Here’s the story for those wondering. What brought it to light was a missing persons case. Turns out the police ran over a guy, then just buried him out back of the jail without bothering to notify next of kin even though there was ample ID on the victim’s body.
From another report:
“Blame for these botched cases has fallen primarily on the Hinds County coroner’s office and the Jackson Police Department. Each agency points a finger at the other.”
Our beloved motto:
Nos errata sepelimus
Will be interested to see what else is uncovered, and I don't necessarily think reporting that gets folks to pay attention is a bad thing.
For example, human trafficking?
(Understand that I mean “properly managed” purely from a sanitation perspective, because cops burying their mistakes is improper management on many levels.)
I definitely believe a cop coincidentally got in a "car accident" with the child of a woman whose other son they murderer and who was also suing them about it! Very credible!
The numbers are horrifying.
At least that’s the way they acted here.