It's time to develop a strategy and a coalition of leaders who will take back the government. We cannot wait any longer. This regime needs to be removed immediately. I'm no military strategist, and I don't have connections to those people. How do we find them and volunteer to help however we can?
Fourth of July Party.
Time for a new Tea Party. The Fourth of July party demands the independence of all Americans from kings and tyrants. Remove this regime by 250th birthday of the Republic!
You obviously are just unaware of how much she is doing, and she has quite literally millions of followers elsewhere, she may be newer on this platform, but she's been a leader for years.
I intend to, but have not yet done so, to call my US congressional delegation and ask them to ask the GAO to do a report on things like "have actions by Trump admin hurt social security"
I have no friends in Louisiana or Idaho, but urge people, if you do know someone in those states, have them
I plan to, but have not yet done so, to call my state reps, and
make sure my state AG has enough $ to fund anti trump lawsuits
urge the state to proudly and loudly stand up for DEI/LGBTQ and if the state uni is attacked tell trump to take his blantanly illegal acts and shove them
I think HCR's greatest contribution to all this is the reporting and analysis she does. She's helped fill the black hole the main stream media has become.
To my mind, that's what she's contributing, and I think it's really quite important.
trump is the worst example of what an American can be. Intentionally ignorant, unflinchingly intolerant, obsessively stupid, and unreasonably mean. Without Murdoch's media machine, and the right-wing radio media sphere to push and cover for his lies, he would not exist. MSM isn't helping us either.
Musk, Thiel, and their network dismantling democratic institutions.
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
At some point the media does have to stop blaming democrats and start blaming republicans for not keeping him in check, right? They're not actually going to keep this up for the next two years?
I’ll NEVER forget nor forgive the extremely slanted coverage in 2016, 2020 and 2024. Papers like the NYTimes treated trump normally and barely reported on Hillary and then Kamala. They covered all the other male candidates though. It’s misogyny through and through
Oh, and I canceled the New Schlock Times after more than 50 years reading and subscribing to it. They’re fucking dead to me even after their pathetic 6 months offer. They should pay me to read their drek
Media companies are owned by very rich people.
They have to appeal to other rich people-the companies buying advertising.
That's always going to give legacy media a rightward slant.
It's getting worse, from what I can tell.
Indeed. And it is important to note that it was conservatives who got rid of it. For all their censorship grievances it was exclusively republicans who concluded each side excluding speech would be to their net benefit
For example when saying they are being censored having no one to say they aren't
aye. And the fact of the matter is it has pretty much always been rich people who owned them. Citizens United just kicked that up by an order of magnitude.
personally, i first noticed it during the BLM protests in 2020 (1/2)
Like the media noticed Asians were marching is solidarity. Then, out of nowhere, they started playing clips of black men assaulting Asian women, on a loop, for like a full week until Asians stopped marching in solidarity. That was a little too convenient and a little too telling.
That's what we were told,but in reality, he appears to be treated as if he's a we are all fkd and we need to start breaking shyte right tf now!!
…This is how his sick criminal mind works, and personal vendettas are NOT within the scope of the presidency.
This country is headed towards some very dangerous times if he continues to spew nonsense like this... 🤨🙄🤦♂️
#NotMyFelon #CareerCriminal #NoRuleOfLaw #PresidentsAreNotKings
I cannot help but wonder if what we really might need is some damn fool with actual moral integrity, at least mediocre intelligence, enough charisma to get elected & streamline productivity, & crazy enough to take the job just because we need someone making real effort to do it justice for all...
‘…in America the law is king. For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other.’ -Thomas Paine, 1776
I’d question the methodology of these polls if I had the desire to look more closely. Nobody asked me, but then, I don’t participate in their polls. I don’t even watch their channels.
Who are the “Americans” in the poll? Americans still watching NBC and CNN may not be a definitive sample.
I hope you are correct- and it seems unbelievable- but I am constantly astonished by what I overhear on a daily basis both at work and around town. And I live in a blue state and am a professional.
Trump seizes on them for ammunition to justify his unlawful acts. So in that way they are dangerous.
