does.
He has more documented lies in one term than all other presidents COMBINED.
Why TF would anyone have believed anything he said?
How stupid and gullible are people?
I’m go to hell on Easter you ignorant bigot. You did this to yourself and you knew better didn’t you?!
Here's my 2cents. Anyone can travel back in time to the 45th presidency to understand the dictum garbage in, garbage out.
Make America Good Again🇺🇲
Trump will be President until he dies.
Or, "I don't care about you, I just want your vote".
Etc, etc.
I didn't.
Republicans always talk a good veteran game, but they NEVER vote to better services or compensation. Never.
Yes, they vote to up the military industrial complex spending for all the rich govt. contractors, but never for actual troops.
It’s not hard.
“I don’t know a thing about soccer or the World Cup, it’s not my thing”
These people voted. Imagine that.
“I voted for the fascist asshole who is destroying our country because I thought it’d be good for moi” is not a sympathy-deserving sentiment.
Maybe spend some more time questioning your moral compass.
I’m mad that the shit I wanted to happen to Black and Brown people also happened to MEEEEEE!
I voted MAGA! I didn’t vote for this!” 🎻🎻🎻
If you fucks hadn't been trying so hard to fuck over someone else, you would've realized you were the ones that were going to get fucked.
But you were blinded by your hatred, racism and misogyny.
So fuck off.
They knew they were voting for a racist POS and voted for him because they thought he would spare their white ass.
Now the guy you voted for is going to destroy welfare & euthanize homeless people- hope you make it bro.
Its a terrible shame to be sure, but these particular maga voters "shot themselves in the foot."
The info they needed to make a better choice was all there in plain sight.
Blind to their civic duty they chose cynicism and mysagony.
There is a price for that.
That must be a first.
- normal Trump voter with buyer’s remorse
I have zero empathy for them.
Everyone with a brain knows Donald Trump is a boisterous blowhard, pathological God damned liar, impudent wretch & spoiled man child with the vocabulary & mentality of a 3rd grader
"DAY ONE", Trump Said.
"Day One the price of eggs would FALL", he said.
Yet - Up n Up n Up they go!!!
The entire world saw this coming, but this guy missed it????
I’m not really interested in hearing from Monday Morning Quarterbacks , who are now Suffering with the rest of us.
"He says he's going to deport tens of millions, end the ACA, and wants to be a dictator"
"Well, you don't have to take everything he says seriously, that's just him..."
He tried the last time he was POTUS. Jan 6 was the wake up call and you’d have to be in a coma not to recognize it. People who are sorry now, never thought they’d be affected. The regret itself is selfish.