Jensy Machado, a U.S. citizen, said he was detained by ICE agents who were looking for another person on a deportation order. Now, he’s questioning his vote for President Trump.
Something don't look "WHITE"! 😂
NEVER FORGET what you and other maggots did and we will
NEVER FORGIVE you for doing it. All the maggots will be marked forever
Look around you .. this is just the beginning.
We tried to tell you.
Now you can deal with the consequences.
That's what you get!!!!
Hispanic guy votes for the guy who says he's going to deport 11 million Hispanics. Then, when Hispanic guy is detained by the Hispanic Deportation Gestapo it's only THEN that Hispanic guy starts to figure out that voting for Hispanic Deportation Guy was a bad idea?
Human Decency
Religious Convictions
Do not
Should not
End at the borders
Peace ✌️Hope 🤞💙
You know he will probably vote for Orange Cheeto again after he “rationalizes” his detention. These people will never change.They pushed their poker chips all in w/this lunatic.
To all the minorities from all backgrounds religion and gender who voted for Trump AND abstained voting:
Have fun being racially persecuted by Nazis and sent to Guantanamo.
#news #america #usa #ice #xenophobia #deportations
The Fed gov and supporters would call the innocent killed “criminals” anyway.