This is the disconnect-I think he is losing popular approval on how he is handling the economy, which typically translates into low overall approval. Such is the grip of Trump over his cult members that it hasn’t happened yet. I think it ultimately will- but will it be too late?
Where is this? I sincerely question the polls...remember he sued or is suing Seltzer. I can't imagine it being difficult to intentionally skew results.
Doesn’t help that mainstream news media isn’t covering all the unconstitutional activity. Can barely find anything on so much of it. This pronouncement will probably not even cause much of a ripple.
Sure Heather, because your analysis of what was happening was so spot on. When did you realize we were entering fascism? After Schumer’s vote or before?
We made a free poster that people can grab from our website and print at home. Get messages in peoples faces by hanging stuff in your community. Even easy spots like bulletin boards and laundromats. Who will stop you? No one! Share truth in the real world. Off screen! 🚫📺🚫
lol! We used ai for those goons on our poster too. We definitely aren’t that good of artists, never claimed to be, lol. We just put the two together and added the sign in Elon’s hand. Ai can be harnessed for good still, maybe. 🤔
The media is suppose to report on things like this but because the media is owned by both parties in Congress they are on a campaign of MEDIA BLACK OUTS so that the American ppl don't see the devastation the DT admin refuses to help. DT gut FEMA no help coming.
No gods
No masters
No crinkle-cut fries
Indeed. No kings.
The Socialist Program with Brian Becker: Lenin and the Path to Revolution [Part 1] of 3
Episode webpage:
Media file:
Because you currently do have a King until proven otherwise.
No America, only:
Time for a new Tea Party. The Fourth of July party demands the independence of all Americans from kings and tyrants. Remove this regime by 250th birthday of the Republic!
Just sayin
so tell us: what concrete specific suggestion do you have ?
what ideas do you have for stuff I, and others, can do today, next month, to help slow down trump ?
surely this is something you should be doing ???
I have no friends in Louisiana or Idaho, but urge people, if you do know someone in those states, have them
not a lot, what I can think of
I have been to maybe 5 rallies (standup for science and teslatakedown) in the last month or so
I donate, what for me is a fair amount, to people running for house seats in 2026, or special elections
make sure my state AG has enough $ to fund anti trump lawsuits
urge the state to proudly and loudly stand up for DEI/LGBTQ and if the state uni is attacked tell trump to take his blantanly illegal acts and shove them
I think HCR's greatest contribution to all this is the reporting and analysis she does. She's helped fill the black hole the main stream media has become.
To my mind, that's what she's contributing, and I think it's really quite important.
There is nothing new under the sun.
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
Episode 65: Trump Replaces Voice of America with KGB-FM
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stampify, the new platform for philatelists.
#Trump #VOA #Rubio
… we sure are damn heavy on court jesters….
they spent 4 years bashing biden as the economy was booming
They have to appeal to other rich people-the companies buying advertising.
That's always going to give legacy media a rightward slant.
It's getting worse, from what I can tell.
For example when saying they are being censored having no one to say they aren't
personally, i first noticed it during the BLM protests in 2020 (1/2)
This country is headed towards some very dangerous times if he continues to spew nonsense like this... 🤨🙄🤦♂️
#NotMyFelon #CareerCriminal #NoRuleOfLaw #PresidentsAreNotKings
& I feel & believe we could & should get AOC elected POTUS.
- Provided we get to keep Our Great Democratic Republic, presumably by Congress stepping up & acting like real Americans as they should...
Who are the “Americans” in the poll? Americans still watching NBC and CNN may not be a definitive sample.
Trump seizes on them for ammunition to justify his unlawful acts. So in that way they are dangerous.
PaperAmmunition Dot Com
The idea sustained us for 250 years.
Let's not give up on it now.
Collage, 2.25" x 3.43," 3/25.
The media is suppose to report on things like this but because the media is owned by both parties in Congress they are on a campaign of MEDIA BLACK OUTS so that the American ppl don't see the devastation the DT admin refuses to help. DT gut FEMA no help coming.
🤡 👑