Because everyone is late or trying to beat an imaginary record. Plus we're all selfish entitled assholes who think the road belongs to us exclusively. Pretty simple.
Why do you think this was even about you? It's incredible how defensive car people are whenever somebody says something negative about driving or positive about other options. If it doesn't work for you, then do your thing. Just don't get in the way of people who can and do use other modes.
Nothing to do with me. but hey, on a totally unrelated note, let's go ahead and keep the left in a walkable city bubble pretending nobody else exists or matters, that has been working splendidly for us in elections so far right?
urban areas, sure. Not "bike friendly areas." Break it down further, and there's a lot of work to do as most "urban areas" are also not bike friendly, many remain food deserts, etc.
Presenting it as an us vs them culture war issue, just adding drivers to a long list of "enemies" is not helping.
It’s pretty obvious, if you want to move any cargo bigger than you can comfortably carry it needs to be in a car. Bikes are not a replacement for that, nor trains. No quick stops at the store, no convenient place to keep lots of knick knacks out and about.
I very rarely need to transport something I can't handle on a bike, especially groceries. But you are setting up a strawman with this line of debate. Most of the time, cars are transporting a single person. Some of those trips can be replaced quite easily by a joyful bike ride.
Not really in 95% of US cities, towns, and villages. Society is not built like whoville outside of NYC, a bike goes 10mph, a car can do 30 trivially, making travel time 1/3rd of what it might otherwise be. Time is money, to say nothing of the effort of a bike vs a car.
When there is traffic, which is most of the time people actually want to go somewhere, I ride faster than the cars are moving. But also, why are you in such a hurry? Perhaps that's what leads to the anger?
Also basically any other form of cargo like a bag, cart, bike, etc is much easier to steal or break into than a car which sets off the loudest alarm known to man if you break into it
cars are great when infrastructure is suited to them, but typically making good car infrastructure makes pedestrian and cyclist options worse. The problem with this "debate" is city people forgetting that places outside of cities exist.
It’s almost exclusively NYC and DCNOVA people trying to policy the rest of America into being part of their travel ecosystem without having to learn to drive.
Like this guy is clearly someone who rides the T or his bike in Boston suburbs (shit place to drive) and is mad he can’t take it all the way to NYC or Bangor, but these people tend to also vote for NIMBYs who prevent any transit development.
Ooh, a withering riposte! I've been thoroughly humiliated and put in my place. If only I could have recognized the supremacy of cars. Alas, now it is too late, for the cult has me in its clutches
I think people confuse the advantages of being able to move 60 mph whenever you want with being advantages of driving specifically. Because I like being able to go get food from a place more than a mile away quickly, but still think of driving as a form of torture.
Its only so in the adverts. Reality is hassle and expensive, and that is always someone else's fault. I get to meetings just as quickly by bike as colleagues in their cars.
The car that makes your drive comfortable costs twice as much to insure, it turns out. My ins payment is a lot of people's car loan payment. there's no consistently viable way to make driving cost much less than the IRS rate.
But no alternatives for 99% of the land area of US, so pointless talk.
The fact that you live in a bikeable city is irrelevant to the most people who don't. "then just move" is putting the cart before the horse, people need to live near their jobs, it's all circular and can't be solved instantly. one size fits all can't exist in this space.
I’m constantly having to remind myself that I’m part of a bigger network and that I’m not the special one. Helps a lot with the idiots suddenly moving 3 lanes over with no blinkers. If I didn’t have music, I’d probably rage a lot more.
Yeah, I like to imagine myself as a twig in a stream. No amount of consternation is going to get me downstream any faster. In the meantime, my responsibility is to hold the line as far as safety, yielding to vulnerable street users etc. But the honking, riding my ass, swerving around etc does grate
Taking people’s cars away is such a strawman, no one was ever going to do that. But when comfortable nimby’s see a dollar going to a new rail line or a parking spot removed for a bike lane, they like to imagine themselves victims
I think it’s just that- drown them out. Show up to the inconveniently-scheduled town halls, and speak up. Elect the right people. Bother said electeds. Etc. Tiresome unglamorous work changes the world, or so i have to believe
Too many things the brain has to process at once. It creates stress. Remember, we evolved at the speed of walking with a lot less to process in our surroundings at any given time.
I dunno, walking through Wülferhampton requires one to be constantly alert to the risk of attacks by rabid squirrels, while orcas await round every corner, and you can’t hear yourself think due to the squawking chaffinches and yapping dogs.
Just read your bio and followed. What are your views on rail (metro/commuter/HSR intercity) as an alternative to both road and short/medium distance air travel?
I have a cheap convertible sports car, and I'm not working an office job anymore. I see what you're saying, but I feel very far away from a total rage meltdown and everything around me is super cool to drive though.
I think the actual answer is that everyone is so invested in the promised comfort, speed and convenience that when they don't get that it's like a kick in the teeth.
Meanwhile they could just fuck off and walk, but that would be oppression
I agree, you should take the train and the subway. Nearest train station is 40 minutes from my house and has two trains a day, what should I do?
Why do you think this is about an "identity"?
Nothing to do with me. but hey, on a totally unrelated note, let's go ahead and keep the left in a walkable city bubble pretending nobody else exists or matters, that has been working splendidly for us in elections so far right?
Presenting it as an us vs them culture war issue, just adding drivers to a long list of "enemies" is not helping.
Get new material, reruns bore me
But no alternatives for 99% of the land area of US, so pointless talk.
I think one of the big overlooked ones is stress. Most are in denial that their choice of 'freedom' is actually very stressful.
Meanwhile they could just fuck off and walk, but that would be oppression
You sound like Trump.