Tomorrow, the nominee to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Dave Weldon, will appear before the Senate HELP Committee. I’ll have the opportunity to question him about protecting Americans’ public health and safety. What should I ask him?
What is your greatest fear under this administration?
Weldon appeared in “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe."😖
He believes in fringe alternative medicine that is NOT tested nor regulated like vaccines and other medicines are.
I would hammer him on this and ask him if “measles parties” are effective. 🙏🏼
He'll try to get rid of #HPV vax and #HepB vax because he is rabidly #abstinence only, #mifepristone and more.
He sued to stop #TerriSchiavo's feeding tube being removed, so he'll interfere w #EndOfLife personal decisions
What will a CDC under Weldon’s helm do to encourage vaccine use and counter misinformation about their dangers?
Will he stack & replace #ACIP members
The Senate should perhaps ask, “Why is Weldon the best person for the job?”
2. ask him what PROOF anti-vax theorists have that getting polio is better than getting vaccinated?
3. Ask him what protections americans hv against transmissibles like Ebola now that our research & investigations r shut down.
On what scientific studies does he base the assertion that vaccines cause autism?
On what scientific studies does he base the assertion that abortions cause breast cancer?
Is it okay for their to be outbreaks and the population not know their risk?
How is that beneficial to Americans?
Do U care about healthcare WORKERS?
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$200mil I think it was?