Do you feel like the smartest person in the room whenever you argue semantics? Nobody said the reviews kill people. OP said people will die as a result of the expected action, which is that these grants will be pulled. To clarify, the means people who may not have died if they are kept.
You should aspire to be the first Senator to think his birthday doesn't grow all plants and animals on Earth. In "ethical journalism" and "biological science" that means you can read +1 Einstein's 1+1 words backwards:🪞+🪞=✌🏽:
I agree, this is bad news. But project sponsors would be wise rather than be in complete freak-out mode, spend the energy re-positioning/messaging your projects. Note that the order does not advocate full scale cancellation. Remain calm, be smart.
To them Cars = Freedom. Anything that is in competition with that primary mode of transportation, be it bike lanes, sidewalks, buses or trains, should be met w/ hostility
I am so sorry for your loss and I am grateful for your efforts to make streets safer.
I live in an urban environment. People think I should be scared of my daughter stepping on a heroin needle or being sold crack or some shit. In reality, I'm terrified of her being mowed down by an asshole driver.
there in lays the rub, car violence appears to be baked in and accepted… but it is far more likely to be hurt in or by a car in an urban space than being “insert urban scary fear”
ALL of our road safety progress is in jeopardy. The research we need to target funds to mitigate risks, the people who study that research and implement projects to prevent death and injury on our nation’s roads.
Please vote NO on cloture for the CR. Temporary shut downs are hard but giving in to the permanent damage they are doing to our country would be far worse. Use what power you have and vote NO!
E #now = mc^2 =
🌎🚥🌞🌡️🌗 #left 👈🏽
Review: ✌🏽+✌🏽=🔢+👍🏽 #will =5️⃣
Imagine that.
We would all be healthier and spend less money if we use human power and walk and bike places.
They only care about money and not human life.
I lost my child to road violence and these attacks are going to make more parents like us
what the heck is wrong with this administration
I live in an urban environment. People think I should be scared of my daughter stepping on a heroin needle or being sold crack or some shit. In reality, I'm terrified of her being mowed down by an asshole driver.
This enrages me SO MUCH.
Which is literally always, no matter what, when it comes to the kinds of things that actually matter at-scale.
